Doctors and Nurses

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"Good morning ma'am, what would you have today?" I ask an elderly lady who took a seat by the window.

"I will have Iced Tea with a bit of lemon dear," she replied.

I nod and go to the counter where the assistant manager was. "The lady at table nine would like to have Ice Tea with a bit of lemon."

She snorted, walked into the kitchen, and emerged a few minutes later with a cup of golden tea with a lot of ice in it.

"Here is some extra lemon for the old lady," she said while adding another lemon slice to the saucer. "She likes a lot of lemon in her tea."

I take the saucer, walk over to the table where the old lady sat, and place her order.

"Enjoy," I wear a plastic smile on my face for it's always important to smile at the customers. It makes them feel welcomed. "Is there anything else I can get for you?"

"No, darling. I am fine thank you very much." she picked up the slice of lemon, squeezed it into the drink, and sipped it. "Ah, just the way I like it."

I have been working at the diner for nearly a month and nothing bad has happened so far. It is a place that serves food at any time of the day, breakfast, lunch, and dinner but customers arrive in the afternoon and the evening making it the 'Dinner Rush'. We have a signature dish we always recommend to our customers which is Steak with Mushrooms and Gravy. I have tried it too and it tastes good.

"Hey big tits," the assistant manager yelled. "Your phone has been ringing for the past five minutes."

I frown at the name because that's what they called me at my former school but take the phone from Mrs. Wicket who is the assistant manager (who insists we call her Amanda) and go to the employee lounge where the other employees were.

"And make sure you get some rest because you have been standing all morning. Once the clock strikes noon all the low life and the high life will arrive," she said yelled as I dial the number again.

"Hi, Brianna."

"Hey Emma, how is it going?"

"It is going well and you?"

"Well, wishy-washy," she laughed. "Have you seen the results?"

"Yeah, I got 99% in nearly all the subjects, and yours?"

"I passed Physics."

"You owe the praise to Brutes you know,"

She sighed, "Yeah, and I hate it. Congratulations on your results by the way."

I smiled at that. "I did work hard for it you know,"

"Do you want to come over and play video games? Bayonetta Two is out."

"Sorry I work until evening."


"Remember? I work full time."

"I know but come on! Don't tell me that you are planning to waste your summer working."

I sigh. "It's for my future Brianna but don't worry about it. I'll ask my boss if I can take a day off."

"It is okay, take your time. I heard that school is not going to resume until two weeks after the summer break."

"I know, Andrew told me." then I remember something. "Brutes told me you are doing an online study is it true?"

She groaned. "Yeah I failed Math but Mr. Smarty-pants aced it with a 50%"

"I heard that," Ralph said in the background.

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