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(Y/n) POV:

Today was the Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness premiere and I was Lizzie's plus one. We were both getting ready to leave for the premiere at the moment.

"You be careful with paparazzi and stuff." I instructed while motioning to the small baby bump she had. "I will, don't worry." Lizzie nodded and kissed my cheek.

We both got in the car and made our way to the premiere which wasn't too far away. Maybe like twenty minutes at most.

When we arrived I got out of the car first and opened the door for Lizzie. I helped her out of the car before we both walked onto the red carpet and posed for pictures.

"Lizzie! (Y/n)!" Reporters called out left and right. Eventually one of them was able to pull us over for an interview.

"How are you feeling? Are you excited for the movie?" The interviewer asked. Lizzie nodded happily. "Im good! I am very excited. I think it's very cool so I'm excited to see how it looks on camera and in theaters." She responded. I connected our hands as the interviewer kept talking to Lizzie.

"How long have you two been married?" The interviewer asked both of us. "Four years." I responded while holding up four fingers. "And the rumor going around is that you're expecting a baby, so are those rumors true?" The interviewer questioned.

"They are." Lizzie smiled. I nodded in agreement as well. "Congratulations! Do you know if it's a girl or a boy?" The interviewer asked. "No. It's too early to know. Only a few more weeks though." Lizzie answered.

We wrapped up the interview and went to go take more pictures. Benedict Cumberbatch came over to us and gave Lizzie a hug. A bit too tight of a hug in my opinion. Once she pulled away I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and brought her closer to me.

"It was just a hug. He was gentle." Lizzie told me softly. "I just don't want you or the baby to get hurt." I explained and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "We won't. It'll be fine." She assured me.

I stepped away from the cast so they could take group photos. I decided to go inside and get some snacks before the movie started.

When I got to my seat Lizzie was already there. I sat down on the chair next to hers and connected our hands. The movie played shortly after and it only felt like five minutes before it was over.

"It's over already?" I asked. "It's been almost three hours." Lizzie said. "It only felt like five minutes." I mumbled before standing up and helping my wife up as well.

"Do you want to go to the after party?" I asked Lizzie as we walked out of the theater. "Yeah. It'll be fun." She responded before I opened up the car door for her and helped her inside. I walked around to the other side of the car and got in before we went off to the after party.

When we arrived the music was loud and everyone was either dancing or drinking. Lizzie went to go talk to some of her friends and I just followed her.

"Would you like something to drink sir?" A waiter asked me while holding some champagne. "No thank you." I responded and gave him a smile before he left. Everyone around us was getting their drinks and eventually people were very very drunk.

I pulled Lizzie away from the crowd and we sat down at a table with Xochitl Gomez. She was one of the only ones who couldn't drink either so she joined us.

"Why aren't you drinking? I feel like you'd be a funny drunk." Xochitl asked me. "Cause I need to stay sober and make sure Lizzie and the baby are okay." I responded before taking a sip of water and resting my free hand on Lizzie's bump. "Boring. I thought you'd be more fun." She mumbled.

Lizzie rested her head on my shoulder while we talked to a few other people who came to sit with us. We all talked for a while before Lizzie got pretty tired.

"Do you want to go back home?" I asked my very tired wife, who nodded. I stood up and helped her up before we said our goodbyes and left.

While we walked out of the building I held onto Lizzie protectively. I helped her into the car and then got in to drive home.

Once we arrived back at our house I helped Lizzie inside. She sat down on the couch and I took her heels off before carrying her to bed. "I can walk!" Lizzie giggled as I carried her up the stairs. "But I can carry you!" I responded and dropped her gently onto the bed.

We both had to brush our teeth and stuff before getting into bed and once we did the rest of the night was spent watching Tv. When Lizzie started to drift off I turned off the lights and turned off the Tv.

"Goodnight. Love you." Lizzie mumbled before closing her eyes and going off to dreamland. "Goodnight Liz." I whispered and kissed her cheek. "And goodnight baby." I whispered before pressing a kiss onto Liz's stomach. "Love you both." I told them before going to sleep myself, ending the wonderful night there.

The next morning I woke up before Lizzie and went to make some breakfast. While I was waiting for my food to be finished cooking I looked at my phone and saw a few social media articles and videos of Lizzie at the premiere yesterday.

One video caught my eye and I clicked on it. It was a video of Lizzie doing an interview without me.

"Congratulations on the baby!" The interviewer congratulated. "Thank you." Lizzie smiled. "Do you know the gender yet?" The interviewer questioned. "No, it's a bit too early." Liz answered.

"Do you have any preferences? Do you want a girl or a boy?" The interviewer questioned. "I mean no, not really. I'm fine with either. As long as they're healthy. I know (Y/n) wants it to be a boy but he won't admit it." Lizzie explained, which is kind of true. I also wouldn't mind having a mini Lizzie. "How is (Y/n)? Is he being super protective or is he chill?" The interviewer asked.

"He's definitely super protective. Like more then usual. He's always nearby making sure I'm doing okay. He'll go get me ice cream at two in the morning. If I have any sort of pain he's right there making sure I'm comfortable and doing alright. He's great really, sometimes it can be a lot but most of the time I am very grateful for him." Lizzie explained. I nodded to myself in agreement. I mean I do go on late night ice cream runs for her.

I turned the video off once I noticed the food was finished cooking. I put it on a plate and sat down on a stool in front of the kitchen counter and ate my food while checking social media and stuff. The interview of her saying I'm pretty protective is spreading everywhere. Which is alright, I don't mind it.

Maybe Lizzie was right, I guess I am pretty protective of her. But that's not a bad thing, it just means I'm keeping her safe.

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