9 | Work Hard, Play Harder

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I bought a label maker today for my office, and surprisingly that has been the highlight of my week. I guess that makes me a proper adult, you know, getting excited about boring and mundane items like a door mat or a toaster oven. I woke up, made myself a coffee, checked my phone for emails from Priya, walked down the road to get a few groceries, went into the small boutique stationery store to get my beloved label maker, bought myself another coffee, bought some fresh flowers for the vase on the dining room table and then I walked back home.

It was an eventful morning to say the least.

I slept with Tom last week though. I don't know why I did it, I just thought that in the moment I was horny, angry and pretty much shell shocked from the fact he had broken into my house. I had to release the immense emotions in one way or another and fighting him would not have worked at all. Trust me, I tried.

I regret sleeping with him though, I knew that if I let him stay the night or even had a conversation longer than five minutes afterwards, I would end up in tears over missing him. I doubt he's changed and I doubt I'll ever take him back but he really did change my life for the better; you don't forget that type of love.

My label maker is pastel pink and has little hot pink rubber buttons with each of the letters of the alphabet. I decided that I was going to relabel all of my hard drives today considering I had already finished a job Priya gave me in just two days. It was easy, it was just a cheating husband but the rich wife offered me ten grand. Cool.

I look through my drawers of hard drives and see the colour coordination between the varying crime affiliations. Red hard drives are for the main local crime groups I see, like The Family or the Italian 'Ndrangheta or Cosa Nostra. Blue is for the Japanese Yakuza. Green is just notorious criminals and gangsters I come across in suburban biker gangs or dumb fucking groups like modern day white supremacists. Yellow is for the Russian Bratva mafia. Purple is for high class citizens who have extremely dirty and dark secrets. This includes rich businessmen, government officials, politicians, etc.

As I take one drive out at a time, I carefully peel off the old handwritten stickers I had made and replace them with a nice printed label. In my drawer, I have about fifty hard drives in neat stacked rows, all from past jobs about the person specifically or information I have gathered through someone else. It's a fucking goldmine.

A gold mine that has one row slightly slanted. They should not be slanted. They are slanted because one drive is missing. Of course. Tom Holland took his own fucking hard drive... That motherfucker!

I sigh, trying not to hurl my new label maker against the wall in anger, although I quickly compose myself and find trust in my encryption skills. I know that Tom wouldn't be able to get into that drive even if he tried. If the password fails three times it wiped all information on it. The password is not only numerical, but contains symbols and letters. It is uncrackable.

I should probably make my home security as difficult to get into as those fucking hard drives. How could I be so stupid setting up my door code? Using that date? The date he moved in? Fuck, it was my phone passcode for so long I couldn't think of any other numerical configuration.

From Priya Ramakrishnan
To: Y/N  L/N

Hey doll,
I have a new job for you if you want to take it. One of the other girls has her eyes on this one too but I know you're the best one for it, so I suggest you snap it up quickly. Basically our client wants details on some sort of meet up amongst multiple Chinese Triad mafia members. They've given us $10,000 upfront to start digging. It sounds easy at first but the security with these Triad guys is fucking huge, the client is offering us $100,000 just to know where and when this is happening. Triad deals aren't common in our country yet so this is going to be a tough one. The client has suspicions that the deal is somewhere within the next two weeks so if you can get a date, time and location you'll get the hundred grand. If the date has already passed and we miss it, you'll just get the ten grand down payment. You in? If so, you better work fast.

It was too tempting to not at least try and complete this job. I know that their security systems are notoriously hard and if I failed at hacking them, they could infiltrate my systems instead. It was high stakes, high security, high pay out. But if I succeeded, I not only got $100,000 in potentially two weeks, but I was possibly obtaining some of the most lucrative information in the world. Not even the government knows all that much about the Triads.

I can't turn this down, no way.

From Y/N  L/N
To: Priya Ramakrishnan

I'm in.

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