Mr. Yaki

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'I started my investigation in July 2012 but came up short. All I knew was students disappeared and came back intending to murder the students. I tried to pin the murderer in one of the classes but after Jeremy killed Carmella I hit a brick wall. Jeremy was a junior but Carmella was an upperclassman. Does this mean the hypnotist is a junior? Then Fredrick an upperclassman killed a teacher. Does this mean the hypnotist is an upperclassman?

None of this made sense no matter how I tried to comprehend it but there was one murder that stood out; Mr. Yaki's murder. One minute I saw him walking around the school and the next thing he was lying in a pool of blood in the gym room. There were no dead bodies around the school and he was holding a knife in his right hand. The police ruled his death a suicide but I was skeptical. Mr. Yaki was a left-handed person and he was stabbed in the back of the head. So how can someone stab himself at the back of his head and die facing upwards?


Sitting on my futon, I reread this and sighed because this was the third time I was reading this after two weeks. 'This clearly shows signs of foul play. How was he able to stab himself in the back of his head?'

I closed the book and put it in my bag and lay on my futon with a huge flop.

'This is the third time someone tried to kill me and the police have no leads on who the person might be.'

As if on cue, my phone brightened with a message. 'I even told the Detective about my stalker but he said I have to catch him in the act which is easier said than done.'

Crawling out of my futon, I dress up. 'School is opening a day after tomorrow so I have tonight to search for my answers. I hope Gwen is will be there.'

I was lucky; Gwen was there but she looked disturbed. "What is the matter?"

She shushed me and took me aside. "Have you gone into the Drama Club room late at night?"

I shake my head.

"Well, follow me." She led me to the entrance of the club room.

I walk in, look around and shake my head. "Nothing is out of the ordinary here."

But she pulled me back and pointed to the chair. "The chair is moving."

I look at the chair and then at its reflection in the mirror. A girl was sitting on the chair wearing a black ballet outfit; her face was peeling, showing the muscles on her cheeks while her ballet slippers were covered in blood.

I tried to run but my legs couldn't move. Gwen noticed this and dragged me out of the room. My thoughts of being safe were gone when I saw the girl standing behind Gwen with a twisted look on her face. Then she began to turn her neck most awkwardly.

"Emma!" Gwen said pointing at me. "Why are you..."

I felt my neck twist as my head slowly turned to the right. Trying to stop only made the pain worse as my throat knotted together. Then I stopped turning and stared at the girl behind Gwen who frowned and disappeared.

"Emma," Gwen called out raising her machete. "Are you alright?"

I sigh and massage my neck. "It is okay. I am fine."

"A...are you sure?"

I nod and we go to the Principal's office to search for Mr. Yaki's file.

"Bingo." I take it out of the drawer and open it. "It says here he was a thirty-three-year-old man with insomnia. Cause of death, a stab wound at the back of his head."

"Mr. Yaki?" Gwen hummed for a while. "Oh, I remember him! He was the school's Math teacher."

"What else do you know about him?" I ask.

Murder House (Part One)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora