Chapter 9: The King of Darkness

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Ganondorf stared in horror at the Triforce glowing on the back of Link's hand. He felt his right-hand prickle, his own power begging to be released.

"No. . ." Ganondorf stumbled back. This couldn't be happening. He had known that Zelda would be the wielder of the Triforce of Wisdom; it was in her blood. But how could Link be the wielder of the Triforce of Courage? That meant that if Ganondorf lost the battle with his Triforce, he would be forced to hate the two people he loved most.

"Let me see your hand," Zelda demanded, approaching Ganondorf.

Ganondorf complied, his eyes still staring unbelievably at Link.

Zelda let out a sigh of relief. "Your symbol isn't glowing anymore than usual."

"Zelda," Ganondorf looked down at her, noticing the slight slice against her throat. "You're hurt."

"That doesn't matter right now." Zelda looked between him and Link. "We have bigger things to worry about."

"I shouldn't be around you either." Ganondorf pulled away. "Link's Triforce unlocked out of nowhere, and yours could too."


"How does he even have a Triforce of Courage in the first place?" Ganondorf ran his fingers through his hair. "The hero could've been any Hylian!"

"It's because he proved himself to the Goddess." King Rhoam spoke quietly.

Ganondorf swiveled to face the king. He'd entirely forgotten about him.

"It seems Hyrule is in more trouble than I thought if the Hero of Time has appeared." The king looked at Link. "With the Triforce's power and that sword by your side, you can accomplish great things. If you join me and my army, boy, we could save Hyrule."

Link laughed, furry gleaming in his eye. "You think I'd ever help you? You tried to kill Zelda!"

Link charged the king, his sword raised.

"Link, no!" Zelda cried.

King Rhoam and Link's swords clashed.

"Stay here," Zelda told Ganondorf and, picking up Link's old sword, ran to his side.

Ganondorf clenched his fists, watching Link and Zelda fight the King.

"Release me, and I can help you save them."

Ganondorf tensed. The voice was louder now than ever, but he shook his head, ignoring the Triforce's whisper.

King Rhoam slammed Zelda with the side of his sword. She went flying and hit her head hard on a rock. Link roared with anger and swung his sword at the king with more ferocity.

"You can save them, both of them."

Ganondorf clenched his fists. The voice was right. He could save them, but at what cost? Once the power inside of him had fully awakened, he didn't think he could ever restrain it again.

"They're going to die."

Ganondorf picked up his sword and readied his shield. The pull of the Triforce of Courage beckoned to his power within. There would be no turning back if he did this.

"Ganondorf!" Link cried as he dodged another of the king's blows. "Take Zelda and get out of here."

Ganondorf stared at his little brother. "I can't leave you."

And he couldn't. How could he leave Link? Ganondorf had never left him before. Not when Link had come into his room late at night scared of a thunderstorm. Not when the other Gerudo children had made fun of Link for being Hylian. Not when Link had broken Twinruvo's favorite vase. Not when Link had taken a nasty fall off of a sand seal. Not ever.

Ganondorf had always been there for his little brother, and he wasn't going to let some stupid curse on the Triforce of Power prevent him from being there for him now.

Ganondorf charged at the king, ramming him head-on with his shield.

"Yes!" The power within him screamed. "YES!"

The back of Ganondorf's hand burned, and he finally gave in. The chest he'd carefully constructed in his mind burst apart, and the power he'd held back for so long ran through him. He shuddered as his muscles and bones absorbed it. He felt himself grow more muscular, taller, bigger—more powerful.

"Ganondorf?" Link looked at him. "You're eyes! They're turning gold."

"Link, I need you to take Zelda and run as far away as you can." He could feel the power of the Triforce but also the corruption that came with it, spreading through his body. Soon it would consume him.

"No," Link shook his head. "I'm not going to leave you."

"I can't control it anymore, Link," Ganondorf said. "I'm sorry."

"We'll figure this out—"

"No, we won't."

King Rhoam was back up and swung his sword at Ganondorf, saying some choice words about the Gerudo. Ganondorf blocked the blow.

"Let my final act be saving you and Zelda." Ganondorf's voice sounded lower, and he didn't need to look at himself to know that he had grown several inches. He guessed wielding the Triforce of Power also came with some physical upgrades.

Link stayed resolutely by Ganondorf's side. "I'm not leaving you. I won't lose you."

Ganondorf blocked another of the king's blows, throwing him to the ground, and shoved Link away with his free hand. He looked him dead in the eyes. "I'm already gone, Link."

"No. . . no. . . I refuse to believe that."

"I'm sorry." Ganondorf felt the corruption reach his heart, and he doubled over in pain. "I'm sorry, but I can't fight it anymore. Now go!"

Link staggered towards him. "Ganondorf—"

"RUN!" Ganondorf bellowed. "Leave now!"

Link scurried backward. "I'll save you. I don't know how, but I promise I will."

"Goodbye, Link." Ganondorf surrendered himself entirely to the Triforce. All of his memories, the beautiful days spent with Link and Zelda, became twisted and distorted. An intense hatred that seemed to have been festering over thousands of years entered his heart. This was it. Ganondorf had lost the battle.

Link sheathed his sword and, picking up Zelda's limp body, started running. Ganondorf watched them leave, and a feeling of lust grew inside him. He wanted the power they held inside of them—he wanted their Triforce pieces. He growled. Why had he let the run? The whole triforce had almost been within his grasp. He had been a fool, but no matter, there would be other opportunities.

"I see your friends have left you to my mercy."

Ganondorf turned around, eyeing King Rhoam. He had no clue what the king was going on about. Those people weren't his friends. They were the Princess of Destiny and the Hero of Time, his sworn enemies.

"Prepare to die." King Rhoam charged.

Ganondorf grinned. This was going to be quick. He gracefully disarmed the king and, gripping him by his royal collar, lifted him into the air.

King Rhoam spluttered. "Put me down! Who do you think you are?"

"I'm the King of Darkness." Ganondorf grinned. That name suited him. "And I believe your kingdom is about to become mine."

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