School Shooting

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The exams were coming soon and I was scared.


It's my first exam in this new school and I want to leave a good impression on my grades.

"Remember, this is a new school paving way for your new future," I tell myself while looking at the mirror this morning. "So leave the past behind and keep moving."

It was easier said than done because images of my horrible deed still plagued me no matter how hard I try to ignore them. The good news is that I hadn't heard from my stalker after my trip to the police, and the upperclassman named Alice stopped following me to school after I told her off. I did stop going out at night and tried walking to school with my friends but that proved to be impossible because of the distance. Asides from that, they took vehicles to school and I was already low on money because of the price of changing the locks in my apartment so walking was my only alternative.

It was one of these mornings and I was looking at a group of girls chatting and walking to school.

'It's pretty lonely walking to school on your own.' I sadly thought.

"Emma!" the sound of footsteps was coming my way and when I looked back, I see Jake rushing towards me.

He skidded beside me. "How are you today?"

I blinked twice in shock. "I... I am fine?"

"Great!" then he put his face closer to mine. "Do you want me to walk you to school?"

The situation was so awkward that I instantly didn't feel like walking to school with him at all.

I chuckle nervously. "No thanks."

He glared at me so hard that I felt goosebumps all over me then he smiled. "Too bad because I want to walk to school with you."

With that, he grabbed my wrist and started dragging me with him. I struggled to get his hand off but he tightened his grip.

'It hurts!'

"Wow the sun looks good doesn't it Emma? Today is a lovely day. Looks like nothing could go wrong at all and... "

'What on earth is he saying?'

Luckily, this grueling treatment only lasted for a few minutes but to me, it lasted like months. Once we got to the school gates, he let go of me.

'That was an awful experience.' I massage my wrist which had hand marks on them.

"Emma are you okay?" he asked.

I look at his worried face and grimaced. "Yep, I am alright. Thank you for walking me to school."

The grin appeared on his face again. "You're welcome. Do you want me to walk you home after school?"

'No!' was my initial reply but I force a smile, and shake my head causing a look of disappointment to appear on his face. Before he could say another word, I rush into the building, change my shoes by my locker and go into the classroom.

"I am never walking to school with him again," I mutter while giving my wrist a massage.

The class started and as usual, Carl and his goons made all kinds of noises when they entered. I ignore them and wait for Mrs. Brittany our English teacher to walk in.

'That's odd. She is late.' I drum my fingers on my desk 'There is something we all know about her and that is her punctuality. She is never late except the day she had the flu.'

"Okay everyone please put away your books and let's begin shall we?" Mrs. Brittany's sweet voice chimed in.

I look up and see she's standing in front of the class with a huge briefcase in her hands and was about to do as we were told but paused. 'Wait, why did she say we should put away our books?'

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