10. Words of 'Wisdom'

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"Hey, erm Bam, can I talk to you for a bit?" Lisa asked. It was Tuesday and Lisa couldn't stop thinking of what Rosé had said to her sleeping self. Whenever Lisa had a problem, she didn't like to admit it but she could always go to Bambam, he always knew what to do.

"Yeah, sure Lisa," Bambam replied with a smile, he turned to Jennie and Jisoo, who he was previously say enjoying his lunch break beforehand, "I'll leave you too to it, catch you later." He winked at Jisoo before turning and following Lisa out of the staff room and into an empty classroom nearby.

"So Lis, what's up," he turned to see Lisa sat on a table, legs swinging beneath the table because, of course, she was too short to touch the floor.

"Dude what I'm about to say doesn't leave the room okay?" Lisa quirked an eyebrow at Bambam, awaiting his response.

"Ooookay, sure thing," Bambam replied with a concerned look on his face.

Lisa drew a breath and started explaining, "So... It was the night of the party and as you knew me and Rosé were preeetty drunk and we did the usual dancing thing on the dance floor and she was kinda all over me and that it that not really what I wanted to talk to you about... So after we danced she said she wanted to go home so we walked back to her place and she practically begged me to stay so I slept over... In her, erm, bed."

"Man! Didn't think you'd do that!"

"I was drunk Bam... But yeah that's not the end. Basically she was all... cuddled up to me to sleep and then she must've woken up in the middle of the night the same time as me but she didn't know I was up... Then, erm, basically she started talking to me. And she said that she like me, like a lot, and I don't know whether she was drunk or sober but I can't stop thinking about it. So yeah that's it."

"Woah. That's big I guess, but the real question is... Do you want her to like you Lisa? Do you like her 'a lot' back?" Bambam wiggled his eyebrows at Lisa and she sighed.

"I dunno dude, I mean she's like totally hot and you know I'm gay so y'know. But it's not just her looks you see, she makes me feel so relaxed and she brings out the eehh, softer, side of me if you know what I mean. And I feel like I can talk to her about anything and she just understands me. Obviously she's also like awesomely talented and nice.  But I don't know dude."

"You don't know? You're being serious Lisa! After all you just said your telling me you don't know!" Bambam laughed at Lisa.

"Ok!! So I have the hots for her and like her 'a lot' too I admit it! But urgh, what do I do? I don't even know if she's was dunk or really meant it..." Lisa groaned.

"Well maybe I can help you with that..." Bambam scratched the back of his neck.

"What do you know.... Urgh I knew she didn't like me she's like totally straight she's practically a ruler I bet you," Lisa's face dropped as she put her head in her hands.

"Lisa calm down I haven't even finished. She talked to me like 2 weeks ago, she likes you dude she likes youuuu!" Bambam ran up to Lisa and shook her shoulders. Lisa's face instantly brightened before her eyebrows creased and her mouth drew into a line.

"What do I do...?" Lisa asked. "like oh god... What do I do!!" Lisa had started pacing the room as she panicked about how to ask Rosé out or just tell her she likes her back.

"Dude don't panic we'll sort this out, how about you just ask her out? It doesn't have to be a date just ask her for a coffee one day and we'll see how it goes and then... We can have a chat about how to ask her out properly. Trust me, this will mean you can learn more about her as a friend rather than a colleague. You got this Lis, I gotta go now. Good luck." Bambam gave Lisa a side hug and strolled out of the room with a light chuckle and a smile on his face.

"Thanks dude, I'll try," Lisa smiled and exited the classroom back to the music hall to teach her next class, thinking of how to subtly ask Rosé for a coffee.

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The original story is from x_writer23
Please check out her stories! ❤

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