44. Mistletoe and Wine

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December 23rd
'Christmas time, Mistletoe and Wine, children singing Christian rhymes..' Rosé had blasted the volume of the radio as soon as the song had come on and was dancing around the pairs kitchen. Rainbow High had broken up the previous week for Christmas and New Year so Lisa and Rosé's days were spent lazily wrapped up in blankets or doing 'Christmas-based activities' which generally involved Rosé dragging Lisa to all the Christmas shows and stores and of course, decorating the tree they had carefully placed in the corner.

"Turn that shit down, you're gonna piss of the neighbours, to hell with that, you're gonna piss off the whole state," Lisa groaned as she trudged into the room, cocooned in a flurry of blankets.

"Excuse me grumpy, it's not shit it's christmas music and to hell with the neighbours," Rosé laughed, "you'll be singing soon, just you wait."

"I'm not saying I won't be," the brunette smirked as she let herself fall on the couch. "So what have you planned for us today Park? Mentally psyching myself up to meet your dad?" Lisa asked with a slight cringe. Rosé's father was coming over on Boxing Day and it was the first time Lisa had met him in person.

"You might need it," Rosé teased, "it's a bit weird really, we've been together like 14 months and you still haven't met my father," she shrugged.

"Well I've done everything else apart from meet him haven't I, I guess... He's skyped you a few times and we had that proper awkward conversation on the phone, and he told me that he already knows a lot about me, I mean dos you have to send him that picture of me!" Lisa groaned with a chuckle.

"Well you were mixing and you looked cute, but yeah I guess... It shouldn't be much different, he already really likes you, from what both me and mom have said," Rosé poked Lisa's nose and the brunette grumbled.

"Doesn't make me any less nervous," Lisa shrugged.

"You'll be fineeee, oh and as for what I have planned for today. We can make those peppermint things, I looove them!"

"Peppermint creams?" Lisa cocked an eyebrow and Rosé nodded, "ok I'm definitely in I bloody love those things," Lisa grinned as she rolled off the couch.

"Hey, you're like a pig in blanket," Rosé cracked up as Lisa rolled around on the floor, huffing up at her, hair ending up sprawled on the carpet.

Lisa gave up, "oh well you're the one having sex with a pig," she grumbled.

"A sexy pig, I'll have you know," Rosé laughed as she offered her hand to help Lisa up, who reluctantly look it before hopping to her feet and dragging the blanket back into the bedroom.


"What on earth are all these?" Rosé asked as she came back from the bathroom.

"Well when I went to the store the other day, I picked up a bunch of food colourings, thought they might come in handy one day, and hello, many colours of peppermint creams," Lisa gathered the colourings as she spoke.

"Ah, now that is far from a bad idea," Rosé spoke as she leaned back against the kitchen island.

"Let's bake," Lisa put on a gravely voice as she spoke, "wait well, what do you call it? It's not baking really because you don't cook anything... Screw it," she laughed eventually.

"How'd you even make these? I can't remember..." Rosé scrunched her nose up in thought.

"Y'see Park this is why Google is my best friend," Lisa waved her phone at the blonde, a recipe on the screen.

"Well excuse me, I appear to have been replaced by a search engine?" Rosé asked.

"Don't be silly, Bambam's been replaced by a search engine," Lisa rolled her eyes but couldn't contain her laughter as Rosé's face turned shocked before she started playfully hitting the brunette, "alright, alright, you're better than them both," she whispered in Rosé's ear, causing her to pout but give out a chuckle.

"Right, no more fighting please," Lisa have Rosé a joking stare, "and we can proceed with our... baking?" Lisa shrugged as she spun around and began to gather the ingredients.


A couple of hours later, the pairs fridge was stocked full of chilling peppermint creams of different colours.

"Did we really need this many?" Rosé pondered whilst staring at the multiple shelves of blue, pink, green and white creams.

"Hey, I could eat like 20 of these a day, these are like some of the best treat things around at Christmas," Lisa grinned as she plucked one off a tray and ate it.

"Hmm they are good I'll give you that," the blonde smiled, "hey what time is it?"

"Just gone 2:30," Lisa swiped her phone and collapsed on the couch before jumping back up, "shit!"

"Huh?" Rosé asked.

"Kinda forgot to tell you that Jen and Jichu are coming at 3," Lisa grimaced.

"Idiot," Rosé laughed, "it's fine we'll just get ready," she shrugged.

"Yeah and I need to clean up the kitchen," Lisa shrugged as she trudged into the bedroom with a groan.


"Woah, who destroyed your kitchen," Jennie laughed as she poked her head around the door, "hey Lisa."

"Hey and can't you see I'm working on it!" Lisa half shouted from the kitchen as Jennie disappeared.

"Heyyy Lisaaaa!" Jisoo grinned as she leant against the kitchen island.

"Hey?" Lisa raised an eyebrow at Jisoo's greeting.

"Either you and Rosé have been having really messy kitchen sex, or you've been making something..."

"Ew Jisoo! We made peppermint creams gee," the brunette rolled her eyes.

"C'mon ditch the kitchen we brought wine," Jisoo groaned as she pulled Lisa into the living room where Rosé and Jennie were sat chatting. Jennie momentarily paused to raise the wine in Lisa's direction, eliciting a grin.

"Special occasion?" She asked.

"Yeah, it's called Christmas Lisa it's a magical thing that happens every year and it's really pretty and.. Magical an-" Rosé began teasing but stopped short when Jisoo started laughing and Jennie was grinning widely.

"Funny Park," Lisa rolled her eyes, "I'll get glasses."

"So what are you guys doing for Christmas?" Rosé asked.

"Well we're going to Jichu's parents tomorrow for dinner, spending Christmas Day with each other and then my folks on Boxing Day," Jennie explained.

"How about you two?" Added Jisoo.

"Well we're meeting Lisa's fathers for a big dinner on Christmas Day, and my family are coming down for Boxing Day," Rosé smiled.

"First time meeting the father face-to-face if I'm right eh?" Jisoo asked as she elbowed Lisa.

"Don't remind me," she grumbled.

"You'll be fine, my sister may or may not want to hear some mixes," Rosé rubbed her neck.

"Oh, even more to add to my nerves."

"Lisa you'll be fine," Jennie laughed as she picked up her wine glass.

"Agreed, stop panicking," Jisoo nodded.

The four carried on the evening and went through an extra two bottles of wine, Jisoo and Jennie crashed the night on the couches after being slightly more intoxicated then they would've hoped.

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The original story is from x_writer23
Please check out her stories! ❤

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