Chapter 31: Recovery

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"You guys can rest in here," Impa led them into a room in the infirmary. It was huge with a high ceiling and plenty of windows. "Take your pick," She said, gesturing to the dozens of beds lining the walls.

Ganondorf collapsed onto the one nearest him. "Thank you."

"Zelda?" Link asked as he sat on the bed next to Ganondorf. "Where did you take her?"

"To one of the royal rooms. I don't want the soldiers seeing her in such a state. She has an image and reputation to worry about now." Impa turned to go. "I'll send a medic as soon as I find one. For now, just rest."

Link didn't need to be told twice. He pulled the blankets over him, and the second his head hit the pillow, he was fast asleep.

His sleep was restless, filled with nightmares of Zelda splatting against the pavement or haunted by Ganondorf's old golden eyes. To make matters worse, his wound itched like crazy and burned painfully. Maybe it had always felt this way, but he hadn't noticed due to the battle.

Despite the discomfort, Link stayed asleep. Occasionally he woke up, catching flashes of Zelda's worried face or sometimes hearing Ganondorf's whispered voice, but sleep would always drag him back to his disturbing dreams. Time seemed to drag on yet also pass in an instant until he could finally pull free from sleep's iron grasp, waking to hear a familiar voice.   

"I thought I was done for, but then Link started shooting Demise with these magical golden arrows Zelda had made."

Link peeled his eyes open, slightly disoriented, and turned his gaze to where the voice was coming from. Ganondorf sat in his bed, covered in clean bandages and surrounded by quite the crowd of Hylian and Gerudo soldiers. Link blinked, suddenly feeling very energetic and very awake. Ganondorf continued the story. "And then--"

"Ganondorf raised the Master Sword and drove it into Demise's heart!" Link sat up, surprised that it caused him almost no pain, and pretended to drive a blade through his own heart.

"Link! You're awake." Ganondorf's shocked expression turned into a huge grin. "Thank Hylia; we were starting to get worried."

"Nah, I knew he'd wake up," Old Man Jerry emerged from the crowd and sat at the bottom of Link's bed. "A growing boy just needs his rest, that's all."

"Jerry! You're alive."

"I wanted to hear that story you promised to tell me, but you were in limbo between life and death, so Ganondorf here kept us entertained until you woke up."

Link chuckled. "Don't worry, I'll tell you."

"It can wait till you better, though, son," Jerry patted him on the leg. "Take your time."

"Someone should go get the princess," A Hylian soldier said. "She'll want to know Link's awake."

"I'll do it!" A young boy sporting a sling raised his good hand.

"No, I'll do it. You're still too hurt," Another soldier said.

"Or I could go," A different boy suggested, blushing. "If that's okay?"

"It's not okay," The boy with a sling pouted. "I want to go get her."

The room erupted in noise as they debated who should get Zelda. Soldiers pointed accusing fingers at one another or tried to prove why they should be the one to go, all while the volume of their arguing grew louder and louder.

"Ugh, men." Riju rolled her eyes and stood, speaking over the noise. "I'm going to get her, and that's that." She exited the room, and a few of the soldiers deflated.

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