35 | Target Acquired, Cease Fire?

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After Haz ran upstairs it was eerily silent. We couldn't hear him talk to Robyn, we couldn't hear her talk to Haz, and even stranger, Baby Oli had stopped crying.

"Stay down here, that indoor plant is fake, there's a gun under it," Tom said quietly, pointing to the corner of the living room as he reached under the couch cushion which apparently had another gun lodged underneath it.

How is that safe? What if you sat down on the couch the wrong way and then got shot in the ass? I mean, they'd have the safety switch on it but still... Maybe the couch has a built in storage box thing that means the gun is safer? Who knows. I don't ask about these mafia things I just assume weapons are there somewhere.

"I'm not staying down here, let me come with you," I whispered, my brows furrowed as I checked the amount of ammunition in the gun, seeing only four bullets loaded. Four bullets is more than enough if you aim properly. I cocked it, turned off the safety and looked up at Tom who was staring.

"That was hot," he said quietly, distracted by the situation at hand.

"It's hotter when I'm firing," I said rolling my eyes and slowly moving up the stairs with the loaded gun.

As we neared their bedroom, we saw Haz and Robyn standing next to each other. Which was strange because they weren't looking at each other, they were looking at something else. Robyn had her hand over her mouth in shock and as I got closer, I noticed she had tears streaming down her face.

"Hello Y/N," Priya said quietly as I entered the room, my gun pointed towards her cradling Baby Oliver in her arms across the room.

"Priya," I said lowering my gun instantly once I saw that she was holding their son inside their own house.

Tom wasn't so forgiving, he kept his gun locked and loaded, a look of fury in his eyes as he continued to aim at her.

"I wouldn't come any closer Mr. Holland, I'd hate to see these walls painted red. It wouldn't match the interior design Robyn has spent so long planning," she pouted, rocking the baby gently.

"Tom put the gun down," Harrison ordered without taking his eyes off Priya.

"No, she can't just come in here and do this shit!" Tom said moving closer to her and Oliver.

Priya just chuckled at him, smiling innocently as a tiny red dot appeared on Tom's temple through the window on the left of us all. He moved his head ever so slightly, noticing the red line outside in the distance, landing directly on him.

"Tom..." I stuttered.

"I suggest you put that gun down now Tommy boy, there's not just one guy out there you know," Priya said pointing at Harrison, Robyn and I who now had red dots on similar places on our heads. I could see the laser trails in my peripheral vision, multiple snipers somewhere outside with their targets set on each of us.

"Put the fucking gun down Tom," Haz repeated, seeing as Tom didn't turn around to face us. He knew. He knew she had the upper hand right now.

"Please, I- I just want my baby to be safe," Robyn sobbed, moving closer to Haz as he put his arm around her soothingly.

But how could anything be soothing or calming right now? Yes, we had two guns, yes there were four of us and one of her, but she had Oliver. She had snipers outside tracking our every move.

She had this all planned out. She knew that Haz and Robyn had a window in their bedroom and she knew that snipers could hide out somewhere in that direction. God knows where they are or how far away they are, but this shit isn't a joke.

"I would never want to hurt this little cherub! He's such an angel, and I think he's starting to like me too," she smiled, rocking him softly as he slowly drifted back to sleep.

"Why are you here Priya? You don't need to bring them into this, I'm the one you want," I said staring directly at her, trying to not make any swift movements to set off the snipers to kill me.

"You're a tough cookie to find Miss Y/N, no matter how hard I try I can't for the life of me figure out where the notorious Tom Holland lives," she shrugged.

"Apartment 189, 4 Gardner Lane. Now put the baby down and come get us there," Tom snarled.

And as if by sheer luck that actually made Priya put the baby delicately down in its cot, causing Robyn to let out a shaky sigh of relief and clutch Haz tightly.

"I urge you all to take this as a warning, to remember just who you're fucking with. Because trust me Y/N, you've always got that target on your back. And the longer you avoid me, the more people around you will come to find targets on them too," she said sweetly, smiling at me and fixing her hair.

"Kill me now and leave them out of it then," I scoffed.

"That's no fun sweetheart, I thought you'd know me better than that. Because I know everything about you and I loved the girl I knew... Then you go back to this piece of shit and you completely change on me? Not cool girl, not cool... So, without further ado, I wish you all well, I'm going to see myself out. And if you do anything to stop me, those snipers will shoot you, I promise. Goodnight everyone, goodnight baby!" She said blowing a kiss to the sleeping boy in his cot.

We all stood still, watching Priya walk out of the bedroom. We stayed quiet. We stayed fearful. We stayed alert and then we heard Priya close the front door. The sniper targets disappeared and I let out a sigh of relief, taking a slow step towards the door to see if it was too good to be true.

But yes, the snipers had ceased fire.

Haz's jaw was clenched tightly as he walked calmly down the corridor and down the stairs. He slid a framed piece of art along the wall and took a machine gun from behind it, swinging open the front door and shooting aimlessly across his property, the sounds of gunshots acting as a threat to Priya hopefully.

I stood next to Robyn as she ran towards Oliver, clutching him tightly against her chest and crying as I apologised profusely for having Priya bring Haz and her into this mess.

"We need her dead," Tom huffed.

"That's what we were planning to do and she got a head start on us Tom... We're lucky she left us with all of our lives tonight," I said quietly, turning towards him.

"I'm going to fucking kill her myself, nobody can come into my best friends house and threaten us, threaten my nephew and walk out of here unharmed."

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