45 | And Here We Are, Back at the Start

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With a deep breath, I slipped up my underwear and pulled down my dress, smoothing out the creases against my thighs before moving across to the small vanity. The afternoon sun shon through the colourful stained glass window to my side which illuminated the bathroom quite nicely.

I washed my hands with a copious amount of soap, always feeling like I had to be overly clean whenever I was in a church like today. Maybe it was a way of my subconscious telling me that my soul was impure and dirty. I don't know why The Family insists on holding big events in churches, majority of us aren't practising Catholics, let alone religious in any way. I guess it was just upholding old traditions dating back to the mafia's roots.

As I pulled the door open to leave, I was met face to face with Tom who simply smiled at me with a sheepish grin.

"You know you don't have to wait right at the door," I chuckled, waiting for him to move to the side.

"I know," he nodded.

He put his hands on my waist and walked forwards, moving me back into the bathroom with the creaky door swinging closed behind him. Swiftly he turned to lock the door and I couldn't help but laugh at his tenacity.

"What are you laughing at?" He asked naively, although he knew exactly why.

"You, trying to be subtle and completely failing at it," I said shaking my head and leaning back onto the sink as I crossed my arms and watched him.

"Trying to be subtle about what? What am I supposedly failing at huh?" He asked further, cocking his head to the side and standing opposite me.

Given the fact I was leant on the counter, it made him seem taller, our height difference now larger than usual. I glared up at him playfully, knowing that he was being a cocky little asshole to get me to spell out the situation he was creating.

"Not only are we in a church Thomas, but there's going to be at least a hundred people in here before we know it, all here to congregate for a mafia meeting and it would be highly inappropriate if The Godfather wasn't sitting front row ready for the procession," I scowled.

"What makes you think I wouldn't be where I'm supposed to be ready for the ceremony?" He asked smugly, curling his fingers under the hem of my dress and slowly inching it up my thighs.

"Because you've got me in a bathroom with the door locked and you're trying to get me out of this dress? I dunno Thomas, it seems like you might be a little horny and looking for sex," I huffed with a smile.

"Me? Never... But what I'm hearing right now though, is that you want me to tear this dress off and fuck you against this sink so hard that god will hear you... Y/N, we're in a church for gods sake," he scoffed sarcastically, running his fingertips up my inner thigh and grazing the thin material of my underwear.

With Haz moving to his new house a few weeks ago with Baby Oliver, Tom and I had definitely been relieved to have our peace and quiet back; and Tom had been sacrificing his active sex life for adequate sleep. We barely had energy to initiate anything that exerted too much energy.

I mean, we would lazily touch each other in bed when we were half asleep and get off that way but with a crying baby in the house, the bed became a place solely for resting and not for pleasure. A religious place of worship however, felt highly blasphemous to partake in this kind of activity. But I can't deny it turned me on knowing we shouldn't be doing it.

"Quick and easy? I can't go out there looking like a complete fucking mess after this," I proposed, knowing that we'd probably finish right before people started arriving and that I would need my makeup to stay relatively in tact. My hair wasn't too much of an issue, a hair brush could fix that.

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