Chapter 27: The Hero

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It had been years since Link had seen his brother, but seeing him now, lounging on the Hylian throne, made his stomach curdle. While the man before him had Ganondorf's red hair and muscular build, that's where the similarities stopped. He had a cold demeanor, and his golden eyes were ruthless and cruel.

"Welcome!" Ganondorf stood and gestured to the massive throne room. "It's quite an improvement from the one in Gerudo Town, don't you think?"

Link hated to admit it, but Ganondorf was right. The Gerudo throne room paled in comparison to this one. The architects had spared no expense on the golden candelabras, lush red rug, and intricate stone carvings of the Hyrule family crest. Ornate stained glass windows lined the walls, lighting the room in red, blue, green, and yellow hues. However, Link hated how enclosed it was. There was a pair of closed doors adjacent to the throne, but those led out to a balcony, meaning the only exit was the way they'd come in.

"That was a rhetorical question, so there is no need to answer. Now enough with the pleasantries." Ganondorf's malicious smile grew. "We all knew this day was coming, and I have been anxiously awaiting it."

"Hang on a second," Link raised his sword. "We aren't doing anything until I talk with my brother."

"We were never brothers, Link. I could never truly care about someone I've despised for centuries."

Link sighed. It was as he'd suspected; the curse was currently in control.

"Ganondorf," Zelda stepped forward, her hand outstretched as if to tame a wild animal. "I know you're in there somewhere. I told you I'd help you, and I can if you let me."

He scoffed. "The only way you can help me is to hand over your Triforce without a fight, but where's the fun in that? You both deserve to suffer painful deaths."

"I know you don't want to hurt us." Zelda held up her necklace, and Link did the same with his bracelet. Ganondorf inhaled sharply, and hope fluttered in Link's chest. Zelda had told him about the effect that seeing her necklace had had on Ganondorf and how maybe it would work again. "Remember these? You should have a matching ring."

Ganondorf slowly lifted his right hand and stared at the ring. "It was a thank you. . ." He winced as if the words had been painful for him to say.

"A thank you for being a kind and loving brother." Link tried stepping forward, too, but Ganondorf's left hand jerked to his sword's hilt, his gaze still fixed on the ring. Zelda motioned for Link to stay back, which he reluctantly did.

"I had taken you two to the Kara Kara Bazaar," Ganondorf said, his hand moving away from his sword. "It had taken us ages to convince mom and Urbosa to let us go."

"And we can go there again." Zelda hesitantly approached him. "If you'd just let me help you--"

"You can't help me." Ganondorf looked up at them, and Link was astounded to see streaks of green entering his golden eyes. "I'm too far gone. I'm a monster."

"No, you're not," Link said. "It's not your fault the Triforce is cursed."

"Link's right. It's Demise's fault, not yours."

"Just come back to us, Ganondorf, please."

"You're. . . You're liars!" Something inside Ganondorf seemed to snap. The green in his eyes receded, and he growled. "Neither of you ever cared about me. It was a lie, a deceit, a trick! All so you could eventually destroy me." He wrenched the ring from his finger and threw it at Zelda's feet. "It's been the same for centuries. The Hero and the Princess have always hated me. Why would this time be any different?"

The Hero, the Princess, and the Cursed KingWhere stories live. Discover now