Our Little Paradise.

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Imani's Pov- We sat in my room for hours after telling my parents. We flew through so many records and talked for so long that we didn't even realize it was nearing dark. Skipper looked at me and asked "Do you think I could stay the night tonight? My parents don't necessarily like me walking home alone at night." I smiled at him and replied "Of course Skipper, you let me stay at your house so you are welcome to anytime!" his face lit up, not only because of excitement but because he didn't have to go home to his parents, they were always fighting. There was only one thing, what would he wear to bed? There is on thing though Skipper...what are you gonna wear to bed?" I laughed, "Well, you got any normal pajama pants? I can just wear this shirt." he replied. I started to dig through my boxes and finally found some pants for him, they were always a little big for me, so hopefully they would fit him. I gave him the pants and told him to go try them on in the bathroom. He walked out with them on and a smile on his face, "They fit! Honestly better than my own." he exclaimed "Good, I am so glad they fit you! Now that you are all settled in, I'm gonna hop in the shower." he nodded and grabbed on of my two books I had put on the shelf and started to look through it. I grabbed my clothes and headed to the bathroom to take a shower.

Within 20 minutes I was out, I walked back into my room and sat down on the floor. I hadn't unpacked everything from the boxes yet, all I had was some books on the shelf, my bed, a Michael Jackson poster, and a mirror on leaned against my wall. Then the idea came to me..."Tomorrow Skipper, since we don't have school because of Teacher Conference, you will help me unpack all these boxes!" he looked at me sarcastically annoyed and said "Boringggg, but I guess I'll help" we laughed as I brushed my hair in front of the little mirror in my room. By the time we were both settled down it was around 9pm, we laid on my bed with the window cracked open a little bit listening to the city sounds. As we lay there his stomach started to growl, "Ok, so as you can probably hear, I'm hungry." I laughed at him and soon realized I was pretty hungry too, I grabbed his hand and we headed to the kitchen, by now my parents were working their night shift. I looked on the counter and sure enough my mother left us a number to call in case we wanted Pizza. I showed it to Skipper and he got all excited. I ran to the phone and called the number, a few seconds later they picked up "Hello, Pizza Hut, what can I get for you today?" Skipper snatched the phone from me and said "Hello, can I get a vegetable pizza?" she replied with "Yes sure, what vegetables would you like on it?" he said "Bell peppers, mushrooms, black olives, and cheese. That's all." she then said "Alright, we will have that order done as soon as we can, and whats a good address?" he handed the phone to me and I said "2615 Thomas Ave N. Minneapolis." she replied with "Thank you and see you soon." she hung up the phone and we waited patiently on the living room floor, the room had nothing in it other than just a yellow rug with orange on it and a TV on the floor.

Finally after about 25 minutes there was a knock on the door. Skipper quickly got up and went to open the door. We payed her and grabbed the pizza. We went to my room and sat on my bed, I turned a MJ record on as he rolled his eyes and stuffed his face with Pizza. The pizza tasted amazing and Skipper definitely thought so too. We finished the whole pizza with nothing to spare. "It's either that was really good or I was just really hungry." Skipper laughed, I replied with "I think you were just really hungry! It was ok, but nothing like New York Pizza!" he looked at me curiously and said "New York pizza? That is now on my bucket list, one day we are going to New York so I can try some of this special pizza you speak of." I laughed and kissed him "Sounds great to me Skipper!"

As it got later, I laid on his chest and played with his necklaces as he slowly drifted off to sleep. I watched his long eyelashes close along with his eyes and listened as his breath slowed down along with his heartbeat. After a few minutes of listening to the bugs outside and of the cold air from the open window hitting my face, I slowly drifted off to sleep dreaming about the productive day we had ahead.

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