18. You Have No Idea

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Lisa had a free period the last class on Thursday. After a long few days she decided to walk down to the drama hall and see what Rosé was up to. She picked up her laptop and put it in her bag, she had decided to do some work or maybe work on a mix if Rosé would let her in her class, it was better than being alone.

As she walked down the hall towards Rosé's class she met some students from her class studying for other exams.

"What're you guys studying for?" She asked, approaching a group of about 2 girls and 4 boys, she recognised Jay from her class and smiled at him.

"English Lit, we have a test soon and Bhuwakul's been on our asses for a while to study," Jay groaned.

"Hey, that's one of my colleagues you're talking about," Lisa warned, "and there's no harm in studying Jay, you'll regret it if you don't. Mr. Bhuwakul only wants what's best for you, remember that. Otherwise he wouldn't be in this job, don't you want to do well?" She gave a pointed look towards Jay and some other members of the group as they just grumbled and nodded in reply. She smiled to herself and continued along the corridor.

As she arrived outside Rosé's class she peeked through the open door and saw that Rosé was teaching a class, but only if about 12 people, most must be studying for upcoming exams. She waited for Rosé to finish talking and then knocked lightly on the glass, she watched as the blondes head turned to the door where Lisa stood awkwardly,
"Lisa, come in, it's fine," Rosé smiled towards the brunette in the doorway. The pair had found it strange calling each other by their 'teacher names' especially as most of the kids knew their first names and didn't make a fuss about it. The students were expected to call them Miss but Rosé and Lisa didn't mind when it came to each other, especially as there was only around 12 students in the class.

"Thanks," Lisa replied as she walked in, she sat on the floor in the corner and set out her laptop, opting to work on one of her mixes. She smiled up at Rosé before placing her headphones over her ears and beginning to blend two tracks together, eventually nodding her head to the beat.

When Lisa saw the figure of Rosé wall over to her a few minutes later she slid her headphones off her ears and looked towards the blonde, who had sat down next to her.

"You do know there's such things as chairs Manoban, they're quite handy to sit in sometimes y'know," Rosé joked as she nudged the brunette.

"Very funny, I like the floor though," Lisa smiled, "I'm not interrupting am I?"

"Oh not at all no, most are studying and these are just doing a part on the Caucasian Chalk Circle by a Bertolt Brecht. He has a strange style but I've done the main part of the lesson now they're just practicing and they'll show me them next time I see them, which is next Monday," Rosé explained, "whatcha working on?"

"Ah that's cool, not much just a mix, it's been bugging me because I couldn't work out what to do with the end but I think I'm getting there."

"Can I listen?" Rosé locked eyes with Lisa's stormy orbs and looked hopeful. Lisa simply slipped her headphones from around her neck and offered them to Rosé who was now beaming as she took the headphones and placed them over her ears.
Within a few seconds Rosé had closed her eyes and began nodding her head to the beat of the track. Subconsciously, she had moved her head and it was now resting against Lisa's shoulder.

When the song had finished Rosé remained with her head rested against Lisa's shoulder but her eyes flickered open and she slid the headphones to around her neck. She looked around the classroom to see that a few of her students were looking in their direction smiling or laughing,
"Hey, guys! Get back to work," Rosé warned as she lifter her head off of Lisa's shoulder, "sorry Lili."

"That's alright, umm did you l-like it?" Lisa twiddled with her thumbs. She never liked asking people if they liked her mix but always felt she had to, to make sure it was good enough.

"Lili, I love it! I love all your mixes, you're so talented," Rosé smiled. "I'll be back in a bit I need to finish up with this lot " Lisa nodded in response and Rosé jumped up, clapping her hands and grabbing the attention of her students before talking to them for a few minutes.

"Hey Lisa, are you free to come to mine for dinner... I'll order Pizza," Rosé proposed, knowing that the last bit would make Lisa agree.

"Damn you know me too well Park, sure I'll come but as long as you don't take away the pizza from me," Lisa smiled as she packed away her laptop and stood up, she gestured to the door and asked Rosé if they should go.

"I'll follow you," Lisa said with a smile as she climbed in her car and shortly after pulled away after Rosé.

The pair arrived at Rosé's house and Lisa immediately flopped down on Rosé's couch.

"I swear that's the first thing you do every time you're here," Rosé laughed.

"Dude I can't help it... It's comfy and hello! There's a TV here with Netflix on and I believe we still have a few episodes of Breaking Bad to watch so come onnnn," Lisa groaned and grabbed Rosé's arm as she walked past, pulling her down across the arm of the couch. Rosé landed with a fit of laughter on top of Lisa, who couldn't help but laugh too.

"Your not very graceful are you Park?" Lisa smirked, looking down at Rosé, who's head was hovering just over her chest.

Rosé simply rested her head above Lisa's breasts and laughed, "Well you're the one who bloody pulled me," She laughed before looking up to meet Lisa's chocolate brown eyes that were slightly crinkled at the edges from laughing. The two were inches apart and Rosé could feel Lisa's breath on her lips. 'Oh my god she looks beautiful' Rosé thought as she simply held Lisa's gaze, still laughing slightly as their bodies were entangled as Rosé lay on top of Lisa still.

'Fuck it, Manoban this is your chance,' Lisa thought as her gaze began to flicker between Rosé's slightly dilated dark brown eyes and her perfectly linked lips. With one motion Lisa dipped her head down and caught Rosé's lips in her own. 'Shit,' Lisa thought as she realised what she'd done and the fact that Rosé wasn't reciprocating. However just as she was about to pull away she felt Rosé kiss back, it was a slow kiss but everything felt perfect to Lisa.

Slowly, Rosé pulled away from the kiss with a hint of a smile and locked eyes with Lisa, who suddenly dropped her gaze her hands that were now resting on the edge of the couch.

"Um, I'm s-sorry I didn't, umm," Lisa's rambling was cut off by Rosé kissing her again. This time the kiss was more passionate and Rosé's hands found Lisa's cheeks and cupped them whereas Lisa simply placed her hands around Rosé's neck, pulling her closer into the kiss. The pair finally pulled away and Lisa couldn't help but smile, Rosé dipped her head to rest on Lisa's chest again and let out a sigh,

"Finally," Rosé chuckled as she briefly looked up to meet Lisa's gaze. She just smiled, "you have no idea how long I've wanted to do that for now Lili, nooo idea."

"Well, who can blame you, I mean look at me," Lisa smirked which earned a pointed look from Rosé.

"Stop being cocky missy," she laughed.

"Nah I'm just having a laugh, me too Rosie me too," Lisa smiled down at Rosé who just giggled and rested her head against Lisa's chest once again.

The next few hours were spent with the two in pretty much the same position, watching Breaking Bad whilst Lisa simply stroked Rosé's hair. Of course, there was quite a bit of making out too.

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The original story is from x_writer23
Please check out her stories! ❤

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