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037. | JUST CHAPTER 37

"You coming out anytime soon?" Josh knocked on Iris's door.

"No." she groaned. "Now go away."

He sighed before walking into Iris's room. "I've had my share of breakups, Iris. You'll get through this."

"But you haven't been through a broke up with him! Kol is so much different compared to other guys. He is the guy." Iris groans as she falls back onto her bed.

"Kol said he only wanted you though." Josh points out.

"You're taking his side. Are you seriously taking his side?" Iris says.

"I'm not taking any sides." Josh puts his hands up in defense.

"You should be taking mine!" Iris exclaims before getting out of bed. "I need a drink."

"You've already drunk all the bourbon." Josh tells her.

"Not that kind of drink." she looks over at him before walking towards the door, but Josh vamp speeds in front of her.

"You told me to break your neck if you ever wanted to feed on someone! Do I have to break your neck right now?" he says.

"I'm not just gonna feed on just anyone. I'm gonna feed in Kol." Iris smiles.

"Definitely not." Josh places his hands on her shoulders. "Just take a deep breath, calm down, and I'll call Marcel over."


"I'm gonna kill him." Marcel says angrily as he paces around the room thinking of all the ways he could kill Kol.

"You're overreacting more than me." Iris says.

"Are you okay? Do I need to kill him?" Marcel rushes over to her. "I'll kill him if I need to kill him. I have no problem with that. In fact, I'd enjoy to kill him."

"Thanks, Marcel." Kol appears in the doorway. "Mind if I have a chat with Iris?"

Marcel gets up and vamp speeds over to him. He grabs onto his throat and pushes him against the wall.

"It's fine, Marcel." Iris sighs.

"Maybe we should go." Josh grabs Marcel and tries to pull him out of the room.

After a minute or so, Marcel stopped randomly popping back into the room to check in Iris.

"You can... sit." Iris gestures to the end of them bed.

"Right..." Kol sits down awkwardly. "I can't do this, Iris. I can't be apart from you. I don't know how to."

"You were apart from me for 1000 years. I think you can handle a few months." Iris shrugs.

"Months?!" he exclaims. "This is ridiculous. We don't need to break up because we're perfect together. We're the couple that don't break up. We're soulmates, darling."

Iris sighs. She was tired of repeating the same thing, but Kol's feelings for Davina was the problem between them. "Do you like Davina? Do you want to be with her?"

"No!" Kol says.

Iris listened to his heart beat, but it was weird. She couldn't tell if he was lying or not. It seemed like he was being truthful to one question and lying about the other.

MONSTER - mikaelson, kolحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن