Chapter 20: City of Ashes

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Something terrible had happened. Link knew that as he approached Hateno village. He'd first noticed it when he'd met no one on his ride back, no travelers or merchants. But, the true horror of the situation became clear to him as the town came into sight, or at least what was left of it. The normal cityscape could no longer be seen against the horizon; instead, its skeletal remains beckoned hauntingly to him against the rising sun.

"This isn't good," Link's breath hitched as he finally arrived in town and took in the blackened outlines and structures of the village's once humble homes. "Not good at all. Come on, Epona." He spurred her forward.

Arriving in the city square, Link jumped off of Epona's back. He slowly walked down one of the cobblestone pathways, his footsteps stirring up ash clouds. All around him, the aftermath of destruction showed. Walls of homes had caved in—if they hadn't been burned down entirely—and a couple of small fires still smoldered among the ruins. Soot clung to him, suffocating him as he wandered past the ruins.

What had happened here?

Link ran through the streets, calling for anybody still here or possibly trapped in the rubble. But the village seemed to be abandoned. In fact, the city was eerily empty, not even birds flew over ahead or stray cats roamed the streets. The only good news was that Link hadn't found any dead bodies. It seemed no one had died, but then where had everyone gone? Had they run? Or had they been taken prisoners of war?

A breeze blew through the streets, blowing up ash and swirling up the smell of smoke. Link knew where he had to go next, but he was scared of what he'd find.

"Epona!" Link called, and she galloped towards him. He grabbed her reins and led her from town towards his house. At least he wouldn't have to face whatever he found alone.

The charred ruins of Link's home welcomed him. The only thing that seemed undamaged was the fireplace, though scorch marks tarnished the stone. Link's hand trembled around the reins. Though he hadn't found any corpses, Link was still terrified that he'd discover Zelda's cold, lifeless body waiting for him inside.

"Stay nearby," He instructed Epona and then let go of her reins.

Stepping into the rubble, Link held back tears. His heart wrenched to see his home turned to ash. However, he was quickly overcome with relief. Like the rest of the town, his house was abandoned. But if Zelda wasn't here, where was she?

Link walked into what was left of Zelda's room, and his stomach curdled. On the floor, written in ash were the words:

"Come and get her, Hero."

Next to the words, an arrow was driven into the floor, and tied to it was a lock of golden hair. Link touched it with shaking hands, and there was no doubt whose hair it was.

He grasped the arrow and yanked it out of the floorboards. The shaft snapped from his grip, and Link let the halves fall to the floor. He took a couple of steps and slammed his fist against one of the room's half-burned walls.

"Why?" Link closed his eyes, fury coursing through his veins. "Why, why, why? WHY?" he opened his eyes and saw a charred drawing of Zelda's still clinging to the wall, and for the first time, he took a closer look at his surroundings.

All the pictures Zelda had hung on the walls—all her drawings from over the years—were scattered over the floor. Some were nothing but ash, others were still smoking, and some lay strewn across the floor. He bent down and picked up one that was stuck under his boot. The corner was charred, but the drawing itself was still intact.

"Oh, Zelda." Link muttered as he examined the picture. It was of him and her sitting in a field, enjoying a picnic. Zelda was wearing a flower crown, and Link was crafting another one. Link brushed his thumb over the image of Zelda laughing. He remembered that afternoon, it had been just the other month, but he'd had no idea she'd drawn it. "What is he doing to you? What did he do to you?"

Link had never once doubted that he could save his brother. He knew Ganondorf, or he thought that he knew Ganondorf. But this changed things. Ganondorf had taken Zelda; he'd hurt her. Madam Fanadi had said that love could save Ganondorf, but Link was beginning to wonder if she was right.


Link startled and, shoving the drawing in his pocket, drew his sword. Jumping down from the house's foundation, Link rolled into a fighting stance. He'd slay whoever or whatever else had come to try and find Zelda.

"Zeld—AAH!" Malon cried out as Link raised his sword.

Link relaxed. "Sorry." With a snap of his fingers, his sword dissipated. "I didn't know it was you."

"Oh, Link! Thank goodness." Malon sighed and put her hand to her heart.

Link furrowed his brow, confused. How come Malon called Zelda's name, she should know her as Hilda. "How do you know Zelda's real name?"

"She told me."

"She did?" Link's mind started racing. So things had gotten so bad that Zelda had had to blow her cover and reveal her identity.

"Yeah, but if you're here, it must mean Zelda's okay." She peered around him. "Where is she?"

"She's. . . gone. Gone!" Link looked at her desperately. "I didn't get here in time."

"Oh no." Tears filled Malon's eyes. "I guess I didn't come back in time either." She sniffed. "Not that I could've helped anyway, but I thought. . ."

"What happened here?" Link gestured to the town. "It's burned down and abandoned."

"It was Ganondorf."

"That's what I figured."

"He showed up at the tavern, and then Zelda told me to get everyone out of town." Malon took a deep breath. "But we didn't all make it out in time." She sobbed. "Zelda saved us. Out of nowhere, she just had this power, and there was this shield, and then she told us to run."

"Where did Ganondorf take Zelda?"

Malon sobbed again. "They might have killed her, Link. There were so many soldiers with swords and arrows, and G-Ganondorf was f-f-furious."



"She's not dead." Link looked at his left hand. He could feel the presence of the Triforce of Wisdom, plus the message left in his house meant that Zelda was still alive. It meant that he still had a chance to save her.

"He might have taken her to Castle Town, but I'm not sure." Malon wiped at her eyes.

"Where did you take everyone?"

"The far side of Lake Hylia."

Link chuckled. "Did Zelda tell you to take everyone there?"

"Yeah, why?" Malon asked.

"That's where I told her to meet up with me if anything bad happened." Link reached into his pack and pulled out a bag of rupees. He held it out to Malon. "Take this. It should last you guys a while."

Malon took the bag. "Thank you." She looked up at him. "To both you and Zelda."

Link gave her a nod and then whistled for Epona. There was nowhere to buy supplies, so hopefully, he'd run into a merchant on the road. Malon was right; chances were Ganondorf had taken Zelda to Castle Town, but that also meant Link would have to go through the Gerudo army and Ganondorf to save her.

"Where are you going?" Malon asked as Link climbed into the saddle.

"I'm going to save Zelda." Link said. "But to do that, I'm going to have to ask for help from the most terrible and horrible person in this world."

Malon raised an eyebrow. "Ganondorf?"

"No." Link turned Epona towards the road to Akkala Citadel. "King Rhoam."

He spurred Epona forward and waved goodbye to Malon. He'd hoped never to have to see Zelda's wretched father again, but Link would do anything—work with anyone—to save Zelda.

The Hero, the Princess, and the Cursed KingWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu