Another day, Another Nightmare

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Kat eventually found a forest among the never ending sun flowers, they should've felt happy that they found a forest and had a chance to get Nightmare off their back.  But they couldn't.  They couldn't feel! Was Nightmare right?
"Gosh, you're so stubborn" Nightmare was getting closer.  They had to go!
Kat ran into the forest. 
I thought that I could catch up to them before they got here... oh well. More fun for me. Nightmare thought. 
The forest was huge.  Trees the width and size of entire houses got in Kat's way.  They had to keep going.  Despite not feeling fear, Kat still had the urge to keep going. 
Determination, I always thought it was just the power in the video game, but, could it be real? Kat thought. 
Something climbable! Kat came across a tree that was small enough for them to climb! At least now their strange talent could come in handy. 
They always had a strange talent of climbing trees that all the kids were jealous of, but really? They shouldn't be jealous of them.  Not if they knew...
Kat scrambled up the tree.  Then they finally found a high enough branch to support them.  They were about 50 feet up.  Kat held their breath as Nightmare walked directly under them, as soon as he passed they let it go. 
"Hey." Nightmare said beside Kat.  Kat didn't get scared or anything, well because, ya know, emotions blah blah, Ink.  Nightmare probably did that super fast teleport thing. 
"F*ck." Kat said. 
Then something snapped. The branch was falling with Kat on top of it.
"Uh oh." Kat said dryly. 
Nightmare was so quick that Kat couldn't even see his goop grab them by the ankle right before they hit the ground.
"We done playing here?!" Nightmare yelled from the top of the tree. The only thing touching the ground was Kat's hair, which they noticed was tinted with dark blue, since their outfit change.
Nightmare dropped Kat who fell with an oof on their head.
Nightmare teleported beside Kat.
"Let's go." Nightmare said. Next thing Kat knew, they were falling through the multiverse.
"If you knew I couldn't feel anything, why did you bring me there?" Kat asked.
"I was trying to see if Ink made a double edged sword for himself so I couldn't pick it up." Nightmare responded shrugging.
Nightmare had to grab Kat with one of his tentacles to prevent them from going to another universe.
Kat also noticed the small voice in their head could no longer be heard.
They hated this. What even happened, how could Ink, or dream, could've done this? When. Ya, that's the question they should ask. What about when they were passed out? That would fit, but how? Maybe they could do spells too? There has to be a way to reverse it.
Nightmare and Kat finally got to the orb portal thing. And then went back to the castle.
Kat didn't sleep that night considering they were in one of the multiverse's greatest enemy's castle.
No. That wasn't it. The Nightmares. Ironic isn't it? The only time they ever not had nightmares is when...Nightmares used his magic. It's not like they could feel anything, but the dreams aren't pleasant nonetheless.
Kat decided that they could walk around the castle until 'morning' not really much of a morning actually. Just meant everyone was done with sleeping.
They got out of their 'bed' which they just noticed was cement with a mattress on top. How did they miss that?
Kat started to wander the halls. Maybe they could find a kitchen!
"Hey kid." Nightmare said. Kat rolled their eyes.
"Can I have one moment in peace." Kat said.
"Na, sorry." Nightmare said.
"Whatcha doing?" Nightmare asked.
"Trying to find a kitchen I can raid." Kat said brutally honest.
"Huh. Wouldn't do that. We're going back tomorrow." Nightmare said.
"Why?" Kat asked.
"If you had your emotions you would've been excited." Nightmare said judgmentally.
"I've been telling you, for the past what? Two days? That I don't know how or when he did it. I've had guesses, but I don't think any of them are even remotely accurate." Kat said sternly.
"So. Whatcha doing up?" Nightmare asked.
"I can stay up late, I'm what? 15 or 20? I don't even know anymore. It's not like I have a 'bed time' or whatever." Kat said rolling their eyes.
"And I'm 526, but that's not the point.  So your saying sleep isn't necessary?" Nightmare asked.
"Wtf are you? My dad?" Kat stopped themselves. They knew it was just an expression, but, still. They hated to think about, that. They hated it. Despite not being able to feel anything, they still hated him. It doesn't matter. They're far away from it now. Plus, it's not like they could feel, but they remember how it felt.
Kat just, walked away.
Huh. So that's it. Nightmare thought.
Kat walked back to 'their room'. It's not like they ever had any privacy anyway. On the way there, they still tried to find a raid-able pantry, but nothing but the halls Kat got so sick of. Yet they still managed to get lost. Finally Kat got to their room and sat in the dark on their bed.
What have they got themselves into? No. None of this is their fault. Like last time. They found a way to get out of it last time. This time is no different, except for the fact that they got pulled into a different dimension, and now have absolutely no way to feel. All they have to do is stay creative.
Then it hit them. It was a stupid Idea, sure, but was there a chance it would work? Yes.
"Hey kid, I'm surprised you aren't sleeping." Nightmare appeared from the shadows from underneath their 'bed' which is actually just cement with a mattress on top.
"Can you leave me alone? Geez." Kat said.
"Na, sorry kid, ain't gonna happen." Nightmare said shrugging.
"Having trouble sleeping?" Nightmare said.
"I would be sleeping like a baby, if someone would let me, I don't know, have basic nutrition?" Kat said. 
"You are an idiot." Nightmare said. 
"Wait.  What?" Kat asked. 
"Ya, it's just you're applying your old thinking to this world, so your brain tells you that you need to eat, but in reality, you don't. Instead, in this world, one would sleep more instead of doing both." Nightmare explained.
"What are you? My sixth grade science teacher?" Kat asked annoyed. 
"No, I'm the guy who kidnapped you twice."  Nightmare said. 
Kat would've snorted at that one, or at least have grinned, but because of the whole, 'can't feel' thing they didn't have the reaction NM was expecting. 
"Oh, right." Nightmare said realizing his mistake. 
"I don't even need my magic to tell you were lying there."  NM told Kat. 
"Having 'unpleasant' dreams?" NM asked them. 
"No." Kat replied. 
"That was even worse.  I can help you know."  Nightmare said while holding up a glowing tentacle. 
"Don't use your stupid magic on me again." Kat said, moving away from him. 
"Everyone else let's me." Nightmare stated. 
"Oh ya, you mean the psychos that tried to kill me multiple times? Again. I'm good." Kat said. 
"All of them have traumatic pasts.  So much so they can never get over it, and have well, me.  So to avoid anyone falling asleep in mid battle, I give them a little, nudge, to go to sleep at a better time." Nightmare explained ignoring Kat's comments. 
"No. Nuh uh." Kat said, scooting farther away from NM. 
"Suit yourself.  Again, not like you have a choice." Nightmare said. 
"There it is." Kat said.  Kat was eyeing the door before, but now they were making their move and sprinting toward it. 
"Here we go again." Nightmare said rolling his eyes.  He then goop teleported to follow Kat. 
Kat sprinted through the long castle halls.  They couldn't let Nightmare use his freaky magic on them. 
About the 'tragic' past thing, that Nightmare was talking about.  They think that they may have felt sympathy if they still had their emotions.   Because they had one too. 
Nightmare goop teleported in front of Kat. 
"You know you can't escape me.  So why bother trying?" Nightmare shaking his head. 
"There's always a chance." Kat said.  Then they started running at full speed toward Nightmare. 
"What are you doing?" Nightmare said amused. 
Kat then did one of those spy movie slides, underneath Nightmare. 
"Oh." Nightmare said slightly surprised.  Kat continued sprinting.  Nightmare then reached behind him with his goop and grabbed Kat by the ankle without even looking, and hung them upside down in front of them. 
"You really don't like me do you? Even after you can't feel anything!" Nightmare said amused. 
"You really never learn, do you?"  Nightmare then used his freaky magic.
Kat was now acting more like their namesake. 
Nightmare's tentacles then glowed blue, like his magic. 
He surrounded the Kat with the magic thing. 
Kat started to get sleepy. 
"It's... not...the best, sleeping... upside down ya know.  Screw you." Kat said.  Then they passed out.

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