Chapter 6 - RECOVERY

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After the incident.

I was walking aimlessly in the forest. I was mumbling words "please Don't let anyone see me,please don't,not like this,no please don't"

I remember tears pooling in my eyes and they are falling but it wasn't intentional. My mind and body was working separately. My body drags it self towards a field and my mind split in to 2 voices arguing. One voice was belongs to Dane , other one was new but felt like I know it like it's belongs with me.

I heard master damien's voice far from where I am and I collapsed . That's all I remember.

I was in school infirmary.

I woke up in a bed surrounded by familiar faces. Miss franchesca, Elija, Adam, Jacob and Jason. There was a new girl also.

I open my eyes and said " Hey guys " .

Miss franchesca÷Oh thanks for the heaven. You are up. Are you fine?. Do you feel okay??

"I am totally fine,how long was I out for?"

Everyone was speechless.
"What?" I asked in a freak manner.

Adam÷ Dude you have been gone for a year. You went missing for a whole year.we searched for you Everywhere,  even your master ivon came to find you.

I started to get up but there was something heavy on my chest that It was hard to move around.
That's when I saw a sleeveless body armour made from leather was on my body.

"WHAT? And what the hell is this?I can't take it off also"

Miss franchesca ÷we know,doctors couldn't remove it either,it's like it is a  part of you.if we tried to remove It will come off with your we can't do anything. I'm sorry!"

Master Damien ÷ are awake,care to explain where the hell you were??

"I think I was seems like I didn't know for how long I have been in captivity until a moment ago.

Master damien÷ what about that vest. When I saw you from afar,I think you didn't have it on you.when I got closer That's when i noticed it.

" I don't know anything about this,does my family came?"

Miss franchesca ÷ they think you ran away, they said to us don't be bothered. And you will come back for attention. I'm sorry. We explained that you are not that kind of a child but they didn't even botheredbto listen,I'm so sorry. Police even contact them. They just didn't even budge a little. Ivon said Don't bother them anymore and contact him instead of them.he is on his way. Do you want me to contact them for you?

"No,ivon is fine.i ll gave them a call later. Can I rest now , and thank you all for being here for me. I really appreciate the effort. I see we have a new face. I am kayden, you?

"I am Rosa Ericsson,let's catch up later, rest now,bye"

Everyone left then.i had to stay for the medical exam and police officer came to question me but master Damien handled it for me. So there will no trace of me for the past whole year.

When I came back to my room I went for a shower. I came towards my mirror and looked at myself. This armour was sleeveless and black leather, it kind a feels like I am wearing my own skin.

"Do you like it?"

Who was that?,that was not Dane. What happened to Dane. Is he still there?I thought to myself.

"I am here kayden, Don't worry,we are safe now. Seems like someone came too late...."referring to the other voice.

(Imagine this voice as optimus prime)
" I am sorry, I thought I had time to prepare, but turns out it was not the case. "

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I am FENIR,I am your other wolf. I cannot shift yet because you don't have enough energy for me .let's take our time for that. How's my gift for you?"

"This is your doing? How can I take it off"

FENIR said "just think ".
I thought about taking it off ,like how it feels to be free and weightless. Then just like that it slowly unraveled from my body.

That's when I saw things clearly, I no longer had my smooth skin. It is filled with scars .i had scratches and cut marks, I have 2 inch cut deep. And 5 inch long cut on across my stomach to the v line. My back was burned. That burn mark was covered 75% my skin there. For a reason it was only in the middle, so no one can see it when I were my armour. But my tattoo is visible and at least it was fine.
The sudden thought of armour made it reappear.
It's like iron-man's suit with nanotechnology. I am a movie buff so it was kinda cool.

My friends often asked about what happened in the year I was kidnapped,I told them that I only remembered being in a cell, and appearing in the field and seeing master Damien. That's it. After a while they stopped asking.

Me and Rosa hit it off,not like love, like genuine friendship. She already had a soulmate. she thinks like that.

I called ivon and told him that he didn't need to come and I won't come back there for a while. He didn't fight back and accept it.when he asked what happened I told him what I told everyone. I didn't tell anyone about my scars.

I finally gave a call for my family.
" I am kayden, I need to talk to Alpha matte"
Alpha ÷
" what did I tell you to not contact anyone, and which part of you didn't understand that don't be a nuisance?"

He didn't even asked what happened to me.if I am okay.

"Why did you call?"

"I won't able to come in holidays, I got chosen for a camp ,so i won't be able to come back for some time."
I lied, I just couldn't bare what he just said,  I didn't know what to say. I'm sure he won't even need any details about it as long as I am away from his family.

Alpha ÷good ,stay there as long as needed. He then put down his phone . But he thinks the call got disconnected but it didn't, maybe he is also an old person that confused with technology.
I then heard a conversation I wished I never heard.

kaleb ÷who was it father?
Alpha ÷ one dear,so how is your school and studies?I heard that when I called Mrs Richards that you have been cutting classes.
Kaleb ÷c'mon dad don't snoop around My work.i am going for a walk ,bye.

Then luna's voice appeared.
Luna÷who was on the phone dear?
Alpha ÷ That bastard ,he came back.

Luna÷kayden came back, why?why can't he just leave us alone. When are we gonna be free from him.

Alpha ÷ don't worry he won't come back here for a while. He said that himself, he's going to a camp.we are good for some years.

I just then disconnected the call myself. How am I gonna be fine. I was in pain for years thinking that I was not good enough for their love and affection. The call have been recorded. I downloaded to my computer and saved it on my cloud. I determined that when ever I was reminded of family to listen that audio. I have to give up on them and make something for myself. What am I gonna do after I graduated.

Since I am 14 I have 4 years to make something for myself and I  have a year to catch for what I have missed. I just want to be happy at least a part of my life leaving my past behind.

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