"Helloooo?" Haven answered.

"Hi, are you busy dear?"

The woman damn near swerved off the street. She quickly regained her composure and gripped the steering wheel. Keeping a firm hold on the phone as she straightened her spine and nodded.

"I-I'm driving but I can talk." She stuttered.

"Excellent." Hoseok responded. "I was actually calling with a request for a change in our usual plans on Sunday."

Haven really hoped he didn't cancel. Because that would hurt. She was looking forward to seeing him. If he wasn't there she would just be eating alone. The thought made haven not want to eat at all. Perhaps she was becoming very reliant on Hoseok's company.

"I'm listening." She said.

"Instead of us staying at your place, how about I take you out?"

Okay. Not what she was expecting, but still lovely to hear.

Haven didn't know what to say. It would be nice to go out with hoseok but at the same time it was extremely risky. He had a large fanbase here in New York alone, in Manhattan alone. Haven knew it would be a bold choice.

But on the other hand she could care less about being caught by those people. She just wanted to enjoy Hoseok. His company. His conversation. His funny stories.

She didn't find herself caring as much about the risk once she realized that this opportunity was already rare. And yet she had it right here.

"Are you still there?" Hoseok asked sounding concerned. Haven smiled as she stopped behind a line of cars at the red light.

"Yes I'm still here."

"You could've just said no. You don't have to ignore me, beautiful." He joked.

"N-no! I mean, no as in my not ignoring you. I actually would love to go out and eat if that's something you want to try on Sunday. I just wished you would've said something before I went out and purchased the ingredients for the meal I planned on making."

"I apologize. The the thought had been on my mind since this morning but I got wrapped up in work. I'll give you the money back for the ingredients. And we can just enjoy what you planned on next Sunday?" He negotiates.

Haven felt her heart flutter. He wasn't real at this point. He was just so perfect. She kind and sweet. It was scary once you seen your exact type of dream man actually existed. And better yet, you were involved with each other.

"You don't need to pay me anything and you also don't have to apologize. I'll be ready tomorrow by..."

"By 7 pm. I'll be there with...a gift."

"A gift?" Haven raised a brow as the traffic started moving. Hoseok nodded on the other end, pulling out a cigarette and then his lighter.

"May I atleast know what it is?" Haven asked.

"Nice try darling, but no."

"A hint atleast? Come on. Throw me a bone." Haven said. She hated surprises. No matter how little they were.

"Hmmm a hint..." hoseok looked up in deep thought. "You can wear it. And that's all I'll say."

Written Desires | J.hsWhere stories live. Discover now