143 | Making Plans

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     "I got this restaurant checked for any bugs. I also did background checks on all of the employees here. Some of the customers outside are also my people, and there are lookouts around the building, so we're safe here...for now," Cj reveals, leaving everyone dumbfounded.

    "What? did you forget? I'm still a son from a family who rules the underground business world. I have a lot of connections," Cj says with a proud look on his face that almost made Krist punch him because of irritation.

     "So do you mind telling us why we're really here?" Max then asks.

     Cj takes a deep breath and adjusts himself in his seat before saying, "Going against Paradox as a whole could be difficult, so we'll strike them one at a time. As I said before, the owner of this restaurant has a very rich investor, and that's Mr. Kierspe."

     "Wait...Mr. Kierspe? That's the chairman of one of the biggest food and wine companies in the world," Cindy reveals, and Cj nods his head to confirm it.

     "That's right, he is. But other than that, Mr. Kierspe is the father of Augustus Kierspe, one of the members of Paradox."

     Everyone in the room because quiet. This was getting serious now.

     "And what do you plan to do with Mr. Kierspe?" River then asks.

     "Well, we're very important guests here, aren't we? Then what do you think will happen if we made a scene?" Cj asks with a playful look on his face. Everyone looked at each other, and for a second they didn't want to do it, but when they saw Max smiling too, everyone knew that making a scene was going to be a piece of cake for these two.

     "So Mr. Mills? What do you want us to do exactly?"


"Le Trésor, a famous restaurant found on the 5th Avenue of St. Bernard street was surrounded by a huge crowd yesterday when famous heirs such as Hans de Vries, Krist Hyusen, and even Maximilian Sinclaire—just to name a few—decided to have lunch in the said restaurant. But what was supposed to be a peaceful afternoon lunch turned into complete a complete disaster when one of the dishes served sent Maximilian Leigh Sinclaire to the hospital. The situation is not yet clear, and we have no reports on whether or not the Sinclaire family would press charges. Tim, back to you."

     Max turns the television off and started laughing out loud before shoving chips inside his mouth, enjoying his time in a hospital bed like he was on vacation. He then looks to his right and found Étienne and Marcus looking at him, both with their arms crossed.

     "Hans told me everything, but I can't believe that out of everything you guys could have done, you decided to do something so childish," Marcus angrily says. "Do you know how many reporters are outside this hospital right now?"

     "We also had to pay the hospital a huge sum just to keep them quiet about the fact that you had no illness whatsoever." Étienne then adds.

     Max takes a deep breath and puts the bag of chips on the side before saying, "Relax, this is just the beginning. With the media's help, it won't be long before someone takes action. Mr. Kierspe would be too scared that we'd sue them, so I'm sure he'll show himself to us sooner or later."

     "Mr. Sinclaire, someone is here to see you." A voice says from outside the door.

    "Right on time."

     Max smirked and snapped his fingers, and in an instant, Étienne quickly cleaned the room while Marcus helped Max put on the fake IV tube in his hand. When everything was now settled, Étienne fixes his tie and finally opens the door. To his surprise, an old man welcomed him, and standing behind him were two bodyguards, and a man holding a suitcase who seemed to be his lawyer.

Kings On The Horizon (Vol. 4-6) ✓Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin