19. Worries

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It was the following Monday at the afternoon lunch break where Lisa sauntered in to the staff workroom and looked around for Bambam, Rosé, Jisoo and Jennie as usual. She hadn't talked to Rosé since they had kissed in Saturday and she really needed to talk to her, so she was surprised when she didn't see Rosé sat at the table with the others.

"Hey, has anyone seen Rosé I need to speak to her," Lisa asked as she sat down at the table next to Jisoo.

"Well because someone was late this morning they didn't go to the briefing before first class..." Jennie said, giving a pointed look at Lisa.

"Hey! I overslept okay... What's this got to do with Rosé," Lisa mumbled.

"What Jen's trying to say is that Rosé called in ill this morning." Jisoo interrupted before Jennie spoke, smiling at the brunette, "what do you need to talk to her about anyways," Jisoo winked.

"Nothing." Lisa mumbled, looking at her hands which tapped nervously on the table.

"Lalisa, c'mon..." Jennie teased.

Before the blonde could say any more Bambam excused the pair and led Lisa to an empty classroom near the hall, telling Jisoo and Jennie that they needed to track down students for detentions at the end of the day.

"You and Rosé okay Lis?" Bambam asked as he leaned against a table.

"Urgh I hope so dude," Lisa pinched the bridge of her nose and huffed, leaning back in one of the plastic chairs in the classroom.

"Why... What's happened between you two?" Bambam turned a bit worried as he took in Lisa's state.

"Erm well it was Friday and we were at hers and... Well long story short we kissed..?" Lisa peered up at Bambam who had a mixture of shock and excitement.

"Dude that's great.. well that is if she kissed you back?"

"Yeah she did, but now she's not here and like what if I've scared her off. What if she doesn't even want to be my friend let alone anything else and what if Friday evening was just her like feeling bad for me or something. Dude what do I say to her? What do I do?" Lisa groaned into her hands. Bambam went and sat next to her and placed his hand awkwardly on her shoulder.

"Lisa, I highly doubt that's happened. I see the way she looks at you and you clearly mean a lot to her. I'm pretty sure she really is just ill and she'll be back tomorrow or the day after. Maybe you could go see her or just text her." Bambam suggested with a smile.

"Mmm yeah sure, that's actually a good idea. At least then we can talk about what happened. Thanks Bam," Lisa smiled, feeling a little better.

"Good good, no problem. Right I better go, I need to do some spying on Jensoo," Bambam winked.

Lisa simply laughed. "Yeah... We need to devise a plan to get those too to realise they like each other," Lisa smiled to herself, winking at Bambam as he swung the door open. He simply chuckled and walked out of the door with a quick wave over his shoulder.

Lisa pulled her phone out of her pocket and sent a text to Rosé.

Hey Park... You alright? Heard you were ill xox

A few minutes later Lisa's phone chimed with a text from Rosé.

Bootiful Chubby Chipmunk Cheeks:
Hey Lili, yeah I'm okay just feeling a bit under the weather and a bit dizzy. Sorry for not telling you earlier I just phoned your father to call in sick then went back to bed.. Xox

That's okay as long as your feeling better now :) xox

Bootiful Chubby Chipmunk Cheeks:
Yeah I am a little, think sleep helped... Thanks for wondering :) xox

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