Chapter 5: Trickery

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[King Rhoam]

King Rhoam's back hurt. The temporary throne that his servants had set up for him was nowhere near as comfortable as his one in the palace. But his discomfort was yet another sacrifice of war.

"We received our last round of reinforcements today." Abner, the king's newest advisor, reported to the king and the rest of his court. "To be completely honest, your majesty, things aren't looking good. Even with these new men, the Gerudo still outnumber us. A war right now would be suicide."

The king clenched his fist. "That isn't what I want to hear."

"I know, sire, but it's what you need to hear. It would be a rash and foolish decision to charge headfirst into a war we know we will lose."

King Rhoam sat back on his throne, slowly unclenching his fists. "But this war must happen, and we must win. Not only do I need the Gerudo's land, but I also need my people's loyalty back. Isn't that right, Vadim?"

"You're never wrong, my king." Vadim nodded respectfully at the king. "Hopefully, our solution to this problem will come together soon."

"What solution?" Abner asked.

"That's on a need-to-know basis," Vadim said, and a couple of the other advisors chuckled.

King Rhoam smirked down at Abner. "Is there anything else you'd like to report?"

"N-no, your m-majesty." Abner bowed, seeming flustered and embarrassed. "I just ask that you keep my words in mind."

"The king will choose for himself what advice he listens to." Vadim sneered and motioned for Abner to go. "Go make sure the recruits are being properly taken care of."

Abner bowed once more before hurriedly exiting the king's chambers.

"You'd better go after him, Silas," King Rhoam commanded another one of his advisors. "Make sure he doesn't mess anything up."

"Wise decision, sire," Vadim said as Silas obeyed his order. "Now, shall we discuss more heavy matters?"

King Rhoam nodded, and a few more advisors left, knowing they weren't welcome in this meeting.

"The scouts we sent to search for her should be back any day now." Vadim started as soon as the tent flap flitted shut.

"Yes, I know." King Rhoam leaned forward on his throne. "And no matter their findings, I believe we can spin a story that will fit our needs."

"I know what we'll do if she's dead, but what if she's alive?"

King Rhoam felt his blood boil at the thought of his daughter still being alive. She and her mother had betrayed him—betrayed the whole kingdom. They had failed to see that they needed to go to war for Hyrule to thrive, but his wife and spoiled daughter had not wanted to. They wanted peace and friendship, but that wasn't possible. The queen and princess had failed in their duty to the kingdom and had become obstacles for King Rhoam, so he removed them. But somehow, his wretched daughter, Zelda, might still be alive.

"It's simple. We'll kill her and frame the Gerudo." King Rhoam smiled at the thought. "She'll become a martyr to spur our people into action." His smile turned into a glower. "Because they're loyal to her and not to me for some reason."

"The people are fools then, my king," Vadim said. "For their loyalty should lie only with you."

"King Rhoam!" A guard burst into the room, out of breath. "The scouts have returned."

The king stood, excitement and nerves coursing through him. "What news did they bring?"

From outside, Rhoam heard cheers and joyous celebrations. The guard beamed. "The princess, sire, she's alive! The scouts said they saw her with their own eyes—at the KaraKara Bazaar a few days ago."

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