A Nightmare

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Everything happened so fast.  Nothing changed for the worse, or for the better. 
It's been an awful week. You've barely eaten anything, mainly because 'Horror' as the other skeletons call him, isn't the best cook. Or they're giving Ki poisonous food on purpose.  You can't expect a prisoner to be treated nicely.  Well, Ki's allowed to go almost anywhere in the castle, the only problem is that certain places they might get lost trying to get to. They're pretty sure the Abomination and his ugly side kicks did that on purpose though.  On the bright side Ki barely sees Nightmare, and they try to stay away from the other psychos, but often fails. 
"Hey kid!" Ki heard dust call from down the hall. 
*You pretended not hear dust and turn left. 
*He teleports in front of you. 
"I know you heard me." Dust says. 
*you hate it when he makes his creepy face. 
*sometimes you'll see a version of papyrus behind him. 
*somehow, you feel sympathy for some of these jerks.  All of them in fact. (Nightmare is an exception. And maybe Horror.)
"What do you want."  Ki said. 
"I wanna know why boss brought ya here. You cause more trouble than any one of us, and you're still alive."  Dust says. 
*The papyrus is still there, they both look expectant of an answer. 
"I actually don't know." Ki said with annoyance in their voice.
"LIAR!" Dust said.  He generated a red bone (these do more damage) and almost hit Ki with it, but they only ended with a scratch on their cheek similar to cross's. 
*Dust's eyes were glowing. 
Dust's magic weapon landed in the wall.  Ki was trapped.  She was pinned to the wall by fear, and Dust was getting closer
*You looked for an escape to no avail. 
"Look. I'm telling you.  I was chilling in the Undertale-umm thing, and I got upset so I broke my reset button.  Next thing I know your a-hole of a boss kidnapped me, and gave me a play date with his minions." Ki said.  They didn't show it, but they were desperate. 
"What about me?" The pair looked down the hall to see nightmare leaning on his goo, or whatever.
*Nightmare looked expectant. 
"O-oh ya know, just having a friendly chat with the kid, R I G HT."  Dust looked at Ki with an angry glow in his eye. 
*You couldn't move.  You were still in a state of shock from when Dust narrowly miss your eye. 
*You steadied yourself.
Think. Think. 
"Sure." Ki said before they could think of a response. 
"Well I'm gonna need to borrow them for a moment so if you don't mind," *The ugly skeleton disappeared. 
*the ugly skeleton reappeared next to you and put a hand on your shoulder. 
"I ' L L   B E   T A K I N G   THEM."  He said looking at dust. 
You were in a white void.  If you thought Nightmare's minions were ugly, you just got slapped in the face. 
"Meet Error."  Nightmare said looking up. 
*above you was the ugliest skeleton ever, laying in a hammock made out of blue threads. 
"Wow, and I thought you were ugly." 
Ki said without thinking. 
"Ah seems like we got a good start." 
*Nightmare ran..away?
The ugly skeleton looked down at Ki. 
"Well, well, well, what do we got here." 
*The ugly skeleton started pulling strings..from his... eyes?
"Big mouth, eh? Might as well make this quick and painless."
*You dodge the best you can, and surprisingly, your making it!
Ki ducked and sprinted.
Why did Nightmare do this again? Why did he even kidnap them.
Then right above Ki.
It was the most glorious thing. chocolate, and a nice cup of coffee hanging on a string.
From behind!
*You felt yourself get whacked with a string from the back, but you didn't take any damage?
Error's health bar went down. And he looked confused.
"H-how did you- Is this one of his sick experiments?! I'm gonna k-kill him!" Error started to glitch until he was one glitchy mess.
*you decided to run away.
"Oh no you don't!"
*despite his glitch, Error manages to catch you.
"I don't know, what you are, or who, or whatever scheme he has going for you, but you're not getting away that easily." Error says.
Ki is dangling from the strings and face to face with Error.
"I'm the destroyer of worlds! Do you really think you can escape me?!"
Error says.
*You notice that the chocolate bar is so close, oh and coffee! If only you were a little higher.
"I can't hurt you with magic, but I can still physically interact." Error says thinking.
*Error rambles into a glitchy portal and pulls the string so you're little bit higher.
*Error is gone, and you're right next to the chocolate.
"Gotcha!" You say.
*Error appears in through a portal in front of you, startling you a bit. It Looks like he's, in space?!
"Mine." Error snatches the chocolate while disappearing back into the space place.
"Looks peaceful." Ki says.
*The chocolate wasn't even what you were after.
*You grab the coffee.
Ki, despite being in an uncomfortable position sipped the coffee. It tasted amazing, she hadn't had any thing this good since she got to Nightmare's.
The void was peaceful.
*You took a calm breath while downing the last of your coffee.
*Despite being in the 'destroyer of worlds' possession, you still felt safe knowing he couldn't hurt you.
Ki's eyes got heavy, they slowly shut their eyes, and smiled to the pure silence they never got in the real world. They never
Maybe this world wouldn't be so bad, maybe they could even make it better.
*you somehow fell asleep with the sound of silence.
Silence, blankness, the anti void. When something's this empty, it gives room to something more. Inspiration.
Despite being trapped you're filled with Freedom, to think, inspiration.
*You never fall asleep this easily...

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