23. Complications

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Rosé and Lisa had been dating for a month, Jisoo and Jennie still didn't know exactly that they were dating but they knew that the two hung out regularly and had even gone to a date so they had their suspicions, but few lunch breaks the four spent together on a weekly basis was quite small so there was no surprise. It was the last hour of the Thursday school day, Rosé relaxed and sunk into her chair, she was lucky she had a free. The end of year school concert had been rapidly approaching and was in the middle of next month, Tuesday July 16th, a few days before the pupils broke up for the summer holidays on the Friday, the 19th.

The blonde began thinking... Rosé and Lisa had been on two more dates in the months and other times the pair would just relax around the others house, listening to mixes, watching movies, just talking, marking performances or sometimes books, occasionally baking or cooling together or simply enjoying eachothers company. Rosé smiled to herself, the past month had been great with Lisa. Even before the pair finally got together and Rosé was simply crushing on the talented musician who she thought would never ever like her back, she could tell Lisa was different and was going to make a large difference in her life, be it as friends or more.

The girl just gave Rosé the chills, the way a sexy smirk was almost always plastered on her face gave Rosé shivers. Then when the woman let her guard down a little for Rosé she saw a whole different side to her, underneath she was sensitive, therefore she built up a rough exterior to hide her inner self. When Rosé was with her she found herself smiling always, and she saw the fun side of Lisa, the girl who reciprocated her banter and made jokes with Rosé, smiling and laughing. And so Rosé fell for her more.

Then came the day that they kissed and it was blown to a totally different level, totally. Then the past few months where she's got to see the sweet, romantic version of Lisa on top of the snarky, sensitive side... It was beautiful. And what she made the blonde feel was beautiful, all worries disappeared and time seemed to slow down in the times they spent in eachothers arms, Rosé felt complete with Lisa. Sure Rosé had fallen for her, but now Rosé was falling in love with her and she couldn't stop it.

Rosé waltzed down the coridoors of Rainbow High with a giddy smile on her face, she was almost sure she loved Lisa, even if it had only been a month properly together. She knew Lisa had a class but she planned to just sit in the corner like usual and watch her girlfriend do her thing, the students were used to her being there and her presence didn't bother them.

She poked her head into the music hall,
"Miss Manoban?" a student asked.

"Yes..." Lisa looked up towards the student with a warm smile.

"Miss Park's here," the student said and the rest of the class looked towards her standing awkwardly half in and half out of the room. They exchange soon looks and there were a few laughs.

"Enough, guys. Come on in Miss Park," Lisa spoke, eyeing her students first then turning with a smile to Rosé, welcoming her into the room.

The pair spent the rest of the lesson in light chat as the students work, occasionally with Lisa being asked to help a pupil with a specific piece of work.

"I'm bloody shattered and it's only Thursday.." Lisa trailed off, groaning as she wiped down her board of the lessons objectives.

"Awh, is little Lisa not getting all the sleep she needs, whatcha been up to? Anything I can help with?" Rosé winked as Lisa just blushed and slapped her arm.

"Dude you're gross," she replied.

"Oooooh! You're not denying it, c'mon babe," Rosé teased as she pinched Lisa's cheek and wrapped her arms around the girl from behind, laughing.

"Back off," Lisa laughed as she spun round to face Rosé. The blonde was smiling broadly with a slight tint of playfulness in her eyes, Lisa loved her like this, when she was joking around and the pair were sharing their usual banter. Lisa couldn't help but lean forward and capture Rosé's lips in a light kiss, smiling into it as she lightly rested her hands on Rosé's waist.

Neither of the two necessarily meant it but the kiss started out easy but turned passionate, there was an element of rebellious-ness to it, sure the two had shared a few kisses whilst alone in the classrooms but it had never turned like this.

"Oh, hey Miss Manoban I-Urgh... Well..." A young man had entered the hall but was immediately reduced to stutters as he looked towards the two teachers clearly making out in front of them. At the sound of the boys voice both Lisa and Rosé's eyes widened in shock and fear and they immediately pushed apart from each other, sorting with their outfits and hair, even though they knew they had already been caught.

"I'm obviously, um, interrupting, I'll see you tomorrow Miss Manoban," the boy suddenly smirked as he spun in his heel and began to walk out of the hall.

"Wait!" Both the teachers said, raising their voices.

"Kim Seon-woo, come back here," Lisa spoke firmly but not angrily.

"It's Sunoo," he smiled smugly. He wasn't exactly a trouble maker, but anyone would revel in a bit of teacher gossip, even the most innocent of people.

"For a start you can wipe that smug grin off you're face," Rosé stated as she walked to behind Lisa. "What you just saw goes no further than the doors of this room, and I mean it. Mine and Lisa's personal life is nothing to do with you, so you will speak no more about it. You don't see us gossiping about what we see your students doing, do you?" The blonde spoke firmly as well.

"Well, how would I know-" he started, but was cut off by Lisa.

"Enough. We don't, Miss Park's right. So if I hear you've spoken about this, there will be circumstances, now go home like you were going to, I'll see you tomorrow." Lisa stated, opening to door and watching as he walked through it before sighing in relief.

"Oh, shit..." Rosé laughed.

"We have been caught," Lisa sat down atop one of the desks.

"Well it could've been worse," Rosé winked, gesturing to table beneath her and sliding her hand from Lisa's ankle up to her knee slowly before Lisa pushed it away.

"Dude, everything's so sexual with you!" She exclaimed, going red.

"You know you love it babe! Can I just say you're super hot when you're angry," she smirked as she leaned into Lisa.

"Well you're not too bad yourself Park," Lisa smirked, kissing the blonde softly before pulling away, "Mmm not risking it again today," she smiled as she pulled Rosé's hand, "c'mon Park it's time you got home I personally need a nap and I dunno about you," she laughed as she walked out the door with Rosé.

"Alright, bye Lili, I'll text youuuu," Rosé elongated the you as she spun Lisa to give her one last kiss before they both walked to their cars, smiling widely.

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The original story is from x_writer23
Please check out her stories! ❤

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