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Iris waited outside of Elijah's bedroom door for Klaus. He'd being going in and out to check on him ever since he came back from his mother's torture. Iris still didn't know about Finn and Kol being in the witches bodies because Klaus planned on not telling her.

He didn't want to give her hope that Kol would be back forever because he knew how his mother was, and he didn't want Iris to go through that pain again.

"How is he?" Iris asks as Klaus walks out of the room.

"The same." Klaus sighs. "I don't know what to do."

"Just be there." Iris tells him. "That's all you really can do."

"Are you hungry?" Klaus asks the girl.

"No. I just ate. I have half a sandwich if you want it, though." she offers.

"Of course I want it." Klaus laughs.


"So, where have you been?" Iris asks as Davina finally answers the phone.

"Sorry. Lot's been going on. I'm really stressed out." she answers.

"Anything I can help with? I have a bowl of grapes and sparkling water with your name on it." Iris smiles.

"Sounds amazing, but—"

"No." Iris whines. "No buts. I haven't seen you in days and it's kind of weird. I miss you and I'm all alone with Klaus and Elijah is in this weird— Sleep thing. I'm lonely."

"Where's Josh?" Davina asks.

"Doing Marcel business, and you answered your phone before him, so can we please meet up?" Iris begs. "I'll pay for our next breakfast, lunch, or dinner date."

"You're quite the charmer, Iris, but maybe another time? Don't hate me, I just really need to work on this spell." Davina says.

Iris groans. "Fine. There's something I wanted to do anyways."

"Yeah, what?" she asks.

"Go to Mystic Falls."


"Knock Knock." Iris walks into her sister and Caroline's dorm.

"Iris?!" they both immediately stand up.

"I've missed you guys." she goes and hugs them. "How is everyone?"

"Honestly. Life is kind of..." Elena trails off.

"I get it, trust me." Iris tells them.

"New Orleans not it either?" Caroline asks, and Iris shakes her head. "Wait— Are you moving back?"

"No." Iris laughs. "I like where I am. I like being with Klaus and his family."

"Really?" they ask at the same time.

The raven haired girl laughs again. "Yes. But what problems are you guys trying to solve today? Maybe I can help."

Caroline and Elena look at each other before turning back to the girl. "You might want to sit down."

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