Another Idiot

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"Woah how'd you do that?!" The skeleton asked enthusiastically his eyes twisted into different colors.
*The skeleton inspected you.
*He raised your arm.
*You hissed at the skeleton. He didn't seem to notice.
"Are you a creator?!" Ink asked.
Ink started to ramble about 'if it's possible' other stuff, then he somehow got completely off track talking about Error.
"Woah! Who are you! You have a strong aura! Are you a creator? How'd your physical form get here though? Is that even possible?" The skeleton went through a full circle multiple times.
*You decide that because someone might look less stupid doesn't mean they are, and that the world is backwards.
*You realized that the skeleton did look stupid with a broomstick on his back.
"What is this place?" Kat asked.
"This is, uh what were we talking about?" The skeleton really was an idiot.
*The skeleton is an idiot.
*You decide to walk away. You don't want his stupidity to rub off on you.
"You do that buddy!" Kat said walking away.
"Where' you goin'?" The idiot skeleton asked.
"Away from you. Don't want you to infect my brain with your stupidity." Kat said brutally honest.
"Ah, ok!" The skeleton says catching up to Kat.
"Please stop harassing me." Kat said.
"Hey, why are you here?" The idiot skeleton said.
"Some string @$$hole threw me threw a portal." Kat said.
"Oh! You mean Error!" The idiotic skeleton said.
"That's the guy. How do you know him?" Kat said, despite being in fear of his stupidity.
"Oh ya, he's my greatest enemy! That's all." The stupid skeleton said.
"Wait what." Kat said.
"Mmhm! Ya I'm the guardian of the multiverse, and he's the destroyer of worlds!" The skeleton has been oddly enthusiastic about all this, but Kat didn't mind. Because it gave them hope, after all that happened, there can be good people in this place.
"And you are..." Kat asked.
"Ink! Guardian of the multiverse!"
Oh man would Nightmare hate this. Lol.
As if on cue, Nightmare gooped into existence inside of the blank canvas.
"Oh hi Nightmare." You can tell Ink didn't like Nightmare, but he was still enthusiastic.
Nightmare was still at a distance, but he yanked Kat back toward him with his tentacles.
*You fell behind Nightmare.
*Nightmare looked like, he was... protecting you?!
"Hey. Ink..."
*NM looked upset.
*Your surprised.
"What you got there Nightmare?" Ink asked, trying to peer behind NM.
*You didn't know what to do.
*You sat there helplessly.
Just then, a yellow and blue skeletons showed up.
"Hey ink... we're back...?" The blue one said.
The yellow one already had his bow out.
"Nightmare... what are you doing here?!" Dream said, pointing his bow at Nightmare.
The blue one also looked like he was getting ready to fight.
Nightmare snapped his fingers and his freak show gooped along side him.
*Nightmare's goop formed an impenetrable dome around you.
*A battle was about to begin.
"This sucks." Kat said.
*You sat for awhile thinking about how all this went down.
"Nightmare probably knew that guy before right...? Why would he stop me from talking to him? What if... Let's just wait this out. Maybe I can get some answers." Kat thought. They would of tried to get out of, whatever this was, but what if that ink guy was bad? But then again, Nightmare is evil. They kinda figured that out so what if... What if ink and the other guys were trying to save them?
*This thought gave you hope.
Just then, an arrow shot through the dome.
"I got through!"
"Great just don't hit the kid!"
"Stay posit-"
The voices were cut off by the dome fixing itself.
*Stay positive.
*You positivitiesed...?"
2 more arrows shot through the dome.
*It worked!
They may not know these people, but they could tell they were better than Nightmare. Anyone is better than Nightmare actually, even someone random. Stay positive. You will get saved.
At least 10 arrows were getting through at a time now. It was working!
*You kept thinking positive.
*You were going to be saved!
Then more arrows were coming into the dome, these were flying quickly, too quickly to dodge. Unlike all the others, one didn't evaporate. It had a note on it!
'We're going to save you!' It said. The note also had a drawing of the blue one, the yellow one, and Ink.
*You smiled at the thought that you might actually be able to get out!
*Your filled with positivity!
The arrows bullet through the dome.  The arrows were going so fast, that you could almost see the outside before the dome fixed itself up again.  Then, an arrow! It scraped Kat's arm. 
*You winced. 
The cut was deep, but nothing critical.  As long as you don't get hit again. 
*You jinxed it.

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