Chapter 20 - The bond between 4

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Kayden's pov÷

We head to the department stores and picked up the tuxedos of our taste. I heard they all got the same one, they didn't saw mine. After we got our clothes I told them I'm going to pick up the rings so they should go home. They believed me and left.

I lied to them,partially. I went to the hospital to take a blood test. It was needed. This is my final card to play to stop this wedding.

After I came home picking up the rings I went to the attic to cool of a little. If I'm gonna play my cards,I have to play it right. So I sat down on my chair and looked far away into the sky. Thinking that,why do I ended up always losing everything I love and care. I always ended up having best things and the next moment it all started to crumbling down making me fear for life. One thing I value over everything is relationships. They are the base of emotions. If zayn, Zake and zeke was not given a chance of truth,itsnot fair to them. I Don't have guts to spill the truth.
Truth and honesty is the base of a good long lasting relationship.

I heard they were calling out my name,so I stood up to go downstairs, that's when they figured about the attic. They all came in like they know this place.

Zayn÷see I told you guys. He will be here .

Zake÷I found this place.
Zeke÷shut up, you guys are making him angry.

"How the hell do you guys know about this place.?"

Zeke ÷zake found it when we first moved here. We know you wanted to be here peacefully, away from everyone

"Since You already know, I have a suggestion, do you really want to go through with this wedding....with me??"

Zayn÷we know what you wanted since you saw .... listen....

Zake÷ we are also mated to eachother. We found out the day we turned 18.

Zeke÷but don't worry only zake and I been like that.

Zake÷zayn isn't into that. Well you can't back out from a bond like that.

"I know that "


"You guys are mated to each other. I found out about it long ago, but I don't remember when though. "

Zake÷you knew? And you okay with it?

"It's not my place to object, whether we like it or not it's moongoddes choice for us. We can't ignored it forever. "

Zayn÷so you are okay with it?

I nod my head and sat in my chair.

"Sit down, I need something to talk about, "

Zake ÷what is it.

They all sat on the bed.

"Listen, I had intimate relationships before, and this envelope contains the consequences of that relationships, do you still want to go through this wedding?"

Zayn÷how far intimate are you talking about?

"All the way"

I can see from their eyes that they are mindlinking each other.

"You can reject me,no one has to know about that,you guys can keep living in this house and our pack will be merged and.."

Zayn÷ hope you like white gold rings,we bought you a beautiful ring.

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