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(Y/n) POV:

I woke up fairly early this morning and went downstairs to make some breakfast for Lizzie and I. Her plate was much bigger than mine which was expected when you're pregnant with twins. Mary-Kate and Ashley were thrilled when they found out it was twins.

"Lizzie, I made you some food." I told her once I walked back into our bedroom. She was slowly waking up so I just sat down with her and placed the food in front of here.

"Thank you." She whispered while taking the fork and cutting up her pancakes. After breakfast I was cleaning up when Lizzie walked into the room with a blank look on her face.

"Liz, are you alright?" I asked cautiously and walked over to her. "My water broke." She responded with the blank look still etched on her face.

"Okay, just get in the car and I'll get everything ready. Alright?" I told her. She nodded and walked off to the car while I grabbed everything we would possibly need. A bag with clothes, carseats, another bag with baby clothes and just some snacks.

When I got to the car Lizzie was standing right in front of the passengers side door. "Lizzie, do you need help getting in?" I asked her while putting the bags and carseats in the back. She nodded and I helped her in the car before quickly getting into the drivers seat.

I drove us to the hospital as quick as I could without getting a speeding ticket. When we arrived Lizzie was put into a wheelchair and we went inside. "My wife's in labor." I explained to a nurse as we walked inside. "Alright sir, just follow us." The nurse responded as we walked into an elevator. I stroked Lizzie's hair while we were on the elevator trying to comfort her before she was wheeled into a room.

"A doctor will be with you shortly." The nurse said before walking out. Lizzie was now on the bed and I was sitting next to her. "Are you nervous?" I asked while stroking her hand with my thumb. "A little bit." She responded while watching the Tv. "Oh, I need to tell my parents. And my sisters." She mentioned as if she just remembered. "Do you want me to call them?" I offered. "Please." She nodded.

I walked out of the room and stood outside while dialing Jarnettes number. "Hello?" She answered. "Jarnette, hi. It's (Y/n). I just called to say that Lizzie's in labor." I told her. I heard a gasp on the other side of the phone and heard David's reaction too. "We'll be on our way! Which hospital are you at?" David asked me. "Los Angeles medical center." I shared. "Okay, see you soon!" They both said and hung up. Now it was time for the twins. I started with Ashley first cause it's the first one in my contacts.

"Hey (Y/n)! How are you?" Ashley answered. "Hey, I'm good. Lizzie's in labor. Thought you'd want to know." I told her. There was a squeal before Ashley responded. "Where are you!" She asked. "Los Angeles medical center." I responded. "Ooh a fancy hospital. I'm on my way! Have you told anyone else?" She asked. "Just your parents. I'm calling Mary-Kate next." I told her and she said goodbye before hanging up.

"(Y/n)? How are you?" MK answered once I called her. "Good, Lizzie's in labor. Los Angeles medical center." I told her, getting straight to the point. "On my way!" MK shouted before hanging up.

While calling my parents I got a text from David asking what room we were in. They must be here already. I told them where we were before walking back into the room and sitting next to Lizzie. "How are you feeling?" I asked and gave her lots of kisses. "Good. It doesn't hurt that much." She responded while smiling at me.

A doctor came in soon enough and said Lizzie was only four centimeters dilated and needed to wait until she was at ten. This was going to be a long day.

"We're here!" David announced as him and Jarnette walked into the room. "Hi!" Lizzie waved and instantly was being bombarded with questions.

While she was busy answering questions I had to go downstairs and get the twins. I told everyone where I was going and when I got to the lobby Ashley was fighting with a nurse.

"What is going on?" I asked everyone. "She won't let us see Lizzie!" Ashley answered while pointing to the nurse. "Miss, all I asked for was your ID." The nurse responded calmly. "Ashley just show her your ID and then you can go see her. It'll take two seconds." I told her. MK had already been cleared to come with me so she was just waiting on her sister.

Once Ashley was ready to go we went back upstairs. "Lizzie!" Both twins shouted as they went to give their sister a hug.

Lizzie was now answering more questions when a doctor came in again to check how far along she was. Only six centimeters dilated. Only a few more hours.

Fast forward three hours and Lizzie was finally ready to push those babies out. Only I was allowed to be in the room during this so everyone else had to wait outside.

"You can do this, you're so strong." I reassured Lizzie while she started pushing. Her grip on my hand was insane and it felt like she was going to break it. "I can't!" Lizzie refused when she had to push again. "Yes you can, you are so strong. Just one more push and you get a break." I reassured her again before she pushed one last time. A baby's cry rang out in the room and she slumped back down.

"Baby A is a girl! Time of birth, two thirty six pm. September twenty fourth." The doctor announced and handed her to the nurses. The baby didn't stop crying no matter what and Lizzie got to hold her briefly before she had to keep pushing. "Just one more baby." I told my wife while holding our still crying daughter.

Ten minutes later baby B was born. "It's a boy! Time of birth, two forty six pm, September twenty fourth." The doctor called out but his face fell quickly. "What?" I asked while trying to calm our daughter down.

"He's not crying. Why is he not crying?" Lizzie asked with concern. The nurses did a quick test to see if he was alive. "He's alive, he's just sleeping." The nurses told us while cleaning him up. They woke him up while he was being cleaned, earning a small cry from him.

"They're beautiful." Lizzie whispered while holding both of her babies. "You did amazing." I told her. "I think she was only crying because she wanted her brother." The nurses told us before getting our birth certificates. "We just need you to fill these out before we leave." They added.

"For the girl, Ella. And for the boy, Bryant." Lizzie suggested. "Those are cute." I agreed and took one birth certificate to fill out while she took the other.

Once the birth certificates were finished I left the room to go get Lizzie's family. "You guys can come in now." I told the eager group. Lizzie's brothers had gotten here too and were waiting with the group.

"Not all of you can come in right away, so let's start with Jarnette and David." I told the group. They nodded and the two new grandparents got up and followed me into the room.

"Oh my, they're so tiny." Jarnette whispered. I handed her Bryant while David got to hold Ella. "This one is Ella. And that one is Bryant." Lizzie told her parents while pointing to each baby.

"Bryant David Olsen-(L/n). And Ella Katherine Olsen-(L/n)." Lizzie shared. David got really emotional after finding out Bryant's middle name.

Ashley and MK got to come inside next. MK got to hold Ella and Ashley got to hold Bryant. "They're so tiny and adorable!" Ashley whisper squealed. Bryant was just sleeping in her arms, perfectly content. "Which one am I holding?" MK asked. "You are holding Ella and Ashley has Bryant." I told them. "Those are cute names!" Ashley squealed again. I think she really loves babies.

Eventually Ella started crying and Lizzie took her from MK. Ashley gave me back Bryant and I put him next to his sister, who instantly calmed down. "She just wants to be with her brother." Lizzie mumbled.

Eventually everyone left and gave us some alone time with the babies. Today was definitely a life changing day.

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