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Nightmare ended up grabbing Kat by the other ankle and holding them upside down. 
"Huh." Nightmare inspected.  Kat didn't squirm this time, but still stubbornly crossed their arms like a child.
The glowing white tentacle curled around the ankle and glowed brighter as Kat felt it started to heal itself.  It took a little longer than last time, unless it was Kat's imagination. 
"In all seriousness, take it easy this time, I don't wanna waste my magic on something stupid like that again." Nightmare said. 
"So why do it?" Kat asked. 
"Cause you hate it when I do." Nightmare said, it was obvious that it was not the true reason, but it was close enough. 
"Why do you even have these types of magic." Kat asked still hanging upside down while Nightmare continued to heal their ankle.  Blood started to rush to their head. 
"I had to learn.  As you know, my subordinates have trauma and such that prevents them from getting a wink of rest, sometimes they just need a little bit of support if they can't sleep, and we can't just get full hp from sleeping after a battle.  So, I kinda had to sub in for the idiots stupidity if they get hit with a bullet."  Nightmare explained. 
"What about eating? I haven't eaten anything in days." Kat pointed out. 
"Ya you have, you just haven't been noticing.  In most AUs a human can survive 2 months without eating.  Nightmare said.  Kat checked their inventory, that used to be full of space buns or something. 
Then they remembered all the times they actually ate food. 
"Oh." Kat said still upside down. 
"You could eat small meals before going through the multiverse, but I wouldn't recommend downing 3 strange spaghetti tacos." Nightmare said. 
"I'm pretty sure I still have the taste in my mouth from that." Kat said. 
"And I'm happy I don't." Said Nightmare as he finished up healing Kat. 
"Congratulations, you can break it again now." Nightmare said sarcastically.
"Nice." Kat said dryly.  It was weird, it felt tingly. 
Nightmare carelessly dropped Kat to the floor who almost hit their head if they didn't catch themselves with their hands. 
"You still need to recover, so no training tomorrow."  Nightmare informed Kat. 
They need to avoid using their foot... if I use my magic on them now, they might break it again.  Looks like I'm gonna have to make them feel comfortable before I use my magic on them....Nightmare thought. 
"Tea?" Nightmare asked.  2 cups of tea magically appeared in Nightmare's tentacles, one of which he offered to Kat. 
"Na, more of a coffee person." Kat said. 
The cup Nightmare offered disappeared in an instant and a new one appeared, Nightmare offered it to Kat who was more than happy to accept.  Just a little skeptical. 
"This is pretty good." Kat said who sipped it. 
"Say, why are you being so nice all of a sudden." Kat asked. 
"Wanna go up on the roof?" Nightmare asked, avoiding the question.  Before Kat could respond they were already there, sitting on the highest point. 
Kat looked at the sky.  The only thing it held was the moon. 
"Don't come up here without my permission. Got it?" Nightmare said. 
"No promises." Kat said quoting their last conversation at the beach.
Nightmare gave Kat a stern look and Kat decided not to argue.  Kat tipped the cup upside down to get the last of the coffee. 
"I haven't had this stuff in a while..." Kat said looking at the bottom of the cup. 
*Your eyes seemed to slowly close, and the way the roof was slanted was scary, but somehow comforting at the same time. 
Kat started to fall asleep but then jolted awake as a memory floated by. 
"Shh.  It's ok, you're fine. . ." Nightmare used his freaky 'sweet voice' and put one of his tentacles up to Kat's head.  It started to glow blue, the beautiful dark blue sky. 
"Sleep." Nightmare said as Kat drifted off to sleep without thinking about any of their old 'home'

Kat awoke the next morning, they probably had one of their better rests that night. They then ate a cinnamon bun because, well, not interested in Horror's biscuits with 'gravy'
They decided that I'd be best not to see any of the guys today.
It almost scared Kat because it wasn't Nightmare.
"Who tf are you?" Kat asked suspiciously.
"I'm you." The voice said.
"So I'm going crazy and talking to myself." Kat said sarcastically.
"Well, no. I'm a fragment of your soul, it flew off and made a personality so here I am." The voice explained.
"Hm, totally relatable." Kat said, they decided it was best that they kept their voice down.
"We're going out to do our evil plans against ink and stuff. Don't go on the roof, and don't bother trying to open the door, it's locked." Nightmare said before leaving just as quickly as he came.
"Hm. Guess that's out of the way." The voice said.
"Who are you?" Kat asked.
"You know me. You met me before." Casey said.
"No I- didn't?" Kat just got hit with deja vu.
"I'm Casey. And you're gonna get out of here." Casey said.
*You saw the mysterious figure. They looked like you! But different.

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