The Black Swan

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Muriel stuck out her head through the door. "Okay it is clear!" she squealed earning a glare from Stella. "Oops sorry."

I open the door and headed to the library but was stopped by Stella who gestured to me to hide.

I do so and watch as Gwen walked passed me still wielding her machete.

"Ooh, she looks scary!" Muriel whispered as she cowered behind me. "Looks like Ariana did do the ritual on her."

I look back at her. "Ritual?"

She nods. "I heard her tell someone something about possessing her but I didn't get the details."

I look away. 'No wonder she has been acting strange and her voice sounded like they were two people living in her.'

Stella gestured that the coast is clear and I emerge from my hiding place and run to the door leading to the school's garden but Muriel stopped me.

"Stella says we can take a shortcut to main building two through the roof." She says pointing.

I look at the stairs and gulp. "A ghost tried to kill me when I went up there last."

Muriel hummed in thought and grinned. "Oh! I see you met Hing!"


"Yeah! She always sits alone on the roof waiting for someone to come up there." Muriel explained. "She is a vengeful one but I heard she is nice if you pay attention to her."

Hand on my chin, I think deeply about what she said. 'That was my mistake! I ignored her when she was coughing out blood and dying before my eyes.' then I look at my ghostly friends. 'I know what to do.'

Stella's head jerked up and gestured for me to go up the stairs. When I get to the roof, I see the ghost sitting on the bench eating what looked like a bento.

'Well, here goes nothing!' I sit next to her.

"He...Hello!" I say waving to her.

She looks up and stares at me with red glowing eyes. I flinch but continue. " name is Emma. What is yours?"

The glow in her eyes disappeared, replaced with warmness. She looks away and continues to eat but starts coughing violently while holding her throat.

"What is the matter?" I try to touch her but my hand went through. "Are you alright?"

She responded by coughing and gaging while foaming in the mouth until she collapsed to the ground. As I looked at her 'body', it suddenly disappeared and there she was standing behind me.

"Go in peace!" she says before disappearing again.

I blink. 'What just happened?'

"Woohoo! You honored her!" Muriel squeals jumping up and down. "This means you can pass here without incident!"

I run, to open the door but suddenly remember something. 'Wait a minute, her death was similar to Eric's.' I look back. 'Were they poisoned by the same substance that killed them?'

"Stella says you should stop thinking and keep moving," Muriel said. "We have little time left!"

'Wait they can hear my thoughts?'

"Yes silly! We are ghosts remember?" Muriel said folding her arms and shaking her head.

We move on until we get to the library and Stella pointed at a stack of newspapers at the right.

I instantly groan. "It is going to take all night to get through that."

"Stella suggests you get started," Muriel says with a grin on her face.

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