Hot Ones

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(Y/n) POV:

Today Lizzie and I were doing the hot ones interview. We were going to do the interview and talk about our movie and stuff but also have really spicy chicken wings. I was pretty excited. This would be fun.

"Welcome!" The host said as we got started. "Hi!" I waved while fidgeting in my seat a bit, just to get situated.

"How are you guys around the spicy stuff?" The host asked. "Alright. I'm okay with it." I told him. "I don't want to be too bold about how spicy I like my food. But I think I'm okay." Lizzie responded.

"I guess we just start with the classic hot sauce?" I guess before picking up the first win. "Yeah, go ahead." The host nodded. I dug into the first wing and ate it with no issue. So did Lizzie. We both didn't have any issues with this one.

"So (Y/n) this new movie is like your solo movie?" The host asked. "Yeah! I wouldn't say it's a solo movie cause I have many different costars who I think also fit into a main character category but it's definitely pretty cool to be leading a marvel movie you know?" I answered while finishing off my first chicken wing.

"And Wanda's in this movie too, is there anything we get to see between your two characters?" The host questioned. "Yeah, they interact a lot. I can't tell you what because that's a spoiler and we don't do spoilers." Lizzie answered.

We now were moving onto the second wing. This one had Jalapepa sauce on it. "This is a nice looking wing." I commented and Lizzie mumbled something in agreement. "This is good. I like this one." I commented before taking another bite.

"So you two obviously are together in real life but your characters aren't. They have their partners so what's it like on set when you have to be kissing someone else while the other person watches?" The host asked us.

"It's weird. It's definitely really weird and awkward. I'm always kind of thinking like am I cheating or does this not count? We've both agreed it doesn't count cause it's for work, as weird as that sounds. Cause like if it was any other profession it would be weird to kiss someone who isn't your fiancé for work. But we know this is just for the movie and it doesn't mean anything whenever we kiss someone else." I answered in between bites of my chicken wing.

"Yeah, like in the beginning it was so awkward and weird because we didn't want to ruin our relationship by kissing other people even if it was for a movie. We both had our fair share of jealously. (Y/n) asked if we could kiss whenever we needed to kiss our on screen parters and the editors could just CGI us in when needed but Kevin Feige shut that down quickly. Paul is very considerate about mine and (Y/n)'s relationship and he always just does what he's supposed to and tries to get it done fast. And Scarlett does the same thing with (Y/n) whenever they have scenes together." Liz added.

"And what's it like for this project to be starring in it and producing it? That's a big jump from what you normally do." The host wondered. "The understanding of the ridiculous amount of money that goes into things and the people should like really care and be kind and good. Like in those situations because like you should be ashamed of yourself if you show up to work and you know like everything that the heads of department had to go through and all the preparation, all the time and energy and approval and then to like show up and not know what you're doing I think is just really disrespectful and rude and I think I've already had the mentality." Lizzie explained.

"I loved producing. Everything from creating a crew to like sound mixing and color corrections I just really enjoyed that." She added. The host then looked at me and kinda motioned for me to say something.

"What she said." I mumbled while fixing my watch. "Are you ready to move on to the next wing?" The host asked us both.

"Yeah." I gave a thumbs up. It's like a clear sauce!" Lizzie announced. "Well until you shake it up. It's like it's activated." The host explained while we each took a bottle and shook it up. "Oh cool." Lizzie mumbled while shaking it.

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