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Sorry this yassified song had to be used it was too good not to use 🫶🏻

[ Mike ]

The tension was unbearable at our campaigns. No one knew about any of the situation and yet they spent most of their time looking back from Eddie to me then back to Eddie again.

I sat at the lunch table eating silently with Y/n by my side. She didn't seem bothered by Eddie's taunting stares.

"Why's there a cheerleader here?" Jared mumbled.

Y/n looked up, glancing around for which one of them said it.

"She's my girlfriend." I muttered as if she hadn't been sitting with us for a while before... Well they should know.

The tension is almost suffocating.

I want to fucking scream just get over it! Just get over it she was never yours! You took her from me not the other way around!

But well...

Eddie didn't touch her when we were together.

That was the mistake I had made.

Jared started talking to Y/n cautiously, like if he said the wrong thing she'd bite his head off but she was comfortable, talking easily to him.

Everyone seemed to lighten up the more she talked and finally, for the first time in what felt like years, we were all relaxed.

Eddie not as much as he used to be but less tense than usual.

"So... If we went up and talked to them do you think they'd give us a chance?"

Everyone's heads turned to Y/n who's eyes had widened. She laughed softly but not in a mocking way before answering, "Well they all have boyfriends..."

Good answer.

[ Y/n ]

Mike still seemed really tense. Like he was fighting not to yell at everyone to shut up and stop annoying him. I cautiously took the fruit off of his tray, passing him my mashed potatoes.

Mike smiled at me for a second before continuing to eat.

Ok, I think he's relaxing finally.

.  .  .

Mike held my hips as he made out with me the bleachers providing just enough cover from the rain. I shivered a little but tried not to show how cold I was.

Mike pulled away, turning me around and opening my backpack.

"You have it for a reason."

Mike pulled out my jacket and zipped up my backpack, taking it off of me.

He slipped my jacket on then zipped it up for me.

He's cute like that.

Mike leaned back in, pressing his lips back to mine. His cold hands finding their way onto my face. I smiled as he kissed down my neck for a moment before moving back up to my lips again.


We both turned to the voice, which was just Eddie.

"You should be preparing for the campaign."

"But I have half an hour before-"

"It has to be perfect, Mike. And when you set it up in 30 minutes after school it isn't perfect. So you're going to spend your study hall working on it."

I looked over at Mike who was staring emotionlessly at Eddie.

He handed me my backpack and walked out of the bleachers, past Eddie, into the school.

Eddie looked back at me before coming under with me.

"You said you wouldn't be mean to him." I tried to sound intimidating and serious but the cold and my pity for Mike made my voice shake a little.

"I'm not being mean. He knows his responsibilities. You know how important this is, Y/n."

I crossed my arms over my chest, clenching my teeth so they wouldn't chatter.

"It's obvious you're cold. Come on. We'll go to the theater with Mike." Eddie sighed.

"You're just going to taunt him."

"Then you'll go to the theater and I'll go to the library but please, just go inside Y/n/n. That little skirt is not helping you."

I sighed and walked past him, hurrying to the theater.

[ Mike ]

It's. Never. Good. Enough.

I'm never good enough.

This stupid club is so fucking hard to appease.

I slammed pieces down one after another, preparing the board for when the guys would get here.

The theater doors opened and I fully expected it to be Eddie but Y/n came running in.

She took her jacket off, sitting in one of the front row seats while I continued to try to figure out what I had to do to make it perfect.

We're just going to move all these fucking pieces in a hour anyways.

Y/n pulled out what I assume was homework to work on while I continued.

I just want to be kissing her.

But this pressure that was building up more and more by the day was all I could think about at school now.

So this is what I would focus on.

𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 ✦ 𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now