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Kat woke up in the same horrible bed, in the same horrible room, in the same nightmarish castle.
*you didn't sit up. You just thought for a moment.
Did Nightmare let her get saved by Ink? Just to take it all away, just like Ink said he would. Horrible. What a sad creature.
"Wakey wakey," Nightmare said.
"Why'd you take me to that stupid party thing?" Kat asked. Trying to change the subject. 
They showed no emotion, they felt nothing, even here they can get everything taken away.
*You couldn't feel...
Kat was supposed to feel angry,  but nothing.  Absolutely nothing.  It made Kat frustrated, but they couldn't feel it... Why?  Kat thought about sad things, and frustrating things, but still nothing.
But Kat supposed It was a good thing, at least Nightmare couldn't get what he wanted. 
"Oh, ya every so and so hundred years the 'bad guys' meet up, to discuss plans, sometimes it forms alliances, but usually, it forms other enemies with people. I only go cause there's a bunch of negative emotions there, and so I thought hey, why don't I treat the kid?" Nightmare said. 
"You knew I don't like parties, didn't you?" Kat asked. 
"I had an idea.  Speaking of negative emotions, where'd all yours go?" Nightmare asked. 
"Meh.  Ink told me what your trying to do." Kat said shrugging. 
"Hm.  Let me try..." Nightmare then decided to scare Kat.  He did some weird thing with his mouth.
*Nightmare startled you. 
*Flip him off?
Kat flipped off Nightmare. 
"Hm.  That wasn't very nice." Nightmare said. 
Ink did this...wouldn't it backfire? Nightmare thought. 
"C'mon, lets go." Nightmare said. 
"Give me a minute will you? Jeez. Can I, I don't know, not go?" Kat. 
"You really are stubborn, aren't you? Well, it's not like you have a choice." Nightmare then proceeded to grab a powerless Kat and teleport them somewhere. 
"Where are we going?!" Kat asked, yelling over the wind from falling. 
"To fix you! Or at least figure out how anyway." Nightmare said. 
Kat tried reaching for an AU portal while Nightmare was distracted.  Nightmare then slapped Kat's hand away. 
"No.  Bad Kat."
"There's nothing wrong with me." Kat replied ignoring Nightmare's comment. 
"You know there is, and I can feel it." Nightmare said. 
"No there's not. where are we going though!" Kat said over the wind. 
"Here!" Nightmare yelled.  He dragged Kat through a portal. 
*You felt the usual sickness as you did before. 
*You felt like you were going to vomit up Blue's tacos. 
Kat didn't even have time to look at the new place before the Tacos came back up. 
"Never eat before going through the portals." Nightmare said in the background. 
Kat looked at where Nightmare brought them. 
It was beautiful.  A field of sunflowers, and a never ending sunset. And on the other side was a beach, no one was there. Just the waves, the wind, and them, oh and Nightmare. It was warm, and beautiful, and everything that Kat could of ever dreamed of. But they felt nothing
*You felt nothing.
"You look confused, is there something wrong?" Nightmare asked with a smirk.
"I-I can't. I- just." Kat said.
"You can't what? I don't know, feel?" Nightmare asked.
*You found yourself and Nightmare sitting on the sand.
Sunflowers danced in the background. It was warm and perfect. But Kat still couldn't feel anything.
"Despite me absorbing negativity, emotions are important. They make up us. Without emotions, your nothing, blank. Even someone like Ink needs them, he has to artificially create them because he can't have them himself. That's how important they truly are. You can't just get rid of them because your kidnapper can use them against you, it's nothing more than a double edged sword. Only an idiot would do something like that. So if they did something, you can tell me kid." Nightmare said.
Was Nightmare actually worried about them?! Why. Was he telling the truth? Or does he just want to continue using Kat as his power source. Yes that was it. Besides, it's not like you knew how it happened. It's a good thing... right? It's for the best. Kat doesn't even know how to fix it anyway.
"Na, the most I did was eat some questionable tacos. That came back up about 4 minutes ago." Kat shrugged.
"I see..." Nightmare said. Nightmare put a hand on Kat's shoulder, his tentacles were around Kat. Kat then noticed that they had a blueish tint, showing that Nightmare was using magic on them.
*You felt sleepy
"What...is .. this?" Kat said bobbing her head back and forth.
"A spell." Nightmare said concentrating.
