She tells him all about Henry, about what's happened, what Cody's done, what she's facing right now. And then she gets to the hard part.

"That's why I came here today. Because... because I have to say goodbye to you now, Daddy. I'm sorry I didn't do it sooner. I hope you're not angry with me." She looks up at her father's face, searching for any sign of life. Her eyes run over the white streaks in his once auburn colored hair. The wrinkles that have somehow formed despite years of not living.

Her bottom lip begins to tremble and she quickly wipes at a stray tear that's fallen down her cheek. This was never going to be easy.

She stands up then, placing his hands back at his sides. She spends some time in silence with him; smoothing his hair, adjusting the scratchy hospital blanket around his body, stroking his cheek. Finally, she leans in to kiss his forehead.

"You were the best dad I could've ever asked for. Thank you for everything." She whispers. "I love you, daddy."

And just like that, she's having to say goodbye to her father all over again. Only this time, it's final. This will be the last time she sees him like this. She's mostly relieved at that thought because it's about time he got to rest. He's been through enough and she wants to give him this.

As she makes her way back to the entrance, she stops by the reception desk one final time. "Could you do me a favor?"

She reaches into her purse, pulling out the white envelope she prepared a few days before, all for this moment. "When my mother returns tomorrow, will you make sure she receives this?"

The nurse looks down at the envelope as if Sam handed her a piece of gum she had been chewing on. "Sure thing."

"Thank you."

She walks out. There are two times that she thinks about turning around and going back for the note. She can only imagine her mother's reaction when she reads the words she wrote. But Sam doesn't turn around. She's going to stick with the decision she's made. She's not taking shit from Cody or the Chambers anymore, she's not going to take her mom's shit either.

It's time for her to live life on her terms.


Rebecca's husband, Paul, looks surprised to see her when he opens their front door. "Sam. Hi. Sorry, looks like you just missed Beck's. Her sister is having some hair or eyebrow emergency..."

"Well, I hope everything's alright," Sam says. "But I'm actually here for you, Paul. I was hoping you might be able to help me with something."

"You want my help?"

She nods, smiling softly in an effort to reassure him it's not as scary as he's making it sound. "Yes. Do you mind if we talk inside? I promise I'll make it short."

Paul steps out of the door way and opens the door more, allowing her inside. Once they're safely inside, he guides her to the bar area and asks if she'd like a drink. She asks for whatever he's having, and it turns out to be old fashions. She removes her sunglasses and takes a seat at the bar, taking a sip from her glass after he hands it to her. "Thank you."

"Of course," He leans against the opposite side of the bar, one eyebrow raised. "So, talk to me. Is everything okay?"

"I'm sure Rebecca can give you all the highlights," She chuckles. "Everything's fine, for the most part. Still working some things out but I have a feeling we're on the up and up. And that's where you come in."

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