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The Gilbert girls walk down to the Salvatore basement in hopes to talk with the sane Alaric, they know and love. The girls stopped in front of the door Damon told them he put Alaric.

"Ric?" Iris questioned as his small breathes filled her ears.

"Yep?" he responded. "Still me."

Elena opened the door and they walked in. Iris smiled at her "guardian", a comforting feeling falling over her as he smiled back.

"Looking good, Ric." she laughed.

"You know you two shouldn't be in here. Defeats the point of the whole, being locked in a cellar thing." Alaric tells the two.

"Well, you still need the basics. Toothbrush, clothes, some boring books to help you sleep." Elena says.

""Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde"?" he questioned one of the books, making Iris smile.

"What? No, I got— Damon. Thinks he's hilarious." Elena sighs.

"At least one of us still has a sense of humor—" Alaric stops as Iris picks up the book and starts laughing. "Okay. Let's make that two."

"Are you sure that you— I mean, you don't have to be kept in here." Elena says.

"Oh, no, this is... This is the right place for me to be. At least until you guys can convince my highly uncooperative alter ego to 'fess up to where I— Or... he hid the white oak stake." Alaric says.

"I'm sure I could." Iris smiled before revealing her fangs.

"We looked everywhere." Elena glares at her sister to tell her to put her fangs away. "You... the other you hid it well."

"What's Klaus going to do if you can't find it?" the man asks.

"What do you think?" Iris asks. "I'm sure there's enough werewolf bites to go around."

"Klaus stuff." Elena points her head at her sister. "Listen, Stefan is going to watch over you for a little while. Now that Klaus knows where Jeremy is, it's not safe. So... Damon and I are going to go to Denver to pick him up."

"Why do you say that like you're waiting for me to disapprove?" Alaric asks.

"Because you, and everyone else senses there's something going on between the two. Which is why I'll be joining." Iris smiles.

"I'm kind of curious what Stefan has to say about you and Damon, Elena." Alaric confesses.

"Here's the real shocker..." Iris says.

"It was his idea." Elena sighs. "He thinks that I have some unresolved feelings for Damon."

"Do you?" he asks.

Elena hesitated before speaking. "I guess that's why I'm going in this trip."

"She does." Iris speaks up. "I'm going to be the cockblocker." Elena groans as she glared at Iris. "Kidding. I'm going for Jer."

"I'm sorry. What the hell?" Iris questions as she sees Jeremy in a batting cage, but her shocked expression fell when he completely missed the ball.

"Next time we compel him, remind me to make him better at baseball." Damon says.

"Jeremy!" Iris calls out with a smile.

"Iris? Elena?" he smiles before looking at Damon. "What's wrong?"

Jeremy gets out of the batting cages and the four start walking as Damon explains everything to Jeremy.

MONSTER - mikaelson, kolحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن