Star Gazing

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"Hypnosis huh," Gwen said as she walked me home.

I nod. "That is what the person suggested in the book."

She hummed in thought.

"The person said whoever is hypnotized would have lifeless eyes but if I could recall, Mrs. Britany's eyes looked crazy especially when Andrew called the police."

Gwen said nothing, her face still twisted in thought. "How about you come to the school tonight to find out more about the author of the book."

"You mean Adrien?"

She nods. "There is a high chance that he might be a student in that school."

I think about it. "What about Alice? I don't want her to know that I lied to her."

She chuckled. "Does she scare you?"

I shrug, "A bit."

"It's okay, I am here. So we will meet in the school by seven?"


She looks at me and laughs. "You don't have to worry about a thing. I am right here."

"Yeah, but what if something bad should happen to you?"

Gwen took one look at me and blushed. " one has ever said that before."

I find myself blushing as well. "Well, we are friends, and friends are supposed to look out for each other."

Her blush went deeper and she touched her cheek. "Okay. Than...thank you."

I grin. "Don't worry. I am in the Martial Arts club. So I know a thing or two about defending myself."

She gave a heartfelt laugh and that made me laugh as too. Once I am in the kitchen, I pick up the largest knife.

'I don't know why I'm drawn to this weapon.' I examine it. 'But this will do until I get a real weapon.'

Slipping the knife into my bag, I head to my room to take a nap and wake up at exactly 6:30 PM. After packing some items like the book, a flashlight, a notebook, and a pen, I zip up my bag and get ready to leave the apartment.

"I am telling ya she is a hot shot!" I stop in my tracks. "Look, you will make a lot of money from her."

"Isn't she underage?" a strange voice said.

"Yeah but she looks like an adult so you don't have to worry about lying to your customers. Besides, guys like young chicks."

'What the...they are talking about me!' Cautious, I sneak down the stairs and take a peek into the living room. There, my Uncle was talking to three people wearing black with one of them sitting on an armchair.

"Well you know time means money so I want her now." the man sitting on the armchair said.

"Well her aunt is not here and she is asleep so you can take her." My 'Uncle' chuckled. "So does this mean my debt to you guys is paid?"

"Not yet. Let's take a look at her first. She will determine if your debt is paid or not."

'Uh oh!' I tiptoe back to my room and proceed to escape through the window. I was just outside the building when I hear the door open followed by footsteps.

"Well, where is she?" a gruff voice asked.

"I...I don't know! She was here just now!" 'Uncle' replied.

"You search the room. The rest of you beat him up."

Grunting sounds were heard followed by someone crying in pain as I climb down the building. Landing on my feet, I run in the direction of my school and don't stop until was safe on the school grounds.

Murder House (Part One)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن