Visitors and Lucid Nightmares

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In a dark room with dim light coming from a laptop, Jake stared at the picture of Emma on his laptop and smiled recalling the events with the promise she gave him.

"My name is Emma Cross-wood....if we should meet again it would be for life..."

'She was so sweet and innocent back then.' he took out his phone and proceeded to send her another text. 'And she still is now.'

Suddenly his laptop popped up with a notification and clicked on it. The screen showed Emma walking out of the apartment with her school bag. Jumping out of the bed, he rushed to get dressed.

'Where is she going at 12 AM in the morning?'

Emma's POV

I stare at my phone and groan. 'Doesn't he sleep? This is the thirteenth text he has sent so far.' then I stared at the school's building and see light passing through the window of the second floor. 'Should I tell Caroline what happened to her? Maybe I should just return Molly's file and get this over with.'

So I open the door quietly and silently walk in navigating my way to the Principal's office but hear voices coming from the path I took.

"Do you think this is a good place to do it?"

"How I'm I supposed to know? I'm not the one who had a dream about this place."

"Come on Ayano be serious!"

I turn round the corner and see two people looking into one of the classrooms through the windows and was about to sneak past them when my phone buzzed causing the two to look directly at me.

'Who are they? Are they ghosts or humans?' that was the question that went through my mind as one of them glared at me?

"Well are going to stare at us or introduce yourself?" one asked.

I snap out of it and bow. "I am sorry. Good evening. My name is Emma Cross-wood and I am a student of this school."

The one who spoke cocked an eyebrow and gave a sinister smile. "My name is Ayano Aishi. It is a pleasure to meet you."

I smile and sheepishly scratch the back of my head but hide the fact that she scared me. Through the dim light of their torch, I identified the one who spoke to me as a slightly tall woman with grey eyes and black hair tied up in a ponytail. She was wearing a black long-sleeved shirt and grey shots with black leggings matching the other woman's outfit.

"So what are you doing here?" she asked.

I bite my lips. "I am here to return this file."

"Hmm," she put her hand on her chin. "Okay. Then it is best you'd be on your way. It is a pleasure meeting you."

I nod and walk off but when I turn round the corner, I stop and crouch down.

"Say Ayano, doesn't she remind you of someone?" asked the other woman.

"Yes. She reminds me of Kizana Sunobu. You know, the leader of the Drama Club." Ayano replied.

"Are you sure? Because she reminds me of Megami Sakou." Said the other.

She tsked. "Megami? That is impossible. There is one thing I know about Megami' and that is no one in her family is as tall as that girl."

The other hummed in thought. "Do you think she will report us? She might think we are responsible for the mysterious disappearances taking place in the school."

There was a tone of worry in the other's voice as they came closer so I stand up and quickly run towards the Principal's office where the ghost was waiting for me.

Murder House (Part One)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt