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[ Y/n ]

I sat in the theater alone, crying my eyes out. I miss Mike. What is going on now? What does he mean he's keeping me safe? What grabbed me? Am I losing my mind?


I looked up at the person before sighing relieved. 

Eddie sat down next to me, looking at me with so much care for me.

The same look Mike has.

"Are you ok? Where's Wheeler?"

"We broke up." I cried, covering my face so he couldn't see me. I don't feel pretty when I cry. Even though Mike tells me I do... That my crying breaks even the coldest peoples hearts.

"Oh... Hey... Hey it's ok."

He put an arm around me and lifted the arm rest between us. "I feel like this town is making me lose my mind." I cried.

Eddie nodded, laughing a little.

"I think that's Hawkins for you... You either die or lose your mind in the process right?"

I looked up at him and he studied my lips for a moment before leaning in. He moved his hands to my cheeks to wipe away the tears.

It feels different. Almost wrong.

The only person I've ever kissed was Mike. Eddie pulled away, studying me for a moment for any sort of sign to not do it again.

I leaned in this time, kissing him. Eddie moved a hand down to my hips to pull me closer to him.

He's very attractive.

And skilled.

It makes me realize how awkward Mike was.

But I really liked his awkwardness.

"I can treat you well." Eddie whispered.

I looked at him and he smiled at me.

"What... Are you implying?" I replied.

"Come on, Y/n... Be my girlfriend for a little while. Till Mike can't take it. Then you get Wheeler back and I get a fantastic campaign to play... Plus I'd love to be able to say you were mine at some point... You are quite beautiful."

I felt my cheeks flush as I looked around.

Date Eddie?

Mike and I have only been broken up for four days...

"Ok... But only to make Mike jealous."


. . .

I laid in my bed, staring at my photos.

I'm not getting rid of any of these.

Mike looks too handsome in them.

I wonder how Mike is coping... But honestly he's probably fine.

[ Mike ]

This is hell.

I held my pillow against my face only because I physically couldn't get myself to stop crying or cry any quieter.

Suffocating myself is better than my mom coming in to comfort me right now.

I want her back to bad it hurts. My heart genuinely feels broken. I can't handle it.

I just want her to stay safe... If I lost Y/n... If she died...

The thought made me shudder and I continued to sob into my pillow.

She's still my girl, right?

She won't move on.

She can't.

She told me I'm her one and only forever.

I'm her one and only.

𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 ✦ 𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐫Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu