Cousins and Hotsprings

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We were hurling our luggage on board the plane when Valarie suddenly grabbed Jake's arm.

"Sweetie, I am flying first class and they reserved an extra seat." She batted her eyes at him. "Do you want to join me?"

"No. Ask someone else," he said yanking his arm away from her.

"Why? I reserved a seat for you!" she stomped her feet on the floor like a spoilt brat but he ignored her and sat next to me.

'Are you sure you aren't worried about her taking him?' my inner voice asked as I watched her walk off.

'I am worried about what he would do if she keeps pushing his buttons.' then I notice Taro and the rest of the family sitting next to us.

'Looks like, you have other things to worry about.'

I shudder and look away. 'That woman scares me.'

Then a voice on a speaker told us to fasten our seatbelts and we did. Slowly and gently, I felt the plane move and within minutes, we were up in the sky.

'Wow! The clouds are so fluffy.' I think taking a peek through the window.

"Emma," Jake passed me a set of earphones. "Put it on."

I do so and Classic Music entered my ears. 'Wait how did he get this?'

"Do you like it?"

A smile played on my lips. "Yeah, yeah I do."

"Great! I compiled it for you," he replied.

Apart from listening to Classic music, ordering food, and sleeping, the flight was uneventful. A few hours later, we were at our destination and dragging our luggage out of the airport.

"Oh look there is our taxi," Andrew said.

Brianna yawned. "Great! I am so sleepy!"

"So I'm I," Ralph added.

We piled our luggage into the taxi and go to Charlie's place but something was wrong because of the loud music coming from the house.

"Maybe we got the wrong date?" Brianna asked as we got off the car.

Andrew saw red. Marching us up to the front porch where someone was sleeping, he opened the door to reveal pool parties were boys drinking and girls wearing revealing bikinis playing in the pool. I cringed seeing a couple making out by the corner of the room and from the looks of things they were probably under the influence of alcohol but I did not want to know.

Andrew walked in slamming leaving us outside. We heard a little commotion followed by a yell, the sound of breaking glass, and girls screaming.


The door burst open and all the partygoers rushed out with most of them stumbling to the ground because of drunkenness although it was only 6 PM.

The room was littered with cans of beer, bottles, cigarette butts, and an unknown substance on the table. Inside, Andrew was having a loud argument with someone and it got so intense that I wondered who would win.

Then Andrew walked out boiling with rage and from the looks of things, he lost.


"GREAT! TELL ON ME LIKE YOU DID WHEN WE WERE KIDS YOU WUSS!" the person who I suspect was Charlie yelled back. Andrew growled and was about to go in but Ralph and Jake held him.

"Let it go, man," he said holding him tight.

"Yeah. He ain't worth it." Jake added.

Andrew shrugged himself off stomped out of the porch and took out his phone. After making a few calls, he took us to the side of the road where a taxi was waiting for us.

Murder House (Part One)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora