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Weird stuff has been happening all day. Kat would be doing something as simple as trying to find they pantry or the murder garbage's stash of the abominations. Then they would appear somewhere. They knew they were just losing their memory, but they didn't know for how long, so they decided to put a dash of the frosting from the cinnamon bun on the back of their hand, because next time it happened, they would know how long, because of how much the frosting dried. And they also got to eat it afterwards.
"That's about ten..." Kat said observing the frosting on the back of their hand. This was about the 15th time it happened.
Kat licked the frosting off their hand.
*You felt dizzy.
"I hope they weren't bad." Kat said, still finishing off the rest of the cinnamon bun.
Kat knew the cinnamon bun wasn't bad because things magically don't get old in their inventory, common sense. And why would they get dizzy?
"Nightmare is this some of your bs again?" Kat asked. After no response, they figured NM wasn't back yet. The later the better.
Kat dropped to the floor.
*Its dark.
"Hi!" A voice said.
"Who-Where...What?" Kat was so confused.
"I've been trying to contact you for a very long time. You keep forgetting." The voice said. Everything was dark. Kat couldn't see anything.
"Ok... pretty straight forward. This is low key kinda sketchy though." Kat said, still not being able to see anything.
"Oh sorry." The voice said apologetically.
"I still don't trust you." Kat said.
"Of course you don't..." The voice said.
"Who- wait... your Casey right?" Kat asked.
"Ok good. That's a start. Try to remember... your power." Casey said.
"What? Reset? That doesn't do anything. Look ...see...?" Kat said as they looked at the button.
"What happened to it?" Kat asked.
"You." The voice said.
"M-me?! How... did... I. . . I did do this!" Kat said regaining their memory.
"Keep going. You can do it!" Casey encouraged.
"We has our own AU..." Casey reminded.
"We...did? We did! It was amazing! But the water..." Kat shivered thinking about the time they almost died. Well, there were loads of those, but still.
"This is our new blank space. No water. No nothing. You're inspired." Casey said.
"I'm...Inspired!" Kat exclaimed after Casey.
"All you gotta do... is push the button." Casey said.
"Ok... here it... goes..." Kat said climactically.
"What's the hold up?" Casey asked.
"Something feels...wrong." Kat said. Their fingers hovering over the button.
"They're back." Casey said.
"Don't forget." Casey said before Kat found themselves on the floor.
"Ah-$h!t..." Kat said standing up.
"Why was I on the floor?" Kat said while looking as the frosting.
"Don't forget." Kat said in confused.  While licking off the frosting.
"Oh well.  Looks like 5...." Kat said aloud. 
"Miss me?" Nightmare appeared beside Kat in a blink.  They still somehow weren't used to it. 
"$h!t! ...You already know the answer."  Kat rolled their eyes after recovering from the surprise attack.
"I sense confusion." Nightmare observed. 
"K." Kat said.  They really hated this guy. 
"So. What's been happening when we were gone?" Nightmare asked. 
"I've been losing my memory constantly.  I'd wake up in a while other place without notice. I just passed out and then here you are.  I'm usually out for no more than ten to five minutes-" Kat stopped themselves a little too late.  They looked up and saw the usual magic. 
*You sent a hateful look toward Nightmare. 
*He seemed too lost in thought to notice. 
Nightmare's tentacle retreated like a snake. 
"Ankle feeling better?" Nightmare asked Kat to change the subject. 
"Not when you're around." Kat said. 
"Good.  Do you remember anything at all from these?" Nightmare asked.  Kat decided to tell him because he'd use the spell thing again if they didn't, and they thought it wasn't worth the 2 following words. 
"Don't forget." Kat said, déjà vu. 
"That's it?" Nightmare asked. 
"Yep. I wouldn't have told you if it were important." Kat said. 
"Pretty ironic, the only thing you can remember." Kat said almost with a laugh in their voice. 
"Ok.  Im gonna try to stay at peace in hell." Kat said walking away. 
"Wanna go up on the roof again?" Nightmare asked, planning the same thing as the night before. 

Kat had a Dream again.  They usually don't have dreams.  Odd.  Oh well. 
"Hey again." A voice said. 
"Huh?" Kat said. 
"I said Hi." The voice repeated. 
"Where- what?" Kat was confused. 
"I've been through this over 30 times and I'm getting sick of it... So I've developed a solution." Casey said triumphantly. 
"About what?" Kat asked.  They started to see the person. It looked like them.  But different. 
"Well, I'm Casey, a fragment of your soul who developed a personality.  You keep on forgetting your ability and me, and our conversations." Casey explained. 
"That sounds tuff." Kat said. 
"I know right?!" Casey responded. 
"Well, we don't have much time.  I wanna try immediately restoring your memory instead of reminding you little by little.  Ready?" Casey asked.
"For what?" Kat said. 
"You're about to get quite a bit of a shock.  And just a few memories returned.  These may be of importance." Casey said quickly. 
"You're moving too fast... what's happening?" Kat was too confused. 
"Stay away from them." Nightmare appeared behind Casey.  Then walked right through them.
"C'mon. Let's go train." Nightmare said, walking Kat away from a very annoyed Casey. Kat instantly forgot what happened.

"If you see someone, who looks like you, and calls themselves 'Casey' don't go near them. Got it?" Nightmare said out of the blue after training.
"Why? How would they even get in here?" Kat asked.
"It's like your original world's Chara." Nightmare lies smoothly.
"Have you seen them? And plus. Wouldn't you rather have a murder child than a person who doesn't even have 2 lv?" Kat asked.
"More times than I can count. They're different than the classic timeline." Nightmare said. He was a very good liar.
*You couldn't sleep.
Kat sighed.
*You pretend to sleep so you can real sleep.
Everytime Kat shut their eyes, a painful memory hit them in between the eyes.
"Ugh." Kat said laying on their back.
They heard voices down the hall.
Kat snuck through the halls being as quiet as possible.
"You're telling me... that the kid is a literal bomb? That you just invited into the castle." Dust's voice boomed. Kat covered their mouth to avoid their breathing to make any noise and slowly breathed through their nose. Nightmare sorta taught them this trick in the sunflowers a while back.
"More of a super weapon. If Ink gets the kid, then we won't be able to stop em. If I can't stop what ever it is, then they're gonna basically be their own force, a waste of energy, that is gonna be found by ink. I can't do anything at the moment accept this. Have any ideas?" Nightmare turned to Kat at the last sentence.
"$h!t." Kat said realizing their cover was blown.
Before they even turned to sprint Nightmare grabbed them.
"Nope. Not playing today." Nightmare said.
"Woah. They're getting better at that. I didn't even notice them..." Cross exclaimed.
"Same here." Dust said slightly annoyed.
*Killer looked impressed.
"What ya gonna do now?" Kat asked.
"You're one to talk considering I have the upper hand." Nightmare said glancing at Kat. Kat gave him a sneer.
"What are you gonna do with it?" Killer asked restated for Kat who was a little tied up at the moment.
"Brain wash me?" Kat said as a joke.
"Actually. That's not a bad idea." Nightmare said.
"W-wait what?! I was joking." Kat said.
"And your 'joke' ends up being the best course of action." Nightmare said.

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