I throw the doors wide and wait for my eyes to adjust. To the left is a nook serving as the coat check and the rest of the area opens onto the play floor.

Where Bliss has a sensual atmosphere with mood lighting and a well laid out floor plan this is dim chaos. My nose crinkles as bo, stale smoke and other rank odours hit me.

"I think I'm gonna need a tetanus or rabies shot after this," Anne grumbles. A man steps up to her but a single glare from her has him slinking back into the shadows.

After a moment my eyes adjust to the lighting and I search the crowd for Izzy. Each moment that creeps by makes the knot in my stomach draw tighter. A commotion near the back in the center of a tightly pressed crowd draws out attention.

Bodies press against each other, purposely walling us off from the center. A single whimper barely reaches me but the desperation makes my heart drop. I push and pull against the men blocking my way but the wall is too thick.

"Jonathan, watch out!" Taz shouts. Anne's head of security is holding back a crowd but his gaze is fixed on the board swinging towards me.

I duck, missing the sailing wood but am pushed back. Taz wastes no time, sending the people crowding him back to land on their asses. He catches the plank mid-swing and rips it away from the reedy man. Splinters fly as he snaps it over his knee like a twig and tosses it away, daring the man to try him.

Someone jumps on his back but doesn't even phase him. Taz reaches behind him, grabs a fist full of harness and flings the man into the crowd, making a gap for me.

I seize the opportunity and rush forward but the scene in front of me has me seeing red. The girls are cowering against the crowd, wide-eyed as they shrink away from three uniformed people. My gaze immediately zeros in on Loni, her sadistic smirk has my blood boiling!

"Get the fuck away from them!" I can't hold back and shove the closest man back and put myself between the girls and them. Tony and Viktor are there a moment later but the air is charged, waiting for the slightest nudge to go off.

The ringleader that I faintly recognize as Dante, scowls at us. His gaze darkens to nearly black as he spots Anne.

"Big mistake," he growls. "Huge! Coming into my club, assaulting my members and staff... I'll have your club for this!" A confident smile creeps on his face like he can practically taste his victory.

"Try it asshole," Anne replies unbothered. She flicks something off of her arm and side-eyes a man standing too close, making him slink back.

"I can have the cops here in five minutes!" He warns, crossing his arms over his chest.

Anne steps closer and locks her green gaze on his, defiantly. She arches a brow as a ghost of a smirk tugs at her lips. "Do it. I dare you."

His smile falters as she calls his bluff. Anne slowly and pointedly scans the crowd before turning her attention back to him.

"Well? I'm waiting." She crosses her arms over her chest and lifts her chin. "Ignoring the three huddled women on the floor who I doubt gave any consent, how many other unconsenting people are here? Minors? And surely those playing are completely sober right?"

Dante ticks his jaw but has no retort. As one of the people screening all new members, Anne had heard horror story after horror story. She has seen firsthand the damage this place has done to people and vowed never to let that happen under her roof.

But it did... Izzy.

I keep my attention on the threat ahead of us but reach out to where I know she's crouched. A moment later I feel her fingers in mine and tuck her in close behind me.

"No one asked them to come," Loni deflects. She rolls her eyes like it's no big deal and I can't fathom what I once saw in her.

"Jezus Christ!" Viktor scoffs. "I thought you were warped before..."

Loni scowls at Viktor like a petulant child. Neither liked each other before, in fact, it was Viktor's urging that finally had me cut her lose.

I glare at the woman who I once lavished and shake my head, repulsed by her. "If I ever see or hear of your meddling around any of my friends, Izabella or any of my investments, I'll make you wish you were never born."

All of her confidence drops at my threat. She knows I have the resources to carry out my threat and she has too much to lose.

"I didn't ask her to come." Her sullen reply is almost an admission of guilt.

"You never have to ask someone for something, you plant a seed in their mind and wait to reap the harvest." I step forward pinning her in place with my glare before she finally breaks and looks away. "She is off bounds, do I make myself clear?"

Her angry gaze flickers one last time to me as tears well. "Crystal."

I take a final look around, making note of the faces in case I need to make an example. knowing their beat, the crowd parts and no one challenges us further. I tighten my grip on Izzy and head for the gap. "Let's go."

His Broken Submissive : MercyWhere stories live. Discover now