14. Stunned

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"Mmm sure why not I've nothing better to do... but the mix... I don't know, maybe Park" Lisa smirked.

Rosé walked into Lisa's apartment with a smile on her face and began walking around. When she'd came before she had only ever seen Lisa's lounge and her kitchen. She wandered around the rooms aimlessly looking around. Lisa's place was cosy, but in a subtle way, there were a few frames pictures hanging from the walls here and there and occasionally a potted plant to lift the demeanour of the place. Rosé's stopped outside the only room that had its door closed, 'This must be her bedroom' Rosé thought.

"Yes, you can go in, no biggie," Lisa smirked as she came round the corner to see Rosé simply standing outside her door, "it might be messy I have no idea," she stated honestly.

Lisa's room was slightly different from the feel around the rest of the house, a small keyboard sat propped up against the girls wardrobe, obviously where she practices for the piano.

"Hey, why have you only got a keyboard and not a piano?" Rosé asked, lightly skimming her hand over the keys.

"Yeah, you try and fit a piano in this room Park," Lisa laughed before continuing, "nah it's just that obviously a piano can't really fit. So I use a keyboard coz it's the same keys just a kind of different sound."

Rosé hummed in response and looked around the room again, it was quite tidy. Rosé's eyes were drawn to a poster opposite Lisa's wardrobe, stuck on the wall with... Blu-tac?

"I got it when I was 19, from my parents. It's signed... you see, by him, Calvin Harris. He was a great DJ and I wanted to be like him when I was younger, so my parents bought me this on my birthday and I've kept it ever since" Lisa interrupted before Rosé could ask about the poster.

"Cool," was Rosé's simple reply. She then turned to Lisa with an exited look in her eye, "Will you... Show me one? Just one?" She pleaded as she held Lisa by her forearms.

"Wait in the lounge," Lisa smiled and Rosé practically jumped on her in excitement, hugging her repeating 'thank you' as she walked out the door towards the lounge.

The pair sat on the sofa as Lisa scrolled through her mixes as she tried to find one suitable for Rosé.

The brunette found that she felt ready to show Rosé her mixes, yes they were quite personal to her but they had become very close over the past few months and Lisa felt she could trust her. Soon, she hoped to tell Rosé how she felt, she just needed to figure out how. The thought itself and having to keep her feelings to herself was simply killing her.

Lisa found a mix and turned to Rosé who had turned to inspecting her nails, she coughed to get the girls attention, then once again a bit louder
"Huh? Oh sorry Lili I must've drifted off for a second," Rosé laughed.

"You don't say huh, here I found one," Lisa took her beats headphones and placed them carefully over Rosé's ears then sat back and flicked to the mix, she looked at Rosé once more who gave her a warm smile. Lisa hit play on the mix and mentally cringed, nervous about what Rosé would think of her music.

A few minutes later, Lisa hit pause at the last second of her mix and cautiously glanced at Rosé with a hopeful look on her face.

"Mmmm what does that face mean Rosie...." Lisa said hesitantly as she watched Rosé sit silently, headphones loose round her neck.

Lisa clicked her fingers in front of the blondes face a few times before Rosé simply turned to Lisa and beamed.

"Dude, you seriously creeped me out there I though like you were sleeping with your eyes open! Did you, erm, like it?" Lisa rubbed the back of her neck nervously.

Rosé's smile just seemed to get brighter when Lisa asked her that, "Did I like it? Wait, you did that right, your not just like playing Calvin Harris to me..." Rosé asked laughing, Lisa simply shook her head in response.

Lisa was least expecting Rosé to do what she did next. The headphones were discarded gently on the coffee table and Rosé's arms were wrapped round Lisa's neck,

"Lisa that was fucking amazing, i didn't like it I loved it! I can't believe you don't show other people this its awesome!" Rosé squealed into Lisa's ear as she squeezed Lisa tight in her embrace. She finally released and Lisa's stormy eyes locked into the dark brown orbs of Rosé's and she gave a bright, genuine smile.

"Thanks Rosie, that meant a lot. Like properly... Thanks," Lisa blushes slightly and looked down.

A few hours, some Netflix and a few more mixes later, Rosé decided she'd call it a day, she rose from the couch.

"Right Manoban I better be going," she stated.

"I'll show you out," Lisa said, getting up and walking towards the door.

"What a gentleman..."

"Well, I try my best," Lisa smirked. Rosé got her jacket and walked out the door briefly then spin around again to face Lisa, "Thanks for today, it was good to y'know not talk about work that much and just get to know you... I can tell we're gonna be close friends," Rosé laughed and winked, "and you should totes show me some more mixes when you make them," she smiled.

"Rosie, I don't think I'd even let you in my house if we weren't going to be, or are, close friends." Lisa smirked, again, "and yet again, maybe on the mixes, you never know."

Rosé laughed, then she stepped towards Lisa and placed a light kiss on her cheek before quickly hugging the girl and waving behind her as she sauntered off towards her car, leaving Lisa standing stunned. The brunette mumbled a goodbye and closed the door, still in shock.

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The original story is from x_writer23
Please check out her stories! ❤

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