A Canvas

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Kat woke up in a world, a blank world. A blank canvas.
"Woah." Kat looked around.
"Like it?" Cakes asked.
"Huh?" Kat looked around and a ghost like version of Cakes was standing to their right with their arms folded.
"Woah." Kat curiously waved her hand through he ghost.
*Cakes looked annoyed.
"I don't have a physical form because I'm your soul." Cakes explained.
"Wait, but my soul is right here?" Kat said, they removed their soul to show it to Cakes.
"I'm a fragment that flew off." Cakes explained.
"Oh I see." Kat said.
"This place is like the blank canvas." Kat observed.
"Ya! Cause it's a just different one. Different atmosphere, that's all." Cakes explained.
"Woah. Look at the water." Kat noticed that they were standing on water! They never did this before. 
"Mmhm that's the start.  Someone wanted to create, but... they gave up before it was finished, so now we're using it!" Carey explained. 
"Why are we here?" Kat asked looking around. 
"To train." Carey said. 
"So your gonna teach me... What?" Kat said. 
"Create." Carey replied. 
"W-What's that?"
"Pull up your Reset button." Carey said.  Kat did and,
"Woah! That's cool how'd you do that?" Kat asked. 
"You may not remember, but you did."  Carey said. 
"Me? How did I..." Kat asked. 
"Just use it. Use the button." Carey urged. 
Kat pressed the button.  Nothing happened. 
"Create. 101, think of something before you hit the button." Carey said to Kat. 
"Ok." Kat thought of a beautiful butterfly.  It had the most pleasant colors and it was very big.  Down to the trickiest of details.  Then it was right in front of them!
"Oh shoot-" Kat was startled by it being so close to their face that they fell over. 
Carey giggled, and they both started laughing. 
"I thought you said I couldn't do anything physical?" Kat said confused. 
"It's complicated, but most of this stuff is an illusion, something that only truly exists in your mind."  Carey said. 
"Can I do another?" Kat asked. 
"Do as many as you like." Carey replied.  Soon Kat had almost an entire forest. 
Kat laughed seeing what they could do all this time.  Kat looked at the water they were standing on.  They were sinking! Like, quicksand almost, their ankles were just under the water. 
"Uh, Carey?!" Kat yelled. 
Carey came rushing over. 
"Ya- yikes..." Carey said. 
"Ok look.  Breath in.  Breath out." Carey relaxed Kat. 
"Think of land.  Think of running on land.  Think of an island,  think of land.  Think of surface. Ok good, now push the create button."  Carey told Kat, and Kat very carefully did exactly what they said.  Kat's button made the water raise them up, and a patch of grass formed. 
*You look at your experience.  Your filled with creativity. 
Kat caught her breath.
"What was that?!" Kat asked. 
"That's what happens when you think too much in a canvas.  If you over think then you'll be unsure, and when your unsure, you fall deeper and deeper into your own head."  Carey said. 
"That's not creepy at all." Kat said. 
"Ready for lesson 102?" Carey offered. 
"I'm ready!"  Kat replied enthusiastically. 
"Next up is shields.  To create one, think of protection, being safe." Carey said.  Kat closed their eyes.  They thought of how they felt with Ink for little less than an hour.  About when they first were in this world.  With toriel and the surface.  Snowdin.  They pressed the Create button.  A glowing magic swirled on their arm.  A shield was forming.  With was clear, but covered their entire body if they hunkered down, it went around their arm.  Made of pure magic. 
"Perfect! You catch on fast!" Carey said. 
"I try." Kat said. 
Kat and Carey worked, for who knows how long, but presumably weeks. 
"Do you mind if I go do something?" Carey asked. 
"No not at all." Kat replied.  Kat didn't know how to unmake something, but they decided to mess around with Create, making flowers and clouds.  They perfected each one down to the last detail.  They were happy, something they haven't been in a while. 
Until they started to sink again. 
"Cakes?! It's happening again!" Kat started to panick.  Carey wasn't there to help them. 
Breath.  You got this. Kat breathed in and out and summoned the Create button.  But nothing happened.  The button wasn't working. 
It was going faster now! The water was up to their knees.  What do they do?
Didn't Carey say that it happens because they think to much?  So all they have to do is to keep it simple.   They thought of a blade of grass.  It did absolutely nothing, the water was up to their waist. 
"This isn't working." Kat said realistically. 
The water was still climbing. 
*You called for help. 
*But nobody came. 
The water was up to Kat's neck. 
*Something cracked. You didn't know what. But something cracked.
"Careyyyy!" Kat yelled. 
"Kat? KAT!" Carey came running.  It was too late.  They were submerged in the water.  And slowly going deeper.  They tried to keep their eyes open. 
Was this it for them? Were they going to die here? Forgotten about?
Kat slowly lost consciousness.  Falling deeper and deeper.  They couldn't breath.  The last thing Kat saw was the shadow of Carey, standing above them, in the unseeable water. 
*You fell. 
*But it's not game over yet.

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