30 | Two Wrongs Make a Right, Right?

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If I'm honest with you, having Y/N move back in with me again has not only strengthened and solidified our relationship even further again, but it makes house arrest a lot more tolerable. I know that Jen put forward the plea bargain to the courts the other day, so it's just a matter of time before police are slamming on Priya's door and starting an interrogation.

"You know I never took you on a proper date before we got back together... I kind of feel guilty," I chuckled, looking over at Y/N sitting at the dining room table working.

"Well I hated you, you showed up at my house, we slept together, I saved your live, you went to jail, and now you're on house arrest. We haven't had the chance to go on a date," she shrugged, glancing up quickly from the screen to give me a small smile.

"Whatchu' working on?" I said pouring two glasses of wine for the both of us. It was six now, which is obviously after five thirty; the time in which Y/N had told me was the earliest I could drink alcohol at the moment.

At first I found it weird that she made a rule about how early I could drink each day, I found it kind of controlling. But then she told me it was so I didn't become an alcoholic by drinking whenever I was bored and start to grow an alcohol dependence. It was just her inner criminal psychologist kicking in I guess. And I respect it now, because I don't want to become a guy who can't function at 10am without alcohol.

"I've been trying to hack into this one satellite for the past like, eight days. Every time I think I crack one section, it then leads me to a second thing I need before I can crack the first. It's this chain of hacking," she sighed.

"Do you think you're close to finishing it?" I asked naively, not really knowing anything about cyber crime. She nodded and told me she thinks she's close.

This was new to me, I didn't think Y/N knew how to do any of this but apparently her new job relies heavily on this type of shit. She was always pretty 'tech savvy' when we dated the first time around, she managed to sneak her way into the federal police force after all, she must have hacked into their systems at some point to do that right?

She thanked me for the wine and took a deep breath, deciding to finish work for the day after she checked her emails. I sat next to her, hinting towards the fact that it was getting late and she shouldn't be working so much. I usually did that when she insisted on working overtime, I'd just sit next to her and do nothing until she got the point and finally closed her laptop.

"Uh... Tom? What do you think this means?" She said quietly, spinning the laptop towards me so that I could see.

From: Priya Ramakrishnan
To: Y/N  L/N

Hey doll,
Just curious about why you haven't been accepting many of the new jobs? If you're under the pump with your current jobs let me know and I can re-assign them to the other girls. Speak soon! x
- P

I screwed my face up, trying to decipher what the fuck this woman's deal was. I mean, she threatened us, she broke into Y/N's house and now she's emailing Y/N like any other day? What type of power trip is this?

"Does she usually speak like that?" I asked.

"Yeah, this email seems so normal for her... Do you think she was just scared about me knowing you rather than threatening me?" Y/N asked, turning the laptop back towards herself.

"It's hard to say, does this mean she still expects you to work for her? Wait, do you still work for her?" I asked cocking my head to the side.

"I should probably quit right? The more I work, the more chances she has to go against me in court," Y/N said biting her bottom lip anxiously.

"And once she gets interrogated by police about you framing her, she might send you a fake job to frame you back or just to get you killed," I said bluntly, not really picking up on the fact Y/N was scared until I saw her worried face.

"Sorry, that wasn't helpful... Okay, maybe just reply back saying your current jobs are taking longer than expected and you'll ask her when you need a new job. That'll get her off your back for a little while right?" I suggested.

She nodded softly.

"And I can get you to meet with Haz and we can figure out what to do to get her... you know, out of our hair," I implied, not wanting to say 'get her killed' out loud considering Y/N was visibly nervous about her boss.

"Why do I have to meet with Haz? Can't you just organise it?" She mumbled.

"I can't talk about that stuff over a phone darling, that's a one way ticket back to Wakefield for both Haz and I," I said shaking my head and sipping my wine.

Meanwhile, Y/N had been gulping her wine at double the speed I was drinking at. Another sign she was stressed about this Priya bitch.

"I found someone who can access your court files, I just need to know if she can access Priya's once they start interrogation," she said with a small smile.

"That's great news darling, who do you know? Can I help them out at all? Money? Security?" I smiled.

"My old work friend Amalie, she was a cop with me back when I was working crime scene psych. The one with the long nails? Did you ever end up meeting her? I dunno... Turns out she had a shitty boyfriend who cheated on her and she ran him over in his own car. Guess she was a dirty cop after all, I never thought she had it in her," Y/N laughed.

"Perfect, we have a murderer helping us, two murderers, frame another murderer for murders she didn't commit. This is such a simple, straightforward and innocent plan," I joked back, standing up from the table and telling her that we should relax now and settle in for the night.

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