Chapter 21: Reluctant Allies

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As Link approached Akkala Citadel's massive stone walls, disgust sat heavy in his stomach. Much of the Hyrulian army was camped outside of the fortified walls, and most of them could barely be called soldiers. Boys, much too young for war, sat around campfires. Some wore battered, rusting armor, while most wore regular clothes caked in mud and dirt. Some older men were there, but Link could tell they had no fight left in them; their eyes were the eyes of dead men.

There weren't any tents, only pathetic lean twos built of scraggly branches and pine boughs. The army looked hungry, tired, and defeated, and the dreadful conditions of the camp made Link appalled. No soldier should be treated like this, but he shouldn't be surprised. King Rhoam was in charge here, and the only person he cared about was himself.

As Link reached the edge of the camp, a small group of soldiers approached him.

"Are you a new recruit?" asked a man so old it looked like the slightest wind could blow him over.

"Sort of." Link dismounted Epona. "I need to see the king."

"Good luck with that," another man scoffed. "He won't see any of us."

"It's ridiculous," another soldier spoke. "First, he forces us all to leave behind our families, and then he forces us to sit outside the gates and starve to death."

"Be quiet." This time a soldier wearing polished armor with the royal crest spoke. He turned to Link, one hand on his sword's hilt. "Who exactly are you, and what do you want?"

"I'm Link, the Hero of Hyrule."

The old man cackled. "We should keep this kid around. He's hilarious."

"I'm being serious." Link said. "I'm the Hero of Hyrule, and I need to see King Rhoam."

"Prove it then," the old man narrowed his eyes at Link. "Cause a buddy of mine—who was also named Link—claimed the same thing. It turned out he was delusional and ended up getting killed in the Lost Woods looking for some kind of sword."

"Oh, you mean this sword?" Link snapped his fingers, and the Master Sword materialized. The soldiers jumped, drawing their weapons, all except the old man, who just laughed harder.

"So, my buddy Link wasn't insane after all. The Master Sword really does exist." The old man held his hand out. "May I?"

Link handed him the sword. The old man tried to lift it, but his old limbs could barely move it a few inches off the ground. He handed it back and then put a hand on his back. "My swordsmanship isn't what it used to be, and I blame my old, ailing body for that."

"It's an honor to meet you, Link." The soldier in the polished armor bowed. "I'm Henry, major of these troops, and I'd be glad to escort you to King Rhoam."

"Thank you, Henry." Link snapped again, and his sword vanished.

"Old Man Jerry is in charge while I'm gone," Henry instructed as he led Link through the camp. "And would someone please take care of his horse?"

"On it, sir." Old Man Jerry saluted, then yelled over his shoulder. "Hey, Jimmy! Get on over here." A boy of twelve ran over. "Take care of Mr. Link's horse, would you?"

Jimmy took Epona's reins and nodded to Link, who smiled back at the boy. "Take good care of her."

Jimmy just nodded again and led Epona to a group of other horses.

"Jimmy's not one for talking," Henry explained as they wove through the camp. "Not since he got here anyway."

"Why not?" Link asked.

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