40 | Let's Go Back to the Basics

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When Y/N had pointed out that Priya had used blood for the neatly painted heart on the door, the tension and fear began to rise even more amongst the three of us. Haz was always the irrational one between him and I, he was the one who acted on impulse and proceeded without caution. Myself on the other hand, liked to have some sort of plan set out at the start which could give us a guideline to follow.

And Y/N? Well, she was meticulous when it came to executing ideas and plans. So in a situation like this where we knew Priya had killed the nanny, Robyn and Oliver were nowhere to be seen and there was a heavy suspicion Priya was still inside, we needed a really fucking tight plan.

"Look, I just want the bitch dead alright? If that means she has to kill me first then so be it," I huffed, cocking my gun and looking towards the door.

"And I want my wife and son to be safe. And I'll happily sacrifice myself to save them," Haz responded, following my lead by checking inside his gun to count his ammunition.

"And both of you don't realise what Priya wants," Y/N sighed, shaking her head and putting both of her hands on the barrels of mine and Harrison's guns to lower them.

To be fair, she was the only one who knew Priya and even that was borderline an overstatement. I mean, she worked for this woman and barely knew anything about her the whole time! I shook my head and sat on the end of the bed, putting my gun next to me and looking up at Y/N to tell us what to do.

"Priya doesn't care about Haz or Rohyn or their baby. Sorry that sounds harsh but it's true. She cares about me. I'm the one who framed her for your crimes as well as mine and despite her being on the run from federal police right now, she's willing to die as long as she gets what she wants first. She wants me to suffer," Y/N explained in a relatively calm manner.

"Which isn't fucking happening on my watch. There's no way she's laying a finger on you," I scoffed in return.

"And she won't. I know that. Killing me would he too easy, she wants to hurt everyone around me because she knows that would cause more pain that a simple gunshot to the head," she continued.

"So what do you suggest we do? We're kind of running out of time here..." Haz interjected.

"No we aren't actually... She would never hurt Robyn and Oliver right now. She killed the nanny as a threat, she wouldn't kill Robyn unless it was to prove something to our faces. If she really is inside the house, she knows we are too and she's waiting for her big finale. She'll kill them right at the last minute to watch me in pain," Y/N sighed.

To be honest, Y/N thought about this way more intellectually than I have ever thought about a siege like this. Normally I'd run in guns blazing and shoot every last fucker standing, but I don't deal with smart people like Priya. I deal with other people like me; people who resort to brawn over brains.

"We need to split up. You boys go together and I'll go separately," she nodded.

"Not a fucking chance Darling," I scoffed, almost with a hint of laughter at how she thought I'd ever let that happen.

"Yeah I'm with him, we're not letting you be alone right now. Tom should stay with you," Haz nodded in agreement with me.

She just glared at me, directly into my eyes and raised an eyebrow at me. I know I couldn't argue with her right now. It was the same face she pulled when I asked for sex before doing chores. I would always try to negotiate with her by saying that I'd do extra chores after the sex but she never gave in. I have a fucking cleaner anyway, why do I need to do chores?

"If I hear gunshots, I'll know where to find you," she said turning to the door and swinging it open, raising her gun quickly in case there was something on the other side.

"Woah hey! What are you doing?!" I spat.

"Checking if it was safe, what do you mean?" She responded, screwing up her face as Haz and I stood behind her.

"What if I don't see you again huh? You can't force me to let you do this alone and not give me a goodbye kiss," I pouted.

As much as the conversation seemed jovial and light hearted, I was deathly fearful I wouldn't kiss her again, or even see her again. I knew that I would do anything to protect everyone in this house from Priya, even if that meant sacrificing myself in the face of death.

She shook her head.

"There's no goodbye kiss to give you because there is no goodbye. There's just a see you later," she smiled softly, blowing me a kiss and walking down the hall and down the stairs quietly.

I chewed at the inside of my lip nervously. Normally I would be proud at the fact she was so confident and determined in a situation like this, I'd even go as far as saying I would possibly be aroused at the fact she had such a strong bloodlust at the moment. But no, I was scared. And I don't get scared a lot.

"I guess since she went down, we've got the rest of upstairs. Let's go room by room okay? One each," I said to Haz, standing in front of the next room and holding the door handle in anticipation. As Haz did the same, I nodded at him to signal our entrance and we both swung open our respective doors and raised our guns before going in.

I mean, my door was a linen closet so it was quick and easy to scope out. I closed the door behind me, went to the next room where Haz was and helped him search for Priya, Robyn or Oliver.

"This room is clear, come on," I said as I walked back towards the door. I didn't hear Haz follow behind me, I just heard him sniffle quietly.

"Everything is going to be okay mate, you heard Y/N. Priya doesn't care about Robyn and Oli, she just wants Y/N," I said trying to console him. I think I'd only ever seen him cry once and that was his wedding. And perhaps when we were kids.

"I know I just- I can't help but think that Oliver hasn't cried this whole time... He's like a month old mate, why hasn't he cried? We would have heard him by now," Haz said wiping under his eyes and looking upwards to try and stop his tears.

"Don't think like that, it's three against one. Four if you count Robyn because I know for sure that woman wouldn't hold back in hitting Priya with her Balenciaga heels or choking her with a Gucci scarf," I laughed, trying to cheer Haz up just the tiniest bit.

He nodded, followed me to the next two rooms and stood outside the door as we began the cycle again.

Room by room we were bound to find Priya.

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