"Ya... n-no $h!T..Sherlock." Kat said.
"What did Dream tell you?" Nightmare asked.
"Y-you...really (yawn) think that I'd tell.. you?" Kat said.
"Oh no. That's why I'm doing this." Nightmare said.
The blue tint on his tentacles got even bluer.
"Can you show me your soul?" Nightmare asked.
"S-sure." Kat said sleepily.
"-Wait what!?" Kat bolted awake before they could do anything.
Kat looked at Nightmare with a sneer.
"You really suck...!" Kat said. Starting to get sleepy again.
"May I see your soul?" He asked. This time Nightmare's voice sounded...sweet..?  Not the usual Nightmarish voice. 
Without thinking, Kat showed him their soul.
*Nightmare is checking your soul.
"Huh. Interesting." Nightmare said looking at it.
The soul looked white... but it was not upside down, last time someone saw Kat's soul, they got scared. Then again, it looked like a glitchy mess.   At the time, it was a glitch between determination, and the white soul. 
But this time it was white. 
"Can you tell me what it means?" Nightmare asked like he was talking to a 2 year old.  Somehow, Kat responded! Even though they didn't want to.  However it's not like they were gonna say anything different. 
"No." Kat said, still immensely sleepy. 
"Now, what did Ink tell you about me? Hm?" Nightmare asked. 
No.  You don't want this, you can't. You can not let him find out! Kat thought.  But their efforts were useless. 
"He.. told me, that... you were using me... as a backup supply.. of negativity." Kat said. 
Nightmare struggled not to laugh, but then he collected himself. 
"I see."
Nightmare took his hand off Kat's shoulder, and his tentacles went away. 
Kat instantly jumped back away from Nightmare, well like a Cat and a cucumber in one of those funny videos. 
"What's wrong? Looked like you were dozing off for a moment?" Nightmare's voice went back to normal.  Kat looked angry. 
"You really think I was using you for negative energy?" Nightmare said, then he released the laugh he was holding back.
"You really are a dumb@$$" Nightmare said putting his hand to his forehead. 
"Why did you do that?" Kat asked. 
"Do what?" Nightmare asked, pretending he didn't know.
"The hypnotizing thingy."  Kat said. 
"Oooohhh that. Well because you somehow managed to get rid of your emotions, I can't tell if your lying or not." 
" And also, why would the guardian of AUs lie to me?!" Kat said, slowly getting farther and farther away from Nightmare. 
"WHY would the Guardian of AUs lie to you?! Seriously kid.  You gotta keep up.  Ink is a liar, he's selfish, and doesn't actually care, every emotion is fake.  Artificial, you can never believe a word he says." Nightmare lectured.  Then out of nowhere, Nightmare attacked! Sending a fairly simple pattern of bullets in Kat's direction.  Kat easily dodged them. 
"Bravo." Nightmare said doing a slow golf clap. 
"I hate you."
Nightmare continued to throw bullets at Kat. 
"If the bullets are coming from left, you don't dodge toward them. Common sense." Nightmare said. 
Kat rolled their eyes at this, but next attack, dodged away from the bullets.  Kat had to get out of here.  If they didn't, they might get killed. 
Kat scanned their surroundings.  There! They could duck down into the sunflowers. 
Kat sprinted into the never ending sunflower field.  Nightmare didn't look surprised, he even gave them a head start. 
"Hide and seek, is it now?" Nightmare asked.  Kat sprinted through the sunflowers, avoiding them like the plague, because as soon as he saw one move, that's where he would strike next.  Nightmare elevated himself so he could have a birds eye view. 
"If I can't find you, you can't get your emotions back!" Nightmare said, loud enough for Kat to hear no matter where they were. 
"Good." Kat said under their breath. 
"Found you." Nightmare miraculously appeared behind Kat.  It would have scared them, but they weren't scared, but they wish they were, because they didn't run.  They just sat.  And did nothing.  And that voice! The voice.  The voice was gone.  It helped them, it was them.  They needed it.  Was  Nightmare actually right about all this?
"Why? Why me.  It could've been anyone else.  But why me? There are loads of people who actually want to work with you.  I'm legit powerless yet you go through, loads, just to keep me locked up. I may not be able to feel, but I remember." Kat said.  While Nightmare was distracted, they made a run for it. 
Nice charade. Kat applauded them selves. As they ran through the never ending sun flowers, they managed to find their end.

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