Ghost Encounters

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The cold wind howled as I stood in front of the school building. Part of me was screaming it was a bad idea while another part of me encouraged me to do it.

'I will never find out the truth by staying at home and doing nothing.' I take a deep breath and walk in.

'This is bad considering that the police just interviewed you today.' My little voice said as I roamed the school halls.

'I just want to see Caroline and learn the truth.' I reply.

Then an ear-piercing scream was heard followed by an evil cackle. Bringing out the knife and torch from my bag, I look around but see nothing.

'Maybe this is a bad idea.' I say putting the knife back and heading to the front door but to my shock, it was locked.

'Cheesecakes!' Letting go of the handle, I look around. 'Looks like I have to keep going.'

I send a text message to Caroline asking where she was and she replied she was in the main building by the left.

'That is where the upperclassmen study.' I say tucking my phone in my bag but it brightened up with a message from an unknown number.

'Darling where are you?' it read. 'I did not see you at the convenience store.'

'Like I am going to tell you creep.' I delete it and go to the main building but something was wrong. 'Something is moving in the classrooms and it looks like it is following me.'

I stop and look at one of the classroom windows. 'All I can see is my reflection and an empty classroom.' I shake my head at my stupidity. 'I am just getting worked up for...'

Then a dismantled face appears out of nowhere screaming at me. Shocked, I jump back in horror and land on the floor as it crawled out of the window. Acting on instinct, I stand up to run but it grabs my feet and tries to pull me into the class through the window. I scream but an unknown hand grabs it by the head and drags it into the classroom.

My heart was pounding so hard. 'This school does have bad Feng Shui.'

I scramble to my feet and run towards a building where the upperclassmen classes are and were about to open the door leading when a voice screamed, "Don't go there!"

I stop in my tracks and dared to look back. A silhouette figure of a boy was staring at me with a knife in his hand. It lunged at me but I dodge the attack and run to the stairs but he caught my leg. I hold on to the railing to prevent myself from falling and look back at its red eyes. Suddenly the same hand appeared, grabbed it, and disappeared.

'What on earth was that?' I scramble to my feet and run up the stairs. 'This time I am not going to look back.'

I finally make it to the school's roof which served as my only link to the second main building and sees a female student sitting on a bench eating what looked like a bento. Not willing to take any chances, I walk past her and my breath hitched. Suddenly she appeared in front of me with blood drooling from her mouth.

"Everyone used to ignore me." Slowly, she raised her hand and my feet left the ground while I gasped for air.

"I...can't...breathe!" I croak while holding my neck. Then I dropped to the ground with a thud and she vanished. The door in front of me opened and there stood Alice.

"Oh there you are!" she said with a huff. "I was looking all over for you."

I stand up still catching my breath.

"Why are you acting like a fish out of water?" she growled putting her hands on her hips. "Well, don't just stand there looking like a moron! Let's go and meet her!"

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