The Beginning Of Grand Central.

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Imani's Pov- As soon as I walked outside to catch the bus, I realized that today was gonna be a hot day in Minny, though they are rare, they are never impossible. I ran to the end of my driveway and there the bus was, and guess who was waving at me in the window...Skipper. I climbed on the bus and sat next to him. We started to talk about the hot weather...


"When was the last time it was this hot here?"-Imani

"Dang, I don't even know!"-Skipper

"Haha, so what you doing after school?"-Imani

"I don't even know, wanna come over to my place later?"-Skipper

"Sure! My parents will be working all night so, sounds good!"-Imani

"Cool, mine are too. Cya later, Imani"-Skipper



Right after we finished out little conversation it was time to get off the bus. He waved to me as we headed our separate ways. First History, then English, then all the other subjects followed. The only thing I was thinking about all day was him, and getting to see him again. Finally the bell rang on my last class of the day, and it was time to meet Skipper outside.


"Skipper! Over here!"-Imani

"Woah there girl, stop the running, the bus ain't even here yet!"-Skipper

"I know, sorry! I'm just excited to see you again!-Imani

"I know, I am pretty great aren't I"-Skipper

"Oh Skipper, don't make me roll my eyes!"-Imani

"Ooo it's the bus! Let's go!-Skipper

"I'm coming Skipper!"-Imani


We hopped on the bus and joked with each other until we made it to his house. I hopped off with him and we ran toward his house. He walked me inside and as soon as I walked in the door I smelled a familiar smell...strong perfume and the smell of vinyl, my house smelled the same. We walked through his house to his room, which had a similar lay-out to my room. He plopped on the bed and I put a record on the record player. We just sat in there for a while just really feeling the music and enjoying each others company. His room wasn't a typical teenage boys room, clothes on the floor and a disgusting odor in the air. His was different. His room smelled of a light perfume, and it was pretty clean, to my standards at least. In the corner of his room was a light blue Fender Stratocaster, yes I'm kind of a guitar nerd.


"That's one cool guitar over there!"-Imani

"Yes, I know. You got a guitar of your own?-Skipper

"Oh yes I do! I have a pink Fender Stratocaster!"-Imani

"Ok then, cool. Grab that guitar over there and play me sum"-Skipper

"Ok, sure!"-Imani


I grabbed the guitar and began to play "American Pie" and Skippers face lit up in surprise. "Wow! That's a tough one to play!" he exclaimed just as I finished. "Thank you Skipper! I smiled "Pretty good for a girl." he replied "Oh stop, you know it was good!" I laughed.

He then grabbed the guitar from me and started to play something by James Brown. He was really good. "Tear em up Skipper!" I yelled over the guitar, he smirked and chuckled a little bit in response. Then we both heard a knock on his window. He stood on his bed and opened the window. "Andre what are you doing here!?" Skipper exclaimed "I'm here to ask you if she is gonna be in the band!" Andre loudly whispered. "What band?" I questioned, they both looked at me and said "Our band, Grand Central." I didn't even get to respond when Skipper grabbed my wrist and said to me "Girly, you can play guitar, your in the band now!" My heart was fluttering with excitement, my dream since I was a little girl was to be in a band. I just nodded my head to the two boys as Andre climbed through the window. Skipper looked at me and whispered in my ear "All our dreams are about to come true, you just wait!"

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