Chapter 10 Never-Ending Summer Party~ Pt.1

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Emma's POV
It's 12:30. I have to be ready by 5:30. I have time. I do my bed, take a shower, and watch T.V in my bed. I hear a knock at my bedroom door, so, I get up and answer it. It's Elijah.
"Hey Emma, what should I wear for the Never-Ending Summer Party? This or this?" (Picture above)
"Wait... Your going to the party? With who??"
"Yea. I asked her yesterday, when Daniel was doing that thing for you. She wanted to play here."
"Oh, well, I think you should were the white button-up shirt."
"Ok, thanks!"
"No problem."
He left and I watched T.V for a while longer. At around 4:35 I start to get dressed. I put on a yellow dress, with black flats, and blue earrings. Then, I do my hair. I'm twisting both sides from the front of my hair and then, I clip them in the back of my head with a bobby pin. I left the rest loose. When I finished I heard a knock at the door. I go downstairs and I see its Andi. She was wearing a purple dress that reached her knees & converse. (Picture above.)
"Hey, Andi!"
"Hey, Em!"
"So Andi, I didn't think that you would want to go to the party, with a date!"
"Yea, but, I thought about it, and I don't want to be alone for the rest of my life, since Phillip isn't here."
"Well, that's true."
Just then, Elijah came down wearing a white shirt with black pants and black shoes.
"Hey, Andi!" He said.
"Hi, Elijah." She said, nervously.
"So, should we wait for Daniel to come, or do we go already?"
"Let's, wait."
We all sat down on the couch for about 5 minutes, then Danny rang the doorbell.
"Hey, Danny!" I said.
"Hey, Em!"
"So, are you guys ready?" I asked.
🌟✨🌟✨🌟✨🌟✨🌟 Never-Ending Summer Party 🌟✨🌟✨🌟✨🌟✨🌟
Maddie's POV
Me, The Panthers, and 'Proxy' are at beach for the party. Gigi is filming everything. I wonder what she is going to say about Elijah. I see Emma, Daniel, Andi, & Elijah are here already.
"Hey, guys!" I say
"So, Elijah are you enjoying the party?"
"Yea! The beach is so cool and everyone seems nice!"
Just then, Sebastian and Gigi or 'Miss. Information' came towards me, The Panthers, 'Proxy', Andi, Emma, Daniel, and Elijah.
"This is Miss. Information coming to you live form the Never-Ending Summer Party, where there seems to be a new person here! So, how come you're here with Andi, Emma, Daniel, Maddie, Diego, & The Panthers?" She asked Elijah.
"GIGI!" 'Proxy' yelled, as he cut off Elijah.
"I don't want you interviewing my friends or me!"
"Hey, it's my duty to fill in our fellow Iridiumites, with the latest gossip!"
"Well, go gossip about someone else!"
"UGH! Why do you have to be so- UGH!" She said, as she marched away.
"That's Gigi, my annoying little sister." 'Proxy' said to Elijah.
"Oh. Then why did she just call herself 'Miss. Information'?" Elijah asked.
"Oh, cause she is the BIGGEST gossip at Iridium High. She has her own blog and EVERYONE in the school sees it. So, you'll be seeing a lot of her."
"So are we gonna just stand here? Or are we gonna have some fun!" Daniel said.
"So let's go!" Emma said.
We went our separate ways after that.
Daniel's POV
Me & Emma just ran into Jax & the new girl. I don't know her name though.
"Hey, Em!" Jax said, stretching his arms out to give her a hug.
"Hey, Jax!" She said, going towards him.
*Cough, Cough.*
"Oh sorry!" They said.
"So, um, Jax, you came here with um, Melody?" Emma asked.
"Yea." He sighed.
"Yea, He did. So um, what are the words, BACK OFF!!" Melody exclaimed.
"Wow, Melody calm down." Jax said.
"UGH! He probably just wants to be with my Em." I thought
"So, Em, I'll go get us some drinks." I said.
I don't know why, but I just wanted to leave. Plus, I have to get ready for the surprise I'm doing for Emma. I started to walk towards the beach, I saw Emma coming towards me.
"Daniel! Hi!"
"Hi." I said
"Are you mad at me?" She asked.
"No." I replied.
"Common sweetie! What's wrong?"
"Uh. Just... trying it out."
"Look, I don't want to fight!" She said, grabbing my arm.
"If it's Jax, he means NOTHING to me!"
"Really?" I asked, with a little bit of sacrcasim.
"Yea! YOU mean everything to me!" She said.
And before I knew it, we kissed. But, it wasn't a regular kiss. It was, different. We finally stopped and I saw Mia!
"Mia!?!?" I said, real confused.
And then I don't know what happened, but, I wasn't myself anymore. I was a different Daniel.
Mia's POV
Yes!!! I put the seal on him and I got a kiss! Let's see what Emma thinks about Daniel now!
Daniel Darko!! Lol! So, what do you guys think Jax & the others are gonna think? Most of you may know. 😂😂 Thanks for getting me to 2.74k almost 3k!! ❤️❤️❤️

A love that ALMOST falls ~ Every Witch Way (Discontinued)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin