Chapter 2: Higher Hill

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It had been a week since Walkers shifted to new town. Aaron joined new University there and everything was going pretty well. Though in the university people didn't talk to him but on a good side, at least nobody bothered him and for that he was happy. Everyone there saw him as a suspect and would not talk to him or be friends with him. Aaron felt lonely but he was used to it. So, he didn't mind much and only wanted nobody to trouble him.

Aaron was in his class, when a random boy came and sat beside him. He was surprised as nobody would dare to sit with him. He got even more surprised when the boy tried to talk to him.

"Hey! Mind if I sit here? though I already did, so yeah, I hope you don't mind", lightly chuckled the boy.

"Yeah, I don't mind. You may sit.", said Aaron politely, to which the boy smiled widely, showing all of his white teeth. Weird but cute.

"Sean Bardot", the boy named Sean introduced himself extending his hand for a shake.

"Aaron Walker. Nice to meet you", Aaron introduced himself back while shaking Sean's extended hand.

"Well, nice to meet you too and you've a pretty good name Aaron!", Sean said with a never fading smile.

"Thank you! Even yours is good!", Aaron replied, slightly smiling at his kindness. The entire class went nice. Along with studies Aaron was also able to enjoy his time. Sean kept him a good company and Aaron managed to know him more. He seemed like a good boy. He asked Aaron about him and why he kept himself different and when Aaron told him about his condition, he actually understood him. Aaron was happy to befriend someone there. Sean even invited him to meet and spend time with some of his friends at some park. Aaron accepted his invitation and they made plans about it. Sean also told him more about his friends. Aaron seemed to trust and like him. He found him funny and cute.

The entire day Sean accompanied Aaron. He made him feel less lonely and happy. It was end of their classes and as planned, they went to the park which was near some hills to meet and have fun with Sean's friends. His friends were already waiting for them but what happened next was not something Aaron expected. Sean lightly pushed Aaron towards his friends and they all made a circle trapping him in between. Aaron was confused at the sudden change in Sean's behaviour. He felt a gut feeling that something was definitely bad and fishy with everyone's vibe there. What was Sean planning to do exactly?

"Sean! What's going on?", Aaron asked confused. Before Sean could reply, a boy among the group of friends started speaking harshly and loudly.

"Leave Sean you weird boy! Meet us. I'm Mark, he's Karl, Jacob and that's Dean", the boy named Mark said, pointing out at everybody present there. Further he continued, "Do you know why you're here? No? You don't know? Aw poor baby, that's sad! Okay boy, let me tell you the whole damn thing straight! Sean, whom you must think as your very good friend was challenged a dare by us to befriend you, to make you trust him and to get you here, and why we want you here you know? Well, to see what you're hiding behind those cheap glasses."

"What? A dare? Sean! Really? You literally did everything today out of a damn dare? You know my condition right? I thought you understood me. I can't believe this....", said Aaron feeling utterly surprised and sad. He felt betrayed.

"You really think I'll buy that? Oh c'mon Aaron stop lying and making a fool out of yourself, and besides it was just a dare, so stop being so defensive", Sean stated casually.

"Me being a fool? You guys are the fools here for not believing me? You think I am lying and just creating unnecessary drama? Really? And Sean, Oh god! I trusted you dammit! I thought you were my friend! How can you do this to me?", replied Aaron astonished.

"Cut the crap boys! Grab him and let's take out his glasses. C'mon! Catch him! I wanna know if he's lying or not!", commanded Mark and everybody started grabbing and beating him.

"Stop! No! Please! Leave me!", struggled Aaron but failed to do so. He had squeezed his eyes shut. He felt his glasses being thrown away somewhere. Just when Mark, Sean and the other guys were about to make him open his eyes, a harsh voice of a man ordered them commandingly.

"Stop! Leave that boy alone or else I'm going to call the police!"

"What! Police! No!", repeated all the boys in chorus and ran away cowardly. By the time Aaron was fainted. The man who helped him tried to wake him up. Aaron slowly woke up and the man met with the most beautiful pair of eyes. The next thing that happened was something Aaron really hated from core of his heart.

"No! This can't be! I didn't...", whispered Aaron to himself breathing heavily and ran aimlessly, leaving the man's unconscious body behind. Before running he did not forget to take his glasses with him. He ran and ran, until he reached the end of a hill nearby. He was panting. He stopped and stared at it, thinking about jumping from it. "Aaron! This everything has to end and for that you have to end. Jump from this hill right away and end this misery! Nobody will ever be hurt if you do so! C'mon wasn't this something you thought from a very long time! You've the chance now Aaron, jump! You can do this. Jump!", Aaron thought to himself taking few steps further towards the end of the hill. Aaron's legs trembled as he took the steps. His mind was in complete haze. He was determined to jump from the hill but before Aaron could do anything, a voice echoed in the atmosphere, snapping him out and bringing him back to his senses.

"You should probably find a higher hill!", the voice said.


Hello lovely readers! Here's the second chapter. Hope you enjoyed it. Guess who is the character in the last sentence?😌 Feel free to comment your thoughts. Also, don't forget to vote, it will help a lot : )
See you this Saturday!

Don't forget, I update every Wednesday & Saturday.

Till then,
Bye! Stay safe & happy ^_^

With love,

Chapter Published- Wednesday, 25 May 2022.

